Winter teachings riot
Recently passed the planned exercises riot. The police, drivers and mechanics
police special forces staged a cross-training in a
areas. By car SPM-2 "Tiger" and BTR-80
overcome various obstacles and maneuver.
The column of armored vehicles consisting of 5 BTR-80 and 3 SPM-2 went to Moscow,
where drivers and mechanics battled with snow barriers.
Construction personnel before leaving. Incidentally this is the biggest base of special forces in Europe.
BTR-80 overcomes the snowfield. Snow height approximately half a meter, but in some places 1 meter.
SPM-2, or simply "Tiger". On cross surpasses many modern counterparts, "UAZ" and "Hummers" not rivals.
"Tiger" is good, but the men complain about the lack of comfort. There really is not convenient to go, praised on myself = ((
This "tiger" chudil constantly overheated, but the damage fairly quickly eliminated.
Diesel BTR, environmentalists contend!
The "Tiger" is placed approximately 6-9 people, depending on the equipment.
In fact, so lying is not very convenient, and it is necessary to have good dexterity is not falling into a sharp turn at a speed below 60 km \ hour.
Pay attention to the trees.
Once perfectly flat field completely "plowed».
Inside APC
On the left the driver's seat. In combat conditions provide an overview of the special windows that act as periscopes.
The most important thing! )) The food was very good.
Smoke break from the harsh OMON looks that way!
via community.livejournal.com
police special forces staged a cross-training in a
areas. By car SPM-2 "Tiger" and BTR-80
overcome various obstacles and maneuver.
The column of armored vehicles consisting of 5 BTR-80 and 3 SPM-2 went to Moscow,
where drivers and mechanics battled with snow barriers.

Construction personnel before leaving. Incidentally this is the biggest base of special forces in Europe.

BTR-80 overcomes the snowfield. Snow height approximately half a meter, but in some places 1 meter.

SPM-2, or simply "Tiger". On cross surpasses many modern counterparts, "UAZ" and "Hummers" not rivals.

"Tiger" is good, but the men complain about the lack of comfort. There really is not convenient to go, praised on myself = ((


This "tiger" chudil constantly overheated, but the damage fairly quickly eliminated.

Diesel BTR, environmentalists contend!

The "Tiger" is placed approximately 6-9 people, depending on the equipment.

In fact, so lying is not very convenient, and it is necessary to have good dexterity is not falling into a sharp turn at a speed below 60 km \ hour.

Pay attention to the trees.

Once perfectly flat field completely "plowed».

Inside APC

On the left the driver's seat. In combat conditions provide an overview of the special windows that act as periscopes.


The most important thing! )) The food was very good.

Smoke break from the harsh OMON looks that way!

via community.livejournal.com