New sore Obama
Not long ago, the media reported about the future of nuclear tests in North Korea. It is clear that most excited the United States and South Korea. Especially since rumors appeared on the eve of Barack Obama's visit to Seoul.
As a rule, the total Alert occurs after a small perturbation in the form of information to anonymous sources who report that they had seen an active movement of vehicles on the North Korean military range. And military experts question arises: "Berimora, and what kind of light rushes through the swamp?".
These "lights on the marshes" are interpreted as the excess of US aggression, not to mention the maneuvers of Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine, which is directly perceived as being an invasion of a sovereign state. And we only have the engines warmed tanks, and we have been accused of unleashing a third world. US only manages to give out labels of "militant of the country", thereby inciting the factual basis for its military budget.
In recent years, total costs of many countries in defense amounted to a large sum - 1, 75 trillion dollars.
No one would ever think to blame the US for that. But the US - the unconditional leader in military spending over the past year (640 billion dollars). Although, of course, the United States in recent years have reduced their spending on military affairs compared to previous years. The reasons for reducing military spending by Washington was the completion of the military operation in Iraq, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the military budget spending cuts. However, given the recent Ukrainian events, it is possible that costs Americans at the military sector will rise again soon.
The second largest military expenditure in 2013 took China to spend on the purchase of arms and military equipment, the development of new types of weapons and national security of 188, 5 billion dollars. Compared with 2012, the figure increased by 7, 4%. And each year, China is beginning to increasingly affect the world's political and military processes and today acts as a center of power in the Asia-Pacific region. In parallel with the building of political power, and it increases military spending. For comparison, in 2011 China spent for military purposes 147, $ 3 billion in 2012, the same - 159, $ 6 billion.
Officially, Beijing has declared that he intends to bring the rate of military spending to 170 billion dollars by 2017.
Russia in 2013th ranked third for investments in military equipment. According to SIPRI, last year's military spending was spent 87, 8 billion dollars.
GDP and military expenditure leading defense spending in 2013 PPP
Compared with 2012, the figure increased by 5%. Oddly enough, now we have to invest seriously in the most peaceful (so to speak) weapons. For example, last year the company focused radioeletronnymi technology, known as KRET, gave the armed forces 10 complexes EW "Krasuha-4." "Krasuha" is intended for the production of active interference, and effectively prevents the radar of various aircraft, including aircraft Airborne Early Warning and Control.
Recently KRET leadership held a meeting on the Stavropol plant "Signal". It was also announced that total revenue KRETa rose 16, 6 billion rubles to 77 rubles per 1 billion last year. And you thought that our military factories earn as much?
Many other "peaceful" but effective KRETovskih development also fell in the service of the motherland. Among the most significant achievements of the past year - the delivery of new systems of electronic warfare (EW) family "Khibiny" multipurpose jammers "Mercury-BM" aircraft and helicopter complexes of individual protection of the family "Vitebsk". And in this case to accuse the government in strengthening its defense capability - is nonsense, given that Reby certainly dangers to civilians of the planet are not, although able to effectively knock out the enemy's equipment failure.
Unbelievable but true - the 4th place among the leaders in defense spending ranked Saudi Arabia, displacing of the five UK. At the end of 2013, Saudi Arabia increased its military spending by as much as 14% - to 66, 9 billion. 4 years ago in the wake of rising tensions around Iran's nuclear program and Western plans to deploy a military operation in the region, the government embarked on a serious program of rearmament. And, in particular, Riyadh signed with US companies a number of contracts for the supply of arms and military equipment. The total cost of these agreements amounted to about $ 60 billion. Deliveries under these contracts will be carried neither more nor less - 25 years.
Rounding out the top five France, which on the contrary has reduced its military spending by as much as four per cent - to 61, $ 2 billion. French military expenditures have been cut due to the large-scale program to reduce the expenditures of the state budget. In general, the whole of Europe and North America, and today continue to feel the effects of the global financial and economic crisis of 2008, to deal with that in 2008-2010, spent huge amounts of money to create new jobs, support the banking system, promoting international trade and deterrence inflation.
In any case, North Korea in five of the most "expensive" for the military part of the countries not included. And fears of States, of course, caused by increased eludes and independent territory. As already shown East Ukrainian events, the United States does not tolerate competition and strong contenders - the last 25 years is too sweet to feel a leader in matters of geopolitics. And, it seems, on the background of what is happening right now all the new helicopter in the ranks of the North Korean army will be positioned States as a threat to world stability.
As a rule, the total Alert occurs after a small perturbation in the form of information to anonymous sources who report that they had seen an active movement of vehicles on the North Korean military range. And military experts question arises: "Berimora, and what kind of light rushes through the swamp?".
These "lights on the marshes" are interpreted as the excess of US aggression, not to mention the maneuvers of Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine, which is directly perceived as being an invasion of a sovereign state. And we only have the engines warmed tanks, and we have been accused of unleashing a third world. US only manages to give out labels of "militant of the country", thereby inciting the factual basis for its military budget.
In recent years, total costs of many countries in defense amounted to a large sum - 1, 75 trillion dollars.

