Soviet cameras
Remember all this rare photo equipment since the Soviet Union? Some of these cameras even in Soviet times it was very difficult to buy, and now they have turned into a real expensive rarity. Nostalgia ...
Photographic Soviet times
25 weird things since the Soviet Union, which will introduce the current generation to a screeching halt.
Mischievous clothes of the USSR, which returned to fashion, nostalgia in trend
I remember how environmentally friendly food was packaged in Soviet times, and I wondered why they stopped doing this.
Tales of the Soviet period (30 photos)
Watch the USSR, what did you have?
Museum of Soviet slot machines
Occasional mouse Soviet times
The brightest star of Soviet times marriages. Who would have thought that behind the scenes such passions boil ...
How Dutch grandmothers differ from the endangered species of our grandmothers of the Soviet era
Photographic Soviet times
25 weird things since the Soviet Union, which will introduce the current generation to a screeching halt.
Mischievous clothes of the USSR, which returned to fashion, nostalgia in trend
I remember how environmentally friendly food was packaged in Soviet times, and I wondered why they stopped doing this.
Tales of the Soviet period (30 photos)
Watch the USSR, what did you have?
Museum of Soviet slot machines
Occasional mouse Soviet times
The brightest star of Soviet times marriages. Who would have thought that behind the scenes such passions boil ...
How Dutch grandmothers differ from the endangered species of our grandmothers of the Soviet era
Funny door plates