About combat losses of the Red Army during World War II
Soon it will come, perhaps the greatest of our holiday - Victory Day. This is another reason to remember the difficult time and to honor the memory of our great grandfathers defended their country and liberated Europe, which gave us the opportunity to live and burn often their meaningless lives in our glamorous consumer world, not allowed the Nazis to realize the plan Ost in the territories who is now Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic countries.
Unfortunately, of the great war there are now many myths invented by our enemies, since the second half of the eighties, the media and distributed imposed theaters. One of the most vile myth - a myth about the alleged huge losses fighting the Red Army, compared to the losses of the Wehrmacht. In liberal sources often have to read and see the judgments of the Russian losses, ten times greater than the loss of the Germans, on the Red Army commander who drove the soldiers to be slaughtered, and that the war we won only a number, throwing the enemy corpses, against the wishes of our military and political leadership of the country. About alleged microscopic Germany attacked the Soviet Union with a huge endless human and industrial resources and advance obrёkshey yourselves to perdition. About the German Gunners supposedly went crazy with the huge number of beveled Russian soldiers marching to the guns on the orders of the officers stupid and voluntarily replenishing their bodies piles of corpses. If you look, for example, films Mikhalkov's "Anticipation" or "Citadel", then there goes all that red line.
In fact it is a heinous lie.
Let's start with the fact that excellence in human resources of the USSR at the beginning of the war did not have. If you compare the population of Germany and the Soviet Union on September 1, 1939, the layout was like this: the German population (together with the attached Austria and Czechoslovakia) - about 95 million. People, the population of the USSR - about 190 million. Pers. That is not even taking into account all the other nuances that initially we could not exchange more than two of its soldiers on a German. However, by June 22, 1941 due to the occupation of the individual European countries (Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, France) and the inclusion of their territories in the Third Reich, Germany has become the human resources of about 120 million. Pers. In addition, countries such as Finland, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, as Germany's allies (some of them have declared war on the USSR) took an active part in the hostilities on the side of Hitler. In general, each country in Europe, including Spain and Croatia, sent their troops against the Soviet Union. Known names such as the SS divisions "Norland", "Valonia", "Bohemia and Moravia", "Viking", "Denmark", "Netherlands", "Charlemagne". In fact, our ancestors then fought against the combined forces of the whole of Europe.
But that is not all. Germany for the production of military equipment and weapons used production capacity, not only his country, but also the occupied territories, as well as actively used the labor of foreign workers (mostly skilled). As an example, I can say that German tanks were produced by the plants giant «Renault», «Skoda», «Porsche», firm «Siemens» produced radios for the German military technology, the company «Bosh» - electrical equipment company «Maybach» - engines for tanks, «Continental» - rubber for aviation and technology in their work for the Germans lit even such non-military well-known brands as «Hugo Boss» (sewed clothes for the soldiers of the Wehrmacht), Nestle (supplying chocolate for the Nazis), Kodak (supplied detonators for bombs), «Blaupunkt» (producing radios), Coca Cola (soft drinks supplied). French constructor Louis Renault, for example, participated in the development of the German tank "Tiger". However, he was subsequently arrested for collaborating with the Nazis, and its factories were nationalized. I did not mention the well-known German brand «Mercedes» and «BMW». Here with such European giants have to compete in our industry.
The Soviet Union for the organization of production, able to withstand such a powerful European military machine, was forced to keep a portion of the male population in the industry without being able to call these men to the front.
One last nuance. Japan did not participate in combat during World War II, but it is forced to keep the Soviet Union in the Far East of considerable strength. Part of the Siberian divisions was filmed there in October 1941 and is directed by Moscow, part was filmed in 1942 and sent to Stalingrad, but the army is still in the Far East was just before the capture of Berlin. However, the troops of the Far Eastern Front and then brilliantly showed itself in battles against Japan in September 1945. Millionth of the Kwantung Army was defeated in two weeks, and hundreds of thousands of samurai who on the code of the samurai had to do hara-kiri, surrendered to our prisoner.
It's the same with Turkey under certain military scenario, it could go to war (eg in case of a fall in Moscow), and therefore against the Turks we kept still and the army in Iran without the ability to use it against Hitler (this is probably little, who knows).
