Explosive whale scares residents of Canadian town

Residents of a small coastal town of Trout River in eastern Canada are in a panic. All because of a giant 25-meter blue whale washed ashore recently, writes Daily Mail. Carcass marine life is so swollen that seems about to burst that way sometimes. On top of that decaying whale emits a terrible odor.

"We are very afraid that he suddenly explode and hurt someone," - he expressed concern about one of the residents of the city.

However, experts believe that the risk is minimal. "In the process of expansion of the outer covers of China lost its integrity and it just blown away," - said the researcher at the Canadian Department of Fisheries Jack Lawson. Keith may explode only if someone tries to pierce it, said the biologist. This is what happened in November 2013, when the corpse of a sperm whale exploded in the Faroe Islands, nearly killing an employee of a local museum.
Source: mirfactov.com/