Interesting insect world.
Selection of funny strange insects, I apologize in advance for the transfer
Chrysina lecontei - Scarab Leconte
It lives in the mountains Huachuca, Arizona, USA.
Long-headed locust Apioscelis bulbosa
Originally from Ecuador
Wooden jumper Heteronotus
Also from Ecuador
Paratrechina longicornis-conventional dark-colored ants, but unusual in that for that feed on the nectar of plants, most of these plants are protected from insects, other herbivores.
Location Isla Contadora, Panama
Laccophilus pictus - predatory beetle diver.
Arizona, United States.
Whirligig beetle Dineutus sublineatus
Arizona, United States.
Laboratory animals at the University of Illinois.
The name of this pale blue caterpillar I unfortunately did not recognize.
Myrmecocystus mexicanus.Eti ants that live, as is evident from the name, in Mexico, are unusual in that the reserves for food store in themselves! Bubbles hanging on top of the photo, it is their bellies filled with food until better times.
Aedes triseriatus for a meal
Urbana, Illinois, USA.
Male and female beetle-ox (Strategus) .Roga naturally in males and the need to fight other males for the females.
Arizona, United States.
Soldier ants squad Eciton hamatum Ecuador bites photographer
Dung beetles Onthophagus taurus, male and female (it is possible that the pairing XD)
Laboratory animals Indiana University
Wasp Encyrtid, Comperia merceti, coming out of the cockroach eggs.
Aphidius ervi-wasp enters their eggs in aphids.
The laboratory colony at the University of Arizona
Aphantochilus rogersi (left), kills his victim-turtle ant entered into his confidence, to imitate his looks and facial expressions!
Originally they are from Ecuador.
Cicindela sexguttata-shestipyatnovy tiger beetle.
Urbana, Illinois, USA.
Atta texana, Texas leaf-cutting ants.
Austin, Texas, USA
Source: http: //www.alexanderwild.com/
All spaibo for attention
Chrysina lecontei - Scarab Leconte
It lives in the mountains Huachuca, Arizona, USA.

Long-headed locust Apioscelis bulbosa
Originally from Ecuador

Wooden jumper Heteronotus
Also from Ecuador

Paratrechina longicornis-conventional dark-colored ants, but unusual in that for that feed on the nectar of plants, most of these plants are protected from insects, other herbivores.
Location Isla Contadora, Panama

Laccophilus pictus - predatory beetle diver.
Arizona, United States.

Whirligig beetle Dineutus sublineatus
Arizona, United States.

Laboratory animals at the University of Illinois.
The name of this pale blue caterpillar I unfortunately did not recognize.

Myrmecocystus mexicanus.Eti ants that live, as is evident from the name, in Mexico, are unusual in that the reserves for food store in themselves! Bubbles hanging on top of the photo, it is their bellies filled with food until better times.

Aedes triseriatus for a meal
Urbana, Illinois, USA.

Male and female beetle-ox (Strategus) .Roga naturally in males and the need to fight other males for the females.
Arizona, United States.

Soldier ants squad Eciton hamatum Ecuador bites photographer

Dung beetles Onthophagus taurus, male and female (it is possible that the pairing XD)
Laboratory animals Indiana University

Wasp Encyrtid, Comperia merceti, coming out of the cockroach eggs.

Aphidius ervi-wasp enters their eggs in aphids.
The laboratory colony at the University of Arizona

Aphantochilus rogersi (left), kills his victim-turtle ant entered into his confidence, to imitate his looks and facial expressions!
Originally they are from Ecuador.

Cicindela sexguttata-shestipyatnovy tiger beetle.
Urbana, Illinois, USA.

Atta texana, Texas leaf-cutting ants.
Austin, Texas, USA

Source: http: //www.alexanderwild.com/
All spaibo for attention