Care appliance kitten via the Internet

On a very successful Kickstarter campaign began to raise funds for a new gadget Kittyo, although, at first glance, its purpose seems at least strange. However, in less than two days raised $ 155 thousand. At the required $ 30 thousand.
Similar to the instrument maker in reality packed with electronics. There is a video camera to shoot a pet (video broadcast to the mobile phone owner iOS / Android), speakers for voice communication and the controlled laser for games like a laser pointer.

At the bottom is a drawer with food.

With the mobile phone is all management gadgets: extension "kormilki" beeping to attract a kitten, voice, control laser pointer. The program is free, the gadget will cost $ 119 (plus $ 25 shipping outside the US).

The phenomenal success of the gadget does not seem surprising, given the excessive love of many Internet users to cats. Soon there will be even tables and hanging man and the cat, so that you can work for a PC with a small "companion" (see. CATable a >).

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220703/