Hermit Lake Khantayskoye
Lake Khantayskoye Hello! Hello Vladimir Protasov! Seven years have passed since we met. And a meeting was brief. They looked here for half an hour, then still in the first Putoransky expedition. So naturally, the master database does not remember me. But normally I met, despite the peculiarities of his character and way of life. The base is located at the mouth Kutaramakan, on a wide and flat sandy area. Golf and bordering the rivers and lakes. Here and lives Hantayskom hermit. Why should not I stay here a few days. Plots for enough. Yes, and the owner did not seem to object.
Will 13 ph and text.
In this hut and lived a hermit Hantayskom.
Amazing all the same person. Now, I got to know him in more detail. And my first impression only confirmed. At the time of my second visit, it was approaching the age of fifty years. Once he graduated with honors from the biological faculty of Tomsk State University, the specialty - an ichthyologist. So an educated and well-read man hard to find even in the big cities, in the very depths of civilization. And it lives on the edge of the world, away from the people for twenty years. For a long time with him was teammate. However, they fished and engaged in hunting. But then his friend went to live in the village.
In a small, but cozy cabin Volodya Protasov all the shelves are filled with books. And where is quite rare books - on the subject of philosophy, history, religion, and other natural sciences. There are serious literature. I suspect that he writes something. The whole surrounding area is also bears the stamp of its owner. Everything is perfectly clean. Artificially planted chamomile flowers, currant bushes with berries uncharacteristically huge, indicating that appropriate care. Only need to walk along the paths, or inadvertently zatopchesh some larch sapling. True, they are marked by special sticks around.
From thin trunks of larches complicated chic toilet. And even a small smokehouse, where ever smoked fish. Cancel, I must say it is the quality of his work. But Volodya did not like to cook. He tries to simplify this process. Bath And, unfortunately, not as good as one would expect. But the main thing - it is his attitude toward people. No, he reacted quite favorably to my visit and was willing to tolerate my presence for a long time. But it seems all the same people they are prevented. Rare in its territory a visitor may inadvertently step on a daisy or a seedling, do not go down the path.
It seemed to me that he sees all of humanity as something foreign in nature. He considers it primarily as a biological population. Moreover, even as the population, the number of individuals which has long exceeded acceptable limits.
- "People, even more than the sable in the forest!" - That sort of thing were his statements.
- "Least successful, in terms of physiology or morality, the human species should die without regret. In these principles is the possibility of the survival of civilization. And it is the way the world that genius and evil are much more consistent than the genius and goodness ».
Here is an outlook in humans. But the owner of the site, in fact, a person is not aggressive. He simply withdrew from the world, which does not suit him. But I must say that the locals, who occasionally I stop him, not favor local hermit. Besides, now it is put to the position of forester. And in his department quite a large area, up to the base of Oleg Begletsov. Here Volodya quite active, and it happens that impose prohibitive sanctions for activities of individuals or organizations. A river Kutaramakan and just trying not to let anyone. That is the key to preserving its resources.
At the same lake, but on the other side of the river mouth Kutaramakan, five kilometers from the Protasovskoy base, in recent years there was a construction camp site. It had a hand in "Gazprom". And the scale of construction corresponds to the power of this structure. Money, it seems, is not enough left. But something has changed, something did not happen. Maybe some people have changed others. But construction was halted. Now there is a conversation about the re-exportation of all that you can. These builders also got a bit of Protasov for unauthorized logging.
Protasovskaya base is located on a flat, sandy area near the mouth of the cape. And right over her sheer cliff stands a small mountain range called Bogaryche. At this point it is very similar to the underlying stone sphinx, detached observer and majestically from the height of his gigantic stature the bustle and the impermanence of all the world. But time, wind, water and sun can even change its shape. And who knows, maybe in a million years, the Sphinx simply cease to contemplate and become a bird yearning for the stars. What is inexplicable, was a subtle connection between this stone giant and the little man Volodya Protasov - the owner of the territory.
Not so long ago, in the life of Protasov was a significant event. In the exchange of experience between forests of Russia and the United States was able to visit him in America. At home, he also took American counterparts. Of course, in his stories, this part of his life took a lot of attention ...
In the yard.
Near a small lake inside.
This currant bush Volodya raised himself.
Mushrooms grow here too.
Vladimir does not like to be photographed.
Cooking Volodya does not like fish but he gets excellent.
Smokehouse he occupies an important place.
A smoked fish Volodya was a miracle.
Protasov owner here, not bears.
Sphinx Bogaryche.
Posted in [mergetime] 1398622065 [/ mergetime]
Will 13 ph and text.

