The school diary (29 scans)
Writes the author: "I recently unearthed a miracle, and partly to keep their school diaries. This - not the documents, it is - a song .... " Familiar records also suggest our visitors to scan or take a picture of the most interesting diaries and send to chip to replenish collections.
Sometimes one lesson could get just four marks:
Teachers find fault with every detail, such as the absence of the students plan, expanding consciousness and helps to better absorb knowledge ...
On the lessons work we bring to school items amazing:
While still not ended the Cold War, so the first page of the diary, we all had an individual number specified mask - in case a sudden we start bombing. In addition, we had to know the location of the nearest bomb shelter.
Now there are very few veterans and soon, alas, they do not have nor will odnogo.Vremya mercilessly. In the second half of 1970 were still alive a real Bolshevik. Not spacy current members of political parties - the Party at that time we had one - but the real participants in the events of the Revolution of 1917, vigorous and even coming to the school of a meeting of.
More casual Chronicle ...
"He wrote in a maths lesson ..." And the more they ask, unhappy? The man wrote in mathematics lessons, and has not played in the "sea battle» ...
Teachers, too, are often different knowledge (it is a question of a Soviet Education, which now many hnychat - "it was a good»):
(Waste paper is written with a "k»)
But we loved to appeal to politics:
More - chronicle ...
But, overall, it was good and stable. Most country peacefully lived their lives, and not mustache blowing; not even started the Afghan war, not to mention the internal strife that will appear in the future on the post-Soviet space. Every day was like the previous one, and in the future, as we learned in the same standard schools, wore standard uniforms and counted period to the next vacation to the end of the school year, to get the last page of the diary as a standard entry that the owner of the diary translated into next grade.