Accurate video model of the Universe evolution: Illustris (+ model of galaxy birth and the end of the universe)

The team of astrophysicists from Cambridge was able to create a sufficiently accurate model of the evolution of the universe, from the birth, the Big Bang. It should be noted that to develop such a model using fixed (albeit powerful) PC - almost impossible. The fact that scientists have accumulated a wealth of factual material about the birth of the universe, so count it all - it is many thousands of years (to use a stationary PC).
Fortunately, astrophysicists have access to more powerful machines than a home computer. In general, all data were processed on a system with eight thousand processors. And then, the development of such a model took about five years. The project was named Illustris.
In the simulation took into account almost all the currently known facts and data, including dark matter, ordinary matter, dark energy, and everything else that we, the layman, it is difficult to understand and grasp.
The model Illustris counted about 40 thousand galaxies, on a plot of 350 million light years away. Similar models were created before, but Illustris - the most accurate and up-scale.
By the way, Here is another model, this time, not the birth of the universe, and the Galaxy
The model considered the option of a small galaxy gas cloud (small - on a cosmic scale), which is faced with similar objects, gradually developing in the cloud gradually comes the birth of stars and the cloud itself is transformed into a structured education galaxy.
And finally, today I caught the eye of video-end model of the universe , created Joe Hanson . This video can not be considered an accurate model, but as a popular scientific view of material costs.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222959/