In this hut and lived a hermit Hantayskom.
Amazing all the same person. Now, I got to know him in more detail. And my first impression only confirmed. At the time of my second visit, it was approaching the age of fifty years. Once he graduated with honors from the biological faculty of Tomsk State University, the specialty - an ichthyologist. So an educated and well-read man hard to find even in the big cities, in the very depths of civilization. And it lives on the edge of the world, away from the people for twenty years. For a long time with him was teammate. However, they fished and engaged in hunting. But then his friend went to live in the village.
In a small, but cozy cabin Volodya Protasov all the shelves are filled with books. And where is quite rare books - on the subject of philosophy, history, religion, and other natural sciences. There are serious literature. I suspect that he writes something. The whole surrounding area is also bears the stamp of its owner. Everything is perfectly clean. Artificially planted chamomile flowers, currant bushes with berries uncharacteristically huge, indicating that appropriate care. Only need to walk along the paths, or inadvertently zatopchesh some larch sapling. True, they are marked by special sticks around.
From thin trunks of larches complicated chic toilet. And even a small smokehouse, where ever smoked fish. Cancel, I must say it is the quality of his work. But Volodya did not like to cook. He tries to simplify this process. Bath And, unfortunately, not as good as one would expect. But the main thing - it is his attitude toward people. No, he reacted quite favorably to my visit and was willing to tolerate my presence for a long time. But it seems all the same people they are prevented. Rare in its territory a visitor may inadvertently step on a daisy or a seedling, do not go down the path.
It seemed to me that he sees all of humanity as something foreign in nature. He considers it primarily as a biological population. Moreover, even as the population, the number of individuals which has long exceeded acceptable limits.
- "People, even more than the sable in the forest!" - That sort of thing were his statements.
- "Least successful, in terms of physiology or morality, the human species should die without regret. In these principles is the possibility of the survival of civilization. And it is the way the world that genius and evil are much more consistent than the genius and goodness ».
Here is an outlook in humans. But the owner of the site, in fact, a person is not aggressive. He simply withdrew from the world, which does not suit him. But I must say that the locals, who occasionally I stop him, not favor local hermit. Besides, now it is put to the position of forester. And in his department quite a large area, up to the base of Oleg Begletsov. Here Volodya quite active, and it happens that impose prohibitive sanctions for activities of individuals or organizations. A river Kutaramakan and just trying not to let anyone. That is the key to preserving its resources.
At the same lake, but on the other side of the river mouth Kutaramakan, five kilometers from the Protasovskoy base, in recent years there was a construction camp site. It had a hand in "Gazprom". And the scale of construction corresponds to the power of this structure. Money, it seems, is not enough left. But something has changed, something did not happen. Maybe some people have changed others. But construction was halted. Now there is a conversation about the re-exportation of all that you can. These builders also got a bit of Protasov for unauthorized logging.
Protasovskaya base is located on a flat, sandy area near the mouth of the cape. And right over her sheer cliff stands a small mountain range called Bogaryche. At this point it is very similar to the underlying stone sphinx, detached observer and majestically from the height of his gigantic stature the bustle and the impermanence of all the world. But time, wind, water and sun can even change its shape. And who knows, maybe in a million years, the Sphinx simply cease to contemplate and become a bird yearning for the stars. What is inexplicable, was a subtle connection between this stone giant and the little man Volodya Protasov - the owner of the territory.
Not so long ago, in the life of Protasov was a significant event. In the exchange of experience between forests of Russia and the United States was able to visit him in America. At home, he also took American counterparts. Of course, in his stories, this part of his life took a lot of attention ...
In the yard.

Near a small lake inside.

This currant bush Volodya raised himself.

Mushrooms grow here too.


Vladimir does not like to be photographed.


Cooking Volodya does not like fish but he gets excellent.

Smokehouse he occupies an important place.

A smoked fish Volodya was a miracle.

Protasov owner here, not bears.

Sphinx Bogaryche.
Posted in [mergetime] 1398622065 [/ mergetime]
