Spaceport in Truth-of Consequences
If you literally translate the name of this town in the US state of New Mexico, you get a rather unusual "Truth or Consequences". In view of the adjacent first commercial spaceport, ambiguous name.
Spaceport in Truth-of Consequences built by the famous billionaire Charles Branson, «Virgin Galactic», offering suborbital space flights for $ 250,000. To date, the number of tickets sold is approaching the mark of seven hundred. In addition to commercial travel, Spaceport offers developers in astronautics. Residents of the town are hoping for continued development of the spaceport, to enable them to earn good for tourists. Your attention photo essay photographer Lucy Nicholson (Lucy Nicholson), who visited in this unusual town.
Spaceport in Truth-of Consequences built by the famous billionaire Charles Branson, «Virgin Galactic», offering suborbital space flights for $ 250,000. To date, the number of tickets sold is approaching the mark of seven hundred. In addition to commercial travel, Spaceport offers developers in astronautics. Residents of the town are hoping for continued development of the spaceport, to enable them to earn good for tourists. Your attention photo essay photographer Lucy Nicholson (Lucy Nicholson), who visited in this unusual town.