Repair shoes for yourself ...
Always I enjoy reading psto dedicated rukozhopstvu. The correct heading, because it is the working man moves the country forward with their work, and not just any financial speculator on the stock exchange. Campaigning is over, we go to the substance of the matter.
I'll tell you when I finish ... but it will be very clear
At some point, the wife noticed that her boots have become suspiciously easy to draw water inside. Of course, any leather shoes get wet, if the cross in her wading pools, but in our case the boots behaved like a colander.
Well, we take in hand, begin to understand and as a result find on every boot of the hole on the outside and the inside, where there are so-called pits. Also, the examination showed that the holes formed for a reason, and as a result, the skin gradually becomes frayed top of the decorative bezel on the sole. Well, it's no wonder many have faced, probably. Since the boots remained nothing else is so-so, it was decided to repair them. It was initially thought to manage patches, but a more thorough examination and partial detachment of the sole shown that the situation is more serious than previously thought. In fact, the top of the skin almost frayed around the perimeter in the toe of the boot-beam (ie from the bones of the thumb to the little finger bone), and two holes will soon threatened to unite and become a single large. In this regard, it was decided to produce a constriction of the toe boots, as it is done at the factory.
So, the first photo - you boots for information on the following - the form after the separation of the sole. The sole is attached by adhesive, so the place of the top and base must be heated and gradually separate sole. The photo clearly visible holes, as well as the state of "almost frayed" leather top on the edge of the compound with a sole. It should be noted that the top of the skin was triturated less friction as the fact that it somewhat excessively pereshkurili before gluing of the sole during manufacture. The situation is, by the way, is not rare.
Unstick the sole separating the skin from the top of the insole and torn off long edge (the top part of the skin, which comes under the track) on the line that it is frayed. As such, we do not need. 2.
Begin to lift the skin in the upper forefoot and toe discover. Not that it is any surprise, just waiting to see it a little earlier, and its very location is surprising. Then you'll see how to be installed toe, and now just look and remember, so he certainly does not have to be installed. In addition, it is made of thermoplastic material, which is not particularly to the toe and is suitable because it is not enough hard and keeps its shape. But when used hand-made footwear leather toe cap, manufactured from Cheprak (of the skin, made from the skins of cattle, if it simply). Leather toe mass not apply to factory-made shoes from the higher prices, more labor-intensive manufacturing, as well as the complexities of installing them on the automatic machines. Plus, for example, he can still little podusest after drying the skin and pull off the top, and so on ... there are, in general, their own characteristics. Thermoplastic materials are free from the above, let's say, the minuses, but the material itself worse properties than the saddle, so the quality of shoes is lower in the end.
So, with the above thermoplastic toe and throw out a couple of new manufacture of Cheprak.
After removal of the toe can see that the leather lining is, in principle, in a satisfactory condition. Only in one place too long edge frayed, but we will rebuild it later. Also, we find that one of the boots sold lined seam that we are strengthening by gluing strips of leather. On the second boot, where a seam, it is also stronger, not hurt. To strip was not visible at the edges of it to go down to zero, so there is no difference in thickness.
In addition, the glue strip of skin instead wear long edge. The photo it can be clearly seen, as it is a brown color. However, gluing is insufficient and it is necessary to place on the machine. It's not so much for the strength of the connection as to ensure proper bonding ... but that's part, there is no need.
I'll tell you when I finish ... but it will be very clear
At some point, the wife noticed that her boots have become suspiciously easy to draw water inside. Of course, any leather shoes get wet, if the cross in her wading pools, but in our case the boots behaved like a colander.
Well, we take in hand, begin to understand and as a result find on every boot of the hole on the outside and the inside, where there are so-called pits. Also, the examination showed that the holes formed for a reason, and as a result, the skin gradually becomes frayed top of the decorative bezel on the sole. Well, it's no wonder many have faced, probably. Since the boots remained nothing else is so-so, it was decided to repair them. It was initially thought to manage patches, but a more thorough examination and partial detachment of the sole shown that the situation is more serious than previously thought. In fact, the top of the skin almost frayed around the perimeter in the toe of the boot-beam (ie from the bones of the thumb to the little finger bone), and two holes will soon threatened to unite and become a single large. In this regard, it was decided to produce a constriction of the toe boots, as it is done at the factory.
So, the first photo - you boots for information on the following - the form after the separation of the sole. The sole is attached by adhesive, so the place of the top and base must be heated and gradually separate sole. The photo clearly visible holes, as well as the state of "almost frayed" leather top on the edge of the compound with a sole. It should be noted that the top of the skin was triturated less friction as the fact that it somewhat excessively pereshkurili before gluing of the sole during manufacture. The situation is, by the way, is not rare.
Unstick the sole separating the skin from the top of the insole and torn off long edge (the top part of the skin, which comes under the track) on the line that it is frayed. As such, we do not need. 2.
Begin to lift the skin in the upper forefoot and toe discover. Not that it is any surprise, just waiting to see it a little earlier, and its very location is surprising. Then you'll see how to be installed toe, and now just look and remember, so he certainly does not have to be installed. In addition, it is made of thermoplastic material, which is not particularly to the toe and is suitable because it is not enough hard and keeps its shape. But when used hand-made footwear leather toe cap, manufactured from Cheprak (of the skin, made from the skins of cattle, if it simply). Leather toe mass not apply to factory-made shoes from the higher prices, more labor-intensive manufacturing, as well as the complexities of installing them on the automatic machines. Plus, for example, he can still little podusest after drying the skin and pull off the top, and so on ... there are, in general, their own characteristics. Thermoplastic materials are free from the above, let's say, the minuses, but the material itself worse properties than the saddle, so the quality of shoes is lower in the end.
So, with the above thermoplastic toe and throw out a couple of new manufacture of Cheprak.
After removal of the toe can see that the leather lining is, in principle, in a satisfactory condition. Only in one place too long edge frayed, but we will rebuild it later. Also, we find that one of the boots sold lined seam that we are strengthening by gluing strips of leather. On the second boot, where a seam, it is also stronger, not hurt. To strip was not visible at the edges of it to go down to zero, so there is no difference in thickness.
In addition, the glue strip of skin instead wear long edge. The photo it can be clearly seen, as it is a brown color. However, gluing is insufficient and it is necessary to place on the machine. It's not so much for the strength of the connection as to ensure proper bonding ... but that's part, there is no need.