Star who played fairy princess

In a playful adaptation of Grimm's fairy tales - "Mirror Mirror" - Lily Collins got not only obnoxious stepmother played by Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer and as a handsome prince. Lily she coped with the role of great embody the image at the same time touching and brave fairy princess. However, it is impossible not to mention the resemblance Lily Disney prototype.

Lily Collins in the image of Snow White

Shot from the cartoon "Snow White»

Another variation on the theme, but with minor notes, in the film "Snow White and the Huntsman." Kristen Stewart in this adaptation of practically played Joan of Arc. Image militant Snow White is different from the image created by Lily Collins.

Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman»

"Maleficent" - an alternative to the well-known fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". In the role of a villain - Angelina Jolie. In the role of the young beauty Aurora - 16 letnayaya Elle Fanning.

Elle Fanning in the movie "Maleficent»

Still from the animated film "Sleeping Beauty»

Tale of the beautiful Belle and terrible, but good monster, has long since become a favorite, both adults and children. In the new film adaptation of the old story, of course, told in a new way. In the male lead - a charming Vincent Cassel, in the female - a charming Léa Seydoux.

Still from the animated film "Beauty and the Beast»

Following the films of Belle and Snow White, in 2015 there is a film about Cinderella. Play hard-working and good-natured girl actress Lily James, best known for the TV series "Downton Abbey." Wicked stepmother play Cate Blanchett.

"The film tells about the adventures of a young girl named Ella. Ella's father dies and she is left alone with the greedy and envious new relatives. Of the mistress of the house, she turns to her maid, stained ash, for which he received the nickname - Cinderella ».
Incidentally, the role of Cinderella considered Saoirse Ronan, Imogen Poots, Emma Watson and Gabriella Wilde.

Shot from the cartoon "Cinderella»

Jamie Chung in the series "Once Upon a Time." To the big screen heroine of "Mulan" has not yet been reached, but for a small image of her perfectly embodies Korean Jamie Chung.
Jamie Chung in the image of Mulan in the series "Once Upon a Time»

Still from the animated film "Mulan»

K'Orianka Kilcher in the film "New World". The main thing in the film - is, of course, touching love story between researcher John Smith and Pocahontas beautiful. John Smith played Colin Farrell. K'Orianka Kilcher played Pocahontas is so great, what can rightly be considered the "pearl" of the film.

Still from the film "The New World»
Shot from the cartoon "Pocahontas»

Play Mermaid actress Daryl Hannah happened in the movie "Splash". Partner set Daryl became Tom Hanks. Daryl itself successfully embodies the delicate, touching and vulnerable Mermaid.

Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks in the movie "Splash»

Shot from the cartoon "The Little Mermaid»

Source: vev.ru