Collection of the best design in April

Chinese architect and designer Ruan Hao introduced the original invention CATable - paradise for cats and a work desk.

Sleeping bag Bear
This sleeping bag in the shape of a bear came up with a designer from the Netherlands Eiko Ishizawa. Very useful in the campaign - you can pull the nerves too noisy tourists and not only them.

Lighting bird

Design studio from Belarus fajnodesign created just such a lovely series of lamps and fixtures in the form of birds. Playful and at the same time sleek design can decorate as a vacation home and apartment space.

Set of chocolate ... the planets
This collection Planetary Chocolate from the Japanese company «L'éclat» will be a good gift to those who are somehow connected with the cosmos, or simply those who love good and beautiful chocolate.

Pillow souffle
Inflatable Pillow-harmonica from the studio Bina Baitel useful both at home and when traveling. Run the built-in pump system is a remote control.


Japanese designer and self-taught artist Jiro Miura (Jiro Miura), has developed an impressive series of rings depicting various animals, which has become extremely popular.

Mirror for self

IStrategyLabs company has developed a device that combines the two main elements to Self: the camera and the mirror.

Café Camera
In the South Korean countryside, just ten kilometers from Seoul, the unique structure located cafe, which allows visitors to go inside a classic camera Rolleiflex.

Printer pocket
Finally solved the problem of those who forget to print out important documents in advance and at the last minute running around the city in search of the printer. This device is an Israeli company Zuta Labs can wear them, because it weighs 300 grams and fits in your bag or even in your pocket. Take with a USB-cable is not required: the robot printer connects to a computer, laptop or tablet using Bluetooth. Cartridge lasts for about 1000 A4 pages and charge printer - a little more than an hour.

Gadget to save posture

Chinese student Xiang Renkay invented a gadget for storing posture. Attached to the collar or lapel, it transmits the data via Bluetooth to the user's position in the space on the iPhone. Where they are analyzed, and if the owner of the device is sitting, leaning too far forward, it begins to vibrate.

Bamboo amplifier
Designers Koh Onozawa and Franz Ignacio adapted by natural bamboo trunk amplifier. Loudbasstard has neither the speaker nor the electronic filling or batteries. Passive acoustics designed for amplification of small rooms. Each amplifier is cut and painted by hand. The device is compatible with any smartphone equipped with its own dynamics.

Air-holders for tablets

Dutch designer Koen Vorst developed a model of pillows, serving holder for 10-inch tablets. They are held in the cushions with two horizontal bands of tissue, covers a gadget like a frame. Bright accessories make comfortable any process connected with your favorite gadgets: whether checking email, reading a book or watching a movie.

3D-sticker on a garage

Motorists will surely be interested in this topic. Using three-dimensional stickers can be distinguished among his garage gates faceless and the same type. Well, the neighbors will envy.

Attractions in the glass

Who needs ordinary ice cubes when cool drink can be iconic landmarks! The Japanese company Suntory, together with TBWA \ Hakuhodo has added a brand of whiskey glasses with unusual ice pieces made using 3D - milling.

Glowing Rubik's Cube
Glowing Rubik's cube - a toy, and a nightlight in a single model. Each side of the cube is 12 centimeters. Through colored plastic, the product glow in different colors. Built-in battery runs for 2 hours without recharging. During this time, according to the manufacturer, it is possible not only to collect the Rubik's cube, but with a book in his light.

Bitten cutlery
Table service from the company «Mark A. Reigelman II» Silver looks like instruments someone took a bite, and repeatedly. But it was created to remind the public about the problems of hunger and obesity.

Portable badminton court
How to turn any place in the present field of badminton? Please - here's a portable court. The set: 4 rackets, two birdies and nylon mesh, which can be easily adjusted and extended in width and height, to play badminton could and children. After the game, everything is going in a small but roomy carrying case; the weight of the entire set - 4 kg.

Source: www.adme.ru