Some might say that the Germans were fighting in North Africa against the British troops. However, there are only two fought German divisions, the rest of the troops were Italian. And the commander was a German - a talented general Rommel, the thunder of the English way I wanted and where I wanted. His troops were defeated only because the British are constantly hauled reinforcements to North Africa, and the Germans could not do - in the Mediterranean Sea was dominated by the English fleet, Rommel eventually just ended equipment and soldiers.
So, considering all these factors, there is no superiority in manpower the Soviet Union had, on the contrary - the Soviet Union confronted a coalition of states with a population of about 300 million. People. In addition, Germany is two - three times higher than the USSR in pig iron, steel, mining of manganese, aluminum and other strategic materials. And we fought exclusively for their skills, based on the morale of our soldiers, their steadfastness, heroism and combat skills. June 22, 1941-CSOs in our country was invaded by German troops that manpower is almost two times higher than the Red Army, and the main axis of their superiority was repeated. And our dominance, which appeared in 1944, was due only to the fact that the Red Army had just milled Nazi divisions. Yes, we had losses, especially in the forty-first and forty-second, but many of our soldiers killed in action, go to hell a couple of Nazis or their allies. For example, when in Stalingrad after his release removed the bodies, the German had twice.
A provision of human resources to the summer of 1942, before the start of the battle for Stalingrad, the Soviet Union turned out to be extremely difficult to do, since the most densely populated part of the country was occupied. In addition, the Germans stole part of the population in Germany. Nevertheless, we were able to make a hell of Stalingrad Nazis ultimately survive and encircle the 6th Army Paulus, there is still a good punch in passing Manstein, who was trying to rescue his colleague from the environment.
Total losses during the war is difficult to assess, but the approximate ratio is as follows: the Soviet Union lost in the battles around 6, 9 million. People, Germany - about 6, 2 million. People. If we add on the loss of Germany's allies, the combined forces of Europe on the eastern (Russian) Front lost about 7 to 1 million. People. "Zakidyvanie enemy corpses" - is one of the meanest liberal myths vilify our glorious military history. We fought better, despite the fact that attacked our country first, the Wehrmacht was a huge tactical advantage, we were able to pay off only on the outskirts of Moscow, and therefore we won.
Some may remember the American Lend-Lease. But you should know that the bulk of US aid came to our country in 1944 and in 1945. In 1941, no aid under Lend-Lease was not, in 1942, this assistance was minimal. Actually Lend-Lease - it does not care, and the provision of military equipment on credit (ie the United States - it was mainly business), then we were paying a lot of years of the loan. You have to understand the psychology of Americans: to get the return on the loan, our country should not be enslaved by Germany, otherwise the money spent on military supplies to the USSR, the United States would not return, and the Americans never altruism was peculiar. For this reason, military supplies went to the USSR in 1943, ie, when it became clear that we will win this war.
If we talk about prisoners, their number was about the same - about 5 million. On each side. The majority of our soldiers taken prisoner in 1941 and the first half of 1942, while the bulk of German soldiers - since the surrender of Paulus's army at the beginning of 1943 to May 1945, however, we could capture in the end, the whole German army if you wanted to. It should be noted that our soldiers died in German captivity incomparably greater.
Eternal Memory to the Soviet soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our future.
Unfortunately, the modern Russian nothing to be proud of its 23-year history, but the revival of our country must begin to develop a sense of patriotism and love for their country and the Great Patriotic War - is one of the most striking examples of this.
I mentioned earlier the name of famous foreign brands working for Hitler, and who in the world, for example, knows about the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant? And this enterprise produced during the war, for example, self-propelled artillery ISU-152, and the German tank units had been ordered not to enter into an open battle with our units, which were the ISU-152. The shell of the ISU-152 split "Tigers" and "Panthers" in two, chances to survive in open battle, they had very little, so our soldiers and nicknamed ISU-152, which beat the German zoo, "St. John's wort." At the same plant it was released tank IS-3, which had no equal in the world. Unfortunately, the Red Army, he enrolled at the beginning of April 1945 and did not participate in the fighting, the Germans could not afford to test his power. But if you watch the video of the parade of allied forces in September 1945., Which was held in Berlin in honor of the end of the 2nd World War, it is proud of the tank, against which all military equipment the United States, Britain and France looks just toys.
