Expert: The eruption of Yellowstone in the United States is not threatened end of the world
US scientists believe that the eruption of the Yellowstone in Wyoming (USA) could be one possible reason for the end of the world, on Thursday reported a number of media. Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming was organized as its territory have developed extraordinary natural conditions - there are the remains of a gigantic ancient volcano, which last erupted about 70,000 years nazad.
According to recent data, the temperature in the geyser Yellowstone Park lakes have increased by 20 degrees forengeytakh that worries scientists and tourists. The main cause for concern were about 60 aftershocks, the strongest of which occurred March 30 - it was estimated at 4, 8 points. At the same time, experts say that animals (bison) already leave the territory parka.
According to the scientist, the volcano still shows some signs of activity - there are hot springs, lakes, warm water, gas emitting from the cracks, there is an internal heated material at depth. "In my opinion, signs of the disaster are now unavailable. It may be, but usually before that, a series of strong tremors, earthquakes are not currently in the range of the caldera and to the north-west of it, ie, outside it. Of course, definitely say I can not, because I was not there, I do not know in detail the material, but my feeling that supervzryva we can not expect, at the same time, some local eruptions it is quite possible, "- said ekspert.
At the same time, scientists are confident that, with the possible eruption of Yellowstone whole territory of the United States will not be affected, although the negative effects superizverzheniya affect the conditions of the entire Earth.
Source: www.aif.ru/society/nature/1142004