Insolent daughter Chief OGIBDD St. Petersburg
Probably not dad taught her the rules of etiquette on the road and just not tell what the road behind the wheel should not be ... Read.
According to the author of the video in the continuation of the post, an arrogant driver on expensive foreign car decided to teach him a lesson for being too "slow" traveling with maximum speed of 110 km / h. He first began to blink distant light, and then brake sharply right before your nose. I can not imagine a person author of the video, when it turned out that the driver was sitting fragile girl-blonde who is the daughter of the chief OGIBDD Kronstadt District.
From here
According to the author of the video in the continuation of the post, an arrogant driver on expensive foreign car decided to teach him a lesson for being too "slow" traveling with maximum speed of 110 km / h. He first began to blink distant light, and then brake sharply right before your nose. I can not imagine a person author of the video, when it turned out that the driver was sitting fragile girl-blonde who is the daughter of the chief OGIBDD Kronstadt District.
From here