Thank you for your attention.

Unfortunately, of the great war there are now many myths invented by our enemies, since the second half of the eighties, the media and distributed imposed theaters. One of the most vile myth - a myth about the alleged huge losses fighting the Red Army, compared to the losses of the Wehrmacht. In liberal sources often have to read and see the judgments of the Russian losses, ten times greater than the loss of the Germans, on the Red Army commander who drove the soldiers to be slaughtered, and that the war we won only a number, throwing the enemy corpses, against the wishes of our military and political leadership of the country. About alleged microscopic Germany attacked the Soviet Union with a huge endless human and industrial resources and advance obrёkshey yourselves to perdition. About the German Gunners supposedly went crazy with the huge number of beveled Russian soldiers marching to the guns on the orders of the officers stupid and voluntarily replenishing their bodies piles of corpses. If you look, for example, films Mikhalkov's "Anticipation" or "Citadel", then there goes all that red line.
In fact it is a heinous lie.
Let's start with the fact that excellence in human resources of the USSR at the beginning of the war did not have. If you compare the population of Germany and the Soviet Union on September 1, 1939, the layout was like this: the German population (together with the attached Austria and Czechoslovakia) - about 95 million. People, the population of the USSR - about 190 million. Pers. That is not even taking into account all the other nuances that initially we could not exchange more than two of its soldiers on a German. However, by June 22, 1941 due to the occupation of the individual European countries (Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, France) and the inclusion of their territories in the Third Reich, Germany has become the human resources of about 120 million. Pers. In addition, countries such as Finland, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, as Germany's allies (some of them have declared war on the USSR) took an active part in the hostilities on the side of Hitler. In general, each country in Europe, including Spain and Croatia, sent their troops against the Soviet Union. Known names such as the SS divisions "Norland", "Valonia", "Bohemia and Moravia", "Viking", "Denmark", "Netherlands", "Charlemagne". In fact, our ancestors then fought against the combined forces of the whole of Europe.
But that is not all. Germany for the production of military equipment and weapons used production capacity, not only his country, but also the occupied territories, as well as actively used the labor of foreign workers (mostly skilled). As an example, I can say that German tanks were produced by the plants giant «Renault», «Skoda», «Porsche», firm «Siemens» produced radios for the German military technology, the company «Bosh» - electrical equipment company «Maybach» - engines for tanks, «Continental» - rubber for aviation and technology in their work for the Germans lit even such non-military well-known brands as «Hugo Boss» (sewed clothes for the soldiers of the Wehrmacht), Nestle (supplying chocolate for the Nazis), Kodak (supplied detonators for bombs), «Blaupunkt» (producing radios), Coca Cola (soft drinks supplied). French constructor Louis Renault, for example, participated in the development of the German tank "Tiger". However, he was subsequently arrested for collaborating with the Nazis, and its factories were nationalized. I did not mention the well-known German brand «Mercedes» and «BMW». Here with such European giants have to compete in our industry.
The Soviet Union for the organization of production, able to withstand such a powerful European military machine, was forced to keep a portion of the male population in the industry without being able to call these men to the front.
One last nuance. Japan did not participate in combat during World War II, but it is forced to keep the Soviet Union in the Far East of considerable strength. Part of the Siberian divisions was filmed there in October 1941 and is directed by Moscow, part was filmed in 1942 and sent to Stalingrad, but the army is still in the Far East was just before the capture of Berlin. However, the troops of the Far Eastern Front and then brilliantly showed itself in battles against Japan in September 1945. Millionth of the Kwantung Army was defeated in two weeks, and hundreds of thousands of samurai who on the code of the samurai had to do hara-kiri, surrendered to our prisoner.
It's the same with Turkey under certain military scenario, it could go to war (eg in case of a fall in Moscow), and therefore against the Turks we kept still and the army in Iran without the ability to use it against Hitler (this is probably little, who knows).
