Synthesis of 2 - Domestic clone ZX-Spectrum
Making cleaning in the village at the recent weekend, found in deposits of the attic proud creation of Soviet engineers electronics - "gaming computer" Synthesis of 2 ".
Without another thought, it was decided to immediately remove it from this wild place and see what he can do at work. Who are interested in the process of starting a clickable antiques and additional photos - ask a cat.
A bit of theory h4> Series computers "Synthesis" (yes, there were a few, but more on that later) - is nothing but another clone of ZX Spectrum computers based on the chip Z80A with clock frequency of 3, 5MHz 48 KB of RAM and 16K ROM 8 colors with a resolution of 256x192 be completed, in addition to the operating instructions and a small handbook on the built Basic'u power supply that converts 220V AC to 5V DC 1A, cable set connect to the tape recorder and the TV, and depending on the configuration, a joystick.
Computer us look around on all sides h5> back panel. From left to right: power supply jack, jack TV button "Reset", a jack for a tape recorder, and joysticks. I>
Preparing to Run h4> But still, back to the main goal - to start the computer.
Let it run! H4> Making sure that everything works - try to download some classic toys. Since the cassette, and the more tapes with programs for the Spectrum was not available - as the sound source with the game took a netbook and softinu for playback * .tap files - wnTZX.
Conclusion h4> Surprisingly, the computer supports fully working condition to this day. The keyboard is quite worn out, the keys are pressed with almost no effort, but that works!

Without another thought, it was decided to immediately remove it from this wild place and see what he can do at work. Who are interested in the process of starting a clickable antiques and additional photos - ask a cat.
A bit of theory h4> Series computers "Synthesis" (yes, there were a few, but more on that later) - is nothing but another clone of ZX Spectrum computers based on the chip Z80A with clock frequency of 3, 5MHz 48 KB of RAM and 16K ROM 8 colors with a resolution of 256x192 be completed, in addition to the operating instructions and a small handbook on the built Basic'u power supply that converts 220V AC to 5V DC 1A, cable set connect to the tape recorder and the TV, and depending on the configuration, a joystick.
Computer us look around on all sides h5> back panel. From left to right: power supply jack, jack TV button "Reset", a jack for a tape recorder, and joysticks. I>
The label on the bottom panel: i>
«Under the hood»: i>
Preparing to Run h4> But still, back to the main goal - to start the computer.
Turn it into a wall outlet and connect to the power supply front panel LED light. Food is - gives hope that the PC is running. However, to make sure it would be necessary to connect at least to the TV. Wires with pyatishtyrkovoy (Tape) and seven pin (for TV) stick forks now virtually nowhere, so Google has been found Page , where they were given the wiring diagrams on the SCART video cable and an audio cable to the two usual 3, 5 Jack'a.
Once a reservation - soldered all the instructions from there did not work absolutely nothing: the image represents the white streaks across the screen, and from the TV speakers came the unpleasant wheezing. Not losing hope looking for the original scheme of the computer looking at you can see that the destination pin sockets TV and VCR are different from those shown on the site. Well, apparently we have a different modification.
The concept of computer "Synthesis» i>
Without going into the details of the scheme will bring a modified soldering on SCART and Jack cables specifically for this modification:
Want to pay attention on the resistance of 200 ohms per channel synchronization deviation even 100 OM from nominal resulting in loss of color images.
Let it run! H4> Making sure that everything works - try to download some classic toys. Since the cassette, and the more tapes with programs for the Spectrum was not available - as the sound source with the game took a netbook and softinu for playback * .tap files - wnTZX.
It looked very ironic - PC 1993 release of downloading software from your computer, thousands of times more powerful than him. Introduce all familiar LOAD "", click "Enter", and includes playback ... but anyone interested in the process - this is a video downloading and small letspleem in the good old Space Raiders:
Conclusion h4> Surprisingly, the computer supports fully working condition to this day. The keyboard is quite worn out, the keys are pressed with almost no effort, but that works!
Running a few more toys we finished our work with this PC. Now his place - in the museum.
Finally - one more photo loading screen:
Such is he - Domestic Spectrum.
Thank you.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222569/
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