Ukrainian palaces Roma

Where and how to live in the rest of the time those who are begging in the Moscow subway, you know?
You all know that the Roma nomads are now quite a few, and the majority of Roma has long been settled, and only go to beg for work, in shifts?
If you've ever given a coin plaintive cries "good people, we not local," or giving a hand to tell fortunes, or tossed money forever pregnant Rozhanitsy or "Madonna" with neplachuschim child - you want to see where and what your coin is gone?
Roma live mainly in the Balkans - Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and other countries.
In Ukrainian Transcarpathian region has an interesting piece on the border with Romania

The two countries are separated only a narrow river Tisza and its opposite shore is another country.
The road runs along the river and along the border.

Houses in Ukraine, but starting from the foot of the mountains - it's Romania and other countries.

In the villages there live mainly Romanians and Gypsies.
They talk in Romanian, if you need to talk with someone speaking another language - switch to Russian, not Ukrainian.
The fact that they live in a state referred to as Ukraine the impression that none of them says.
To place in life - that should do the normal Romanians and Roma? That's right - he should build a palace.
Absolutely all of the resources of life go out to otgrohat great-great domino

Question - why Romania or gipsy Palace?
The answer - absolutely nizachem.
All these palaces are not built to live in them - they simply built to be the hallmark of the road before - and he or Roma Romanians will live side by side, in a tent or a little house - there habitually

These palaces are hundreds and hundreds.
It does not go in - you go for some villages in the depths of Ukraine, near the Romanian border, where once grabanuli Ostap Bender - a place far from the capital and the wealthy Las Vegas.
And all around, in the villages of the banal, from the Palace, next to which is crying bitter tears Ruble, dark eyes.
And all non-residential

But there is little to build palaces - it is necessary to circle and to seething life.
What to do about the Roma or Romanians normal? That's right, It was built in the village of boutiques, but such that the capital of the envy.
Or - Wedding Salon middle of the village residents for a hundred, but so that everything in it was breaking up the luxury.

The names are duplicated here in Romanian.
Generally Transcarpathia - the richest region of Ukraine diaspora, each diaspora lives as if he did not know what all around the country.
On the border with Hungary Hungary won in Beregovo live as if there is no no border with Hungary, and now here Romanians.

Solotvino, the name heard, lived in the salt pans.
Fishing dried up hammers were abandoned.
Developments were casually, in violation of the basics of mining in the district there are many underground cavities.
Great danger sink into the ground, and not out of shame, and in the most literal sense.

However, where the soil is stronger - the neighborhood does not prevent build palaces, castles, palaces

Palaces palaces palaces

Do not be fooled by appearance - that these people go on the wagon is not an indication of their material wealth.

This grandfather could be the owner of one of these monsters dwelling

Leaving close to the Romanian border can be understood by changing homes - they are living, not pontovo

Well, let's ever "beggar" or gypsy penny on the subway?
You have paid a brick next to the Palace of the Romanian border, which is never completed and never unpopulated.

All around will still simmer bad, mad, illiterate, rural, careless, cheerful, gypsy life bardachnaya
