Gypsy gay wedding over melee

Roma-Burgazliev (so-called citizens of Burgas) played his first gay wedding in the quarter, "Komluka." During this celebration all the other inhabitants of this quarter have not heard your own TV because decibels gypsy joy. Could be heard already at the station and in the city center, and a street was completely blocked.
Married Roma Asen Hristov 32 years old, and his lover, Mustafa, who is 7 years older. The wedding was attended by 60 young families that produced the noise as the 600 peaceful neighbors made the remark walking, but they replied that they have permission from the community, but the community otmazatsya that anything not permitted) The fun continued into Monday, and ended with mass brawl , which began because of a drunken guest who wanted to find out what's under the skirt of the bride - Assen, known as the RANS to Asya. Unhappy neighbors-witnesses claimed that the guests fought and drank and drank and fought. Well, that mother, "bride" of all dispersed, or b fight and to this day - said the exhausted people of Burgas.




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