How to recognize a stroke. Read yourself - tell a friend.

As it happens: While enjoying the outdoors woman fell - but assured everyone that everything is fine with her (friends insisted on calling the ambulance) and she just stumbled on a stone, because not used to new shoes. Friends helped her shake and handed a plate of food ... And in the evening called her husband and said that his wife was in the hospital. At 6 o'clock in the evening she died. If her friends knew ... If the victim within 3 hours to a hospital, - the consequences of stroke can be eliminated completely!

Three main reception recognition of stroke symptoms (SLM)
Do - Ask the victim to smile.
W - Ask the plug conspiracy. Ask utter a simple sentence. Connected. For example, "the sun is shining»
P - Ask him to raise both arms.
Another way to recognize a stroke in addition to the above: ask the victim stick his tongue.
If the language or irregular curve and sinks to one side or the other, it is also a sign of a stroke.
If you checked the victim's problem with some of the tasks, immediately call an ambulance!

Doctors assure that everyone who will send it 10 people can be sure that one life he saved.
Easy inadequate - this is not a bad dream, change the accent - no problems with the jaw. Call an ambulance, spit on decency! Fractures internal resistance! Every minute takes a piece of the brain and the personality of your loved one! Manage to believe in a terrible, after all - than to deceive ourselves.
Remember this post if one day there will even be a small suspicion.