Some might say that the Germans were fighting in North Africa against the British troops. However, there are only two fought German divisions, the rest of the troops were Italian. And the commander was a German - a talented general Rommel, the thunder of the English way I wanted and where I wanted. His troops were defeated only because the British are constantly hauled reinforcements to North Africa, and the Germans could not do - in the Mediterranean Sea was dominated by the English fleet, Rommel eventually just ended equipment and soldiers.
So, considering all these factors, there is no superiority in manpower the Soviet Union had, on the contrary - the Soviet Union confronted a coalition of states with a population of about 300 million. People. In addition, Germany is two - three times higher than the USSR in pig iron, steel, mining of manganese, aluminum and other strategic materials. And we fought exclusively for their skills, based on the morale of our soldiers, their steadfastness, heroism and combat skills. June 22, 1941-CSOs in our country was invaded by German troops that manpower is almost two times higher than the Red Army, and the main axis of their superiority was repeated. And our dominance, which appeared in 1944, was due only to the fact that the Red Army had just milled Nazi divisions. Yes, we had losses, especially in the forty-first and forty-second, but many of our soldiers killed in action, go to hell a couple of Nazis or their allies. For example, when in Stalingrad after his release removed the bodies, the German had twice.
A provision of human resources to the summer of 1942, before the start of the battle for Stalingrad, the Soviet Union turned out to be extremely difficult to do, since the most densely populated part of the country was occupied. In addition, the Germans stole part of the population in Germany. Nevertheless, we were able to make a hell of Stalingrad Nazis ultimately survive and encircle the 6th Army Paulus, there is still a good punch in passing Manstein, who was trying to rescue his colleague from the environment.
Total losses during the war is difficult to assess, but the approximate ratio is as follows: the Soviet Union lost in the battles around 6, 9 million. People, Germany - about 6, 2 million. People. If we add on the loss of Germany's allies, the combined forces of Europe on the eastern (Russian) Front lost about 7 to 1 million. People. "Zakidyvanie enemy corpses" - is one of the meanest liberal myths vilify our glorious military history. We fought better, despite the fact that attacked our country first, the Wehrmacht was a huge tactical advantage, we were able to pay off only on the outskirts of Moscow, and therefore we won.
Some may remember the American Lend-Lease. But you should know that the bulk of US aid came to our country in 1944 and in 1945. In 1941, no aid under Lend-Lease was not, in 1942, this assistance was minimal. Actually Lend-Lease - it does not care, and the provision of military equipment on credit (ie the United States - it was mainly business), then we were paying a lot of years of the loan. You have to understand the psychology of Americans: to get the return on the loan, our country should not be enslaved by Germany, otherwise the money spent on military supplies to the USSR, the United States would not return, and the Americans never altruism was peculiar. For this reason, military supplies went to the USSR in 1943, ie, when it became clear that we will win this war.
If we talk about prisoners, their number was about the same - about 5 million. On each side. The majority of our soldiers taken prisoner in 1941 and the first half of 1942, while the bulk of German soldiers - since the surrender of Paulus's army at the beginning of 1943 to May 1945, however, we could capture in the end, the whole German army if you wanted to. It should be noted that our soldiers died in German captivity incomparably greater.
Eternal Memory to the Soviet soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our future.
Unfortunately, the modern Russian nothing to be proud of its 23-year history, but the revival of our country must begin to develop a sense of patriotism and love for their country and the Great Patriotic War - is one of the most striking examples of this.
I mentioned earlier the name of famous foreign brands working for Hitler, and who in the world, for example, knows about the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant? And this enterprise produced during the war, for example, self-propelled artillery ISU-152, and the German tank units had been ordered not to enter into an open battle with our units, which were the ISU-152. The shell of the ISU-152 split "Tigers" and "Panthers" in two, chances to survive in open battle, they had very little, so our soldiers and nicknamed ISU-152, which beat the German zoo, "St. John's wort." At the same plant it was released tank IS-3, which had no equal in the world. Unfortunately, the Red Army, he enrolled at the beginning of April 1945 and did not participate in the fighting, the Germans could not afford to test his power. But if you watch the video of the parade of allied forces in September 1945., Which was held in Berlin in honor of the end of the 2nd World War, it is proud of the tank, against which all military equipment the United States, Britain and France looks just toys.
Thank you for your attention.
