US Airways passenger received pornosnimok
Indecent pictures of naked women and a model of the Boeing 777 was accompanied by a written response to a complaint by US Airways client. A woman named Elle Rafter was dissatisfied with service companies, namely, flight delays, and wrote about on Twitter April 14, 2014.
Representatives of the airline said the passenger line, thanking for the opinion, and advised to leave feedback about the flight "to the address." The answer was supplemented pornosnimkom.
Later, US Airways has apologized for an obscene picture, which appeared on Twitter airlines. However pornoizobrazhenie woman and a toy airplane an hour offended the eyes of users of social networks, has become the subject of much gossip and jokes.
Photo, though not too quickly, was removed from Twitter US Airways, the airline reported that investigating to find the author of the post. However, a photo and a message had to disperse all over the internet, it has been more than 500 retweets.
US Airways has become the object of comments and jokes of Internet users. Internet publication The Huffington Post are the most decent of them, "Do not be undone," "Well, Elle, you're comfortable with that answer?", "And men take advantage of US Airways can be?" "I would like to rent a plane!" . The reaction of the Elle Rafter, who asked the fateful question and received a rude response is unknown.

Representatives of the airline said the passenger line, thanking for the opinion, and advised to leave feedback about the flight "to the address." The answer was supplemented pornosnimkom.
Later, US Airways has apologized for an obscene picture, which appeared on Twitter airlines. However pornoizobrazhenie woman and a toy airplane an hour offended the eyes of users of social networks, has become the subject of much gossip and jokes.
Photo, though not too quickly, was removed from Twitter US Airways, the airline reported that investigating to find the author of the post. However, a photo and a message had to disperse all over the internet, it has been more than 500 retweets.
US Airways has become the object of comments and jokes of Internet users. Internet publication The Huffington Post are the most decent of them, "Do not be undone," "Well, Elle, you're comfortable with that answer?", "And men take advantage of US Airways can be?" "I would like to rent a plane!" . The reaction of the Elle Rafter, who asked the fateful question and received a rude response is unknown.