Dink woke up because someone tickled her nose. Dink opened her eyes and saw a thin ray of sunshine which penetrated due to loose zadёrnutoy window drapes.
- Hello! - Said the Sunbeam. - Wake up, sluggard.
- I do not sluggard! - Angrily said Dink. - See, I'm lying on my back.
Ray laughed again Dink tickled his nose.
- Hooligan! - Said Dink and turned on her side, her back to the window.
Then became a ray of warm her ear.
- Ouch! .. - Said Dink, sat up in bed and began to feel their ears. The left ear was as ear - cold, but the rule was hot, and probably very red.
- Here you go! - Upset Dink. - Where am I now with different ears ?!
Ray did not answer. Dink turned. Ray, comfortably curled up, lying on her pillow.
- Oh, you sly dog! - Angry Dink. - It's you I specifically drove pillows, lie to yourself!
- I briefly - has become a ray of excuses. - Only five minutochek. You know how tired I am of the morning! So many things have altered!
- This is what these things? - Asked suspiciously Dink.
- Well, of course! - Said ray and began to bend invisible fingers: - Firstly, I gilded tops of poplars. Secondly, I was awakened by birds. Thirdly, I lit a rainbow in the fountains watering machine. Well, the most difficult - I drove the fog from the lawn near the pond. You know what it was heavy and lazy! Did not want to crawl! Here! - Even a little ray of breath, listing all their achievements.
- Well, - said Dink. - Then, indeed, lie down and rest. All the same, I have to ... well, in one place ... Only you without me will not go away! Okay? I quickly! ..
She jumped out of bed and zashlёpala bare feet in the corridor ...
The apartment was quiet. Dink looked into the bedroom to the parents - the room was empty, the bed was neatly made.
"It is strange - thought Dink. - Where is everyone? And why no one woke me? .. Very strange ... »
When she returned to her room - ray of the pillow was not.
Here you go! - Upset Dink. - Out ... Do not wait ».
She went to the window, drew back the curtain and even took a step back - one hundred thousand zillion Sunbeam rushed to the window, jumped on the floor and on the walls, reflected in a mirror, danced on the ceiling, lit a goldfish in an aquarium.
- Hello !!! - They shouted excitedly. - And here we are !!! How cool !!! Yay !!! Summer !!! ..
- Summer! - Dink and gasped, clutching his palms over her cheeks, jumped for joy around the room on one leg. - Summer! Summer! Summer! How could I forget ?! CA-NO-KU-ly !!! ..
© V. Yurinov
PS: Yes, I fundamentally do not spread copy-paste, but I can not share this wonderful little story from my friend. ) I hope you, too, he will cheer up.)
- Hello! - Said the Sunbeam. - Wake up, sluggard.
- I do not sluggard! - Angrily said Dink. - See, I'm lying on my back.
Ray laughed again Dink tickled his nose.
- Hooligan! - Said Dink and turned on her side, her back to the window.
Then became a ray of warm her ear.
- Ouch! .. - Said Dink, sat up in bed and began to feel their ears. The left ear was as ear - cold, but the rule was hot, and probably very red.
- Here you go! - Upset Dink. - Where am I now with different ears ?!
Ray did not answer. Dink turned. Ray, comfortably curled up, lying on her pillow.
- Oh, you sly dog! - Angry Dink. - It's you I specifically drove pillows, lie to yourself!
- I briefly - has become a ray of excuses. - Only five minutochek. You know how tired I am of the morning! So many things have altered!
- This is what these things? - Asked suspiciously Dink.
- Well, of course! - Said ray and began to bend invisible fingers: - Firstly, I gilded tops of poplars. Secondly, I was awakened by birds. Thirdly, I lit a rainbow in the fountains watering machine. Well, the most difficult - I drove the fog from the lawn near the pond. You know what it was heavy and lazy! Did not want to crawl! Here! - Even a little ray of breath, listing all their achievements.
- Well, - said Dink. - Then, indeed, lie down and rest. All the same, I have to ... well, in one place ... Only you without me will not go away! Okay? I quickly! ..
She jumped out of bed and zashlёpala bare feet in the corridor ...
The apartment was quiet. Dink looked into the bedroom to the parents - the room was empty, the bed was neatly made.
"It is strange - thought Dink. - Where is everyone? And why no one woke me? .. Very strange ... »
When she returned to her room - ray of the pillow was not.
Here you go! - Upset Dink. - Out ... Do not wait ».
She went to the window, drew back the curtain and even took a step back - one hundred thousand zillion Sunbeam rushed to the window, jumped on the floor and on the walls, reflected in a mirror, danced on the ceiling, lit a goldfish in an aquarium.
- Hello !!! - They shouted excitedly. - And here we are !!! How cool !!! Yay !!! Summer !!! ..
- Summer! - Dink and gasped, clutching his palms over her cheeks, jumped for joy around the room on one leg. - Summer! Summer! Summer! How could I forget ?! CA-NO-KU-ly !!! ..
© V. Yurinov
PS: Yes, I fundamentally do not spread copy-paste, but I can not share this wonderful little story from my friend. ) I hope you, too, he will cheer up.)