Lessons on lengthening ships
The company Royal Caribbean decided to lengthen the ship, apparently wanted a larger capacity as you imagine that? It turns out the process of lengthening the same as the car. Cut a piece and build up, everything is very simple.
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Cruise on the biggest ship in the world (37 pics + text)
Boat, pure fish catch
«Allure of the Seas» - a giant cruise liner
Oasis of the Seas - the largest cruise ship in the world (31 photos)
Largest cruise ship in the world (10 photos)
Oasis of the Seas.
Oasis of the Seas (31 photos)
Like an ocean liner stretched
The best photos 2009 from Reuters (22 photos)
Baby "Liberty of the Seas" (16 photos)
Cruise on the biggest ship in the world (37 pics + text)
Boat, pure fish catch
«Allure of the Seas» - a giant cruise liner
Oasis of the Seas - the largest cruise ship in the world (31 photos)
Largest cruise ship in the world (10 photos)
Oasis of the Seas.
Oasis of the Seas (31 photos)
Like an ocean liner stretched
The best photos 2009 from Reuters (22 photos)
Baby "Liberty of the Seas" (16 photos)
Bring back Jaru
Elegant noted 18th birthday