No one would ever think to blame the US for that. But the US - the unconditional leader in military spending over the past year (640 billion dollars). Although, of course, the United States in recent years have reduced their spending on military affairs compared to previous years. The reasons for reducing military spending by Washington was the completion of the military operation in Iraq, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the military budget spending cuts. However, given the recent Ukrainian events, it is possible that costs Americans at the military sector will rise again soon.

The second largest military expenditure in 2013 took China to spend on the purchase of arms and military equipment, the development of new types of weapons and national security of 188, 5 billion dollars. Compared with 2012, the figure increased by 7, 4%. And each year, China is beginning to increasingly affect the world's political and military processes and today acts as a center of power in the Asia-Pacific region. In parallel with the building of political power, and it increases military spending. For comparison, in 2011 China spent for military purposes 147, $ 3 billion in 2012, the same - 159, $ 6 billion.

Officially, Beijing has declared that he intends to bring the rate of military spending to 170 billion dollars by 2017.

Russia in 2013th ranked third for investments in military equipment. According to SIPRI, last year's military spending was spent 87, 8 billion dollars.
GDP and military expenditure leading defense spending in 2013 PPP

Compared with 2012, the figure increased by 5%. Oddly enough, now we have to invest seriously in the most peaceful (so to speak) weapons. For example, last year the company focused radioeletronnymi technology, known as KRET, gave the armed forces 10 complexes EW "Krasuha-4." "Krasuha" is intended for the production of active interference, and effectively prevents the radar of various aircraft, including aircraft Airborne Early Warning and Control.
Recently KRET leadership held a meeting on the Stavropol plant "Signal". It was also announced that total revenue KRETa rose 16, 6 billion rubles to 77 rubles per 1 billion last year. And you thought that our military factories earn as much?

Many other "peaceful" but effective KRETovskih development also fell in the service of the motherland. Among the most significant achievements of the past year - the delivery of new systems of electronic warfare (EW) family "Khibiny" multipurpose jammers "Mercury-BM" aircraft and helicopter complexes of individual protection of the family "Vitebsk". And in this case to accuse the government in strengthening its defense capability - is nonsense, given that Reby certainly dangers to civilians of the planet are not, although able to effectively knock out the enemy's equipment failure.

Unbelievable but true - the 4th place among the leaders in defense spending ranked Saudi Arabia, displacing of the five UK. At the end of 2013, Saudi Arabia increased its military spending by as much as 14% - to 66, 9 billion. 4 years ago in the wake of rising tensions around Iran's nuclear program and Western plans to deploy a military operation in the region, the government embarked on a serious program of rearmament. And, in particular, Riyadh signed with US companies a number of contracts for the supply of arms and military equipment. The total cost of these agreements amounted to about $ 60 billion. Deliveries under these contracts will be carried neither more nor less - 25 years.

Rounding out the top five France, which on the contrary has reduced its military spending by as much as four per cent - to 61, $ 2 billion. French military expenditures have been cut due to the large-scale program to reduce the expenditures of the state budget. In general, the whole of Europe and North America, and today continue to feel the effects of the global financial and economic crisis of 2008, to deal with that in 2008-2010, spent huge amounts of money to create new jobs, support the banking system, promoting international trade and deterrence inflation.

In any case, North Korea in five of the most "expensive" for the military part of the countries not included. And fears of States, of course, caused by increased eludes and independent territory. As already shown East Ukrainian events, the United States does not tolerate competition and strong contenders - the last 25 years is too sweet to feel a leader in matters of geopolitics. And, it seems, on the background of what is happening right now all the new helicopter in the ranks of the North Korean army will be positioned States as a threat to world stability.

Rating Blackwater contractors on the combat capability of the military from different countries (9 photos)
Chandelier from bottles & crafts etc.