Rare animals in danger of extinction
I offer you a new list of the most valuable wild animals that are on the verge of extinction. All these species may soon vanish from the face of the earth.
The Amur tiger
One of the smallest tiger subspecies - now they have less than 450 individuals. At the same time, the figure is constantly decreasing. According to various estimates, a year illegally extracted from 30 to 50 individuals, causing irreparable damage not only to nature, a separate species, but also up to 25 million rubles a year.
This rare bird from the family of falcons also in great danger. Every year, hunters kill not dozens, but hundreds of individuals. And, despite the fact that the word of its name is translated as "fighter", without human help Saker Falcon will not be able to survive.
In 2002, the World Conservation Union took this little antelope to the category of animals, "are in a critical condition." The pace with which vanish antelopes, frightened! According to the magazine Geo, in the period from 1990 to 2003-2006, the number of saiga in the world decreased by 94-97% - to about 31-62 million to 5 thousand. Currently in the world there are 7,000 individuals.
Polar bear
Very soon see one of the largest land predators on our planet can be only on the candy wrapper "Bear in the north". The fact that the population of polar bears is sharply reduced. In addition, scientists believe that by 2050 the number could be reduced even three times!
Merlin - the largest species of falcon, wingspan reaches 120-135 cm. Every year, these birds are dying in huge numbers. In Russia, they are very popular catch - poachers sent gyrfalcons abroad and sell it for 30 000 dollars per individual yes.
Once the leopard was widely spread in the Caucasus and occupied almost all of the mountain territory. But at the end of the XIX-XX centuries in self-defense was allowed to kill leopards at any time of the year and by any means. As a result of the long war between the animal and human population of leopard fell sharply. All the world remains 870-1300 individuals. Most of them lives in Iran: 550-850 individuals, Afghanistan - 200-300, Turkmenistan - 90-100, in Azerbaijan - 10-13, 10-13 in Armenia, Georgia - at least 5 in Turkey - less than 5.
Altai argali
Currently, this type of sheep in the international Red Book is seen as close to the vulnerable. The main factors leading to the decrease in the number of cloven-hoofed animals are considered to be uncontrolled hunting and the displacement of animals from their permanent habitat. Pay attention to the disappearance of these animals has helped a disaster, which occurred on Jan. 9, 2009 in the Altai. On this day it fell Gazpromavia helicopter, which was carrying officials and businessmen. As it turned out, during the flight they took part in illegal hunting mountain sheep from the air.
Over the past century, the largest eagle in the world has disappeared from many areas where previously lived. According to environmentalists, the world they left about 170 thousand individuals.
Snow Leopard
One of the rare species of cat, he survived only by dwelling in the remote mountain regions of Central Asia. According to recent reports in Russia they have no more than 70-90 individuals in the world order of 3500 - 7500. But every year, with the growth of demand and increasing prices on products from skin leopard, their population is inexorably shrinking.
Peregrine at all times was considered a rare bird. Serious threats to the conservation of this species occurred in the second half of the XX century, with the beginning of mass use of hazardous pesticides in agriculture. Substances accumulate in the body of birds and hindered the development of the new offspring.
For several years, scientists are struggling bison. Poaching, destruction of habitat, unrestricted shooting animals in times of war, civil unrest and revolutions - all this together led to the fact that by 1927, the nature of the bison was completely destroyed. According to the census of that time, the number of bison in captivity was 52 individuals. At the moment, thanks to the efforts of experts, the number of bison is constantly growing, but the view is still vulnerable and need the protection of man.
The Amur tiger
One of the smallest tiger subspecies - now they have less than 450 individuals. At the same time, the figure is constantly decreasing. According to various estimates, a year illegally extracted from 30 to 50 individuals, causing irreparable damage not only to nature, a separate species, but also up to 25 million rubles a year.

This rare bird from the family of falcons also in great danger. Every year, hunters kill not dozens, but hundreds of individuals. And, despite the fact that the word of its name is translated as "fighter", without human help Saker Falcon will not be able to survive.

In 2002, the World Conservation Union took this little antelope to the category of animals, "are in a critical condition." The pace with which vanish antelopes, frightened! According to the magazine Geo, in the period from 1990 to 2003-2006, the number of saiga in the world decreased by 94-97% - to about 31-62 million to 5 thousand. Currently in the world there are 7,000 individuals.

Polar bear
Very soon see one of the largest land predators on our planet can be only on the candy wrapper "Bear in the north". The fact that the population of polar bears is sharply reduced. In addition, scientists believe that by 2050 the number could be reduced even three times!

Merlin - the largest species of falcon, wingspan reaches 120-135 cm. Every year, these birds are dying in huge numbers. In Russia, they are very popular catch - poachers sent gyrfalcons abroad and sell it for 30 000 dollars per individual yes.

Once the leopard was widely spread in the Caucasus and occupied almost all of the mountain territory. But at the end of the XIX-XX centuries in self-defense was allowed to kill leopards at any time of the year and by any means. As a result of the long war between the animal and human population of leopard fell sharply. All the world remains 870-1300 individuals. Most of them lives in Iran: 550-850 individuals, Afghanistan - 200-300, Turkmenistan - 90-100, in Azerbaijan - 10-13, 10-13 in Armenia, Georgia - at least 5 in Turkey - less than 5.

Altai argali
Currently, this type of sheep in the international Red Book is seen as close to the vulnerable. The main factors leading to the decrease in the number of cloven-hoofed animals are considered to be uncontrolled hunting and the displacement of animals from their permanent habitat. Pay attention to the disappearance of these animals has helped a disaster, which occurred on Jan. 9, 2009 in the Altai. On this day it fell Gazpromavia helicopter, which was carrying officials and businessmen. As it turned out, during the flight they took part in illegal hunting mountain sheep from the air.

Over the past century, the largest eagle in the world has disappeared from many areas where previously lived. According to environmentalists, the world they left about 170 thousand individuals.

Snow Leopard
One of the rare species of cat, he survived only by dwelling in the remote mountain regions of Central Asia. According to recent reports in Russia they have no more than 70-90 individuals in the world order of 3500 - 7500. But every year, with the growth of demand and increasing prices on products from skin leopard, their population is inexorably shrinking.

Peregrine at all times was considered a rare bird. Serious threats to the conservation of this species occurred in the second half of the XX century, with the beginning of mass use of hazardous pesticides in agriculture. Substances accumulate in the body of birds and hindered the development of the new offspring.

For several years, scientists are struggling bison. Poaching, destruction of habitat, unrestricted shooting animals in times of war, civil unrest and revolutions - all this together led to the fact that by 1927, the nature of the bison was completely destroyed. According to the census of that time, the number of bison in captivity was 52 individuals. At the moment, thanks to the efforts of experts, the number of bison is constantly growing, but the view is still vulnerable and need the protection of man.
