The Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan

In one of the tops Spayneta (spynet.ru/blog/copilka/25749.html) I mentioned a mysterious place on the planet - this is the gate of Hell. Consider this point in detail (photo by topom)
Darwaz - a mysterious and strange place in Turkmenistan. Imagine a circle desert and suddenly among the sand crater from which escapes the flames. The present entrance to the underworld! The locals call this place "the gates of hell».

250-kilometer "march" due north in a straight as an arrow highway Ashgabat - Dashoguz (Dashovuz) - and you have goals. This is the heart of the famous Karakum desert (which means "Black Sands».

Here, in 1971, we made the drilling of an exploration well on the gas. Oil workers stumbled upon an underground cavern, drilling rig with all the equipment and transport failed. None of the workers is not affected. From man-made crater went natural gas, which have decided to set fire to stop poisoning people and livestock. Since then, more than 30 years, the crater glows day and night, sometimes scaring to death the nomads and tourists get lost.

From the crater with a diameter of 60 meters and a depth of 20 sometimes erupt in flames up to 10-15 meters in height.