Toy on Arduino: Tuk Tuk locker

Year-olds love to lockers, open and close the doors, hide toys and then as if suddenly they are there. The idea was that the parents hid in the locker toy and the child was the sound of the cabinet to guess who lives there. To listen to the sound, the child should knock on the door.
First, I tested the idea with electronics - using cardboard boxes and books with the sounds of animals - or rather, I had only a panel with the sounds of the book. In the box were hidden animal figurines, baby banged on the box, I click on the button with the voice of an animal, a child tries to guess and opened the box.
Book with audio socket: i>

Testing is successful, and we have started to develop.
Locker booked into fiberboard-workshop. This results in a bulky "bunker", which had to be fixed to the surface of the two-sided adhesive tape, but the technique worked.

As the knock sensor use contact microphones. From Arduino Uno signal picks up the script on Pure Data, which plays a sound file.
Contact microphones: i>

The microphone on the rear doors: i>

The box to the Arduino in the far corner. Carton - to light not to attract attention of the child: i>

Now try to knock:
The experiments on children
Match to the fun. The first reaction to the sounds of the locker was wary, but with a great deal of curiosity. Children intuitively understand how to knock you can use as a ringtone, and a few minutes later acquaintance moved into a phase of the game.
Toy can be used for a variety of scenarios: guessing animal sounds, musical instruments, words, letters.
It would seem that the same can be done for a tablet. In fact, it is important for children to touch things hands - open the door, feel the weight of items. Fine motor skills are very important for children's development and mobile poking her not replaced.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/220053/