Life after the tragedy Irina Skvortsova
Irina Skvortsova - Russian bobsledder, whose career was cut short a few years ago because of the mistake by the referee. Male crew at full speed rushed female crew with 21-year-old Irina, who started a little earlier. The girl, like a true athlete, fighting for his life, and she got it. Read more Irina Skvortsova story of what became of her life after the tragedy.
All remained intact, except for Irene, who was injured, "incompatible with life". Irina urgently taken to a local hospital and then to a clinic in Munich. To the girl did not die of shock or blood loss (in total then it poured 24 liters of blood), doctors and a half month it introduced a state of artificial coma. Four months later, Irina was transferred to a rehabilitation center. During the ten months spent in Germany, she suffered more than 50 operations.
A year ago, Irina got rid of the wheelchair. She now walks on crutches, she drives a car to work on telejournalist VGTRK, and became the invited guests at the Olympics Sochi 2014.
Below - its story about the past four years.
I do not remember the accident. I remember only as laid down in a bean in November 2009, and woke up on January 13 next year. What went as encountered brain struck out.
All my old life - like a dream. Sometimes even doubt: is it really used to be walked, ran and danced? Although clearly I remember this feeling. When I came out of the coma, the most frightening thought is not that I'm lying in the tubes in intensive care, and I slept through the New Year! As it is, I had so many plans, and I overslept! The doctors did not immediately told me that with me. I gradually metered received information. Until April - not yet started rehabilitation - seriously thought I'd be back in a bobsled. I lived it, so probably not killed herself. I have had an incentive: left four years before the Olympics - is sacred for athletes. I plan everything: two years for the restoration of two - to prepare. The doctors asked: "And I can raise the bar, the former weight?" They looked at me in surprise and went on otveta.Posle crash intact I turned only a head (excluding the shock), arms and chest. Here - all mangled. And even today, if I happen to see myself in the mirror, roar. The apartment, by the way, I got rid of all the mirrors. After a coma all we had to start from scratch. I learned to breathe again. With the ventilator operating at full light.
And then - again! - Disabled. And we need the most, and not the strength. Eyes yell: "Reconnect, choke!" About the pain I do not want to talk. Painkillers initially given every hour, then - less so as not to cause addiction. Anesthesia acted in just 20 minutes, the other 40 I writhed in pain - constant and dull, and acute neprohodyaschey.Lezha in intensive care, I was angry at God for a long time: "Why? Why me? Yes, it would be better not have survived in this accident, why do I need this life! "I still can not answer these questions. Although it is said that God sends only what people can endure ... In time, the anger has passed, with only humility. The only thing that kept me from suicide, is the fact that the spine was intact and that the leg was saved. But otherwise not have survived, I would find a way to commit suicide right there in reanimatsii.V April 2010 I moved to a rehabilitation center. I continue to learn to walk. Before you take a step, he worked through his mind: "Now put my foot here, and move the arm like this." A very long time to get used to.
And once I fell to the gravel - leg gone, and do what I could not do. That's when we realized that the sport is over - and it was katastrofa.Vse my dreams, all of what I wanted to twenty-one years of my life, torn and thrown away. Run - do not skating - can not jump - you can not. Heels and skirts, which I loved so much - also never be. A live-then what? I was sitting in a wheelchair, cried, and nothing more was not planning global.
Immediate objectives were now a maximum of six months. The first - to get out of the stroller. Yes, the leg does not feel the foot does not move, but the bone is, the focus is. Well, then I will train. I went myself to move, to wash. He falls, but still repeating. A minimum of half an hour it was necessary to promozgovat scheme and get into the bath, for example. And another forty minutes trying to figure out how to get out of a wet bath.
And like something already out, when suddenly - bam! - Operation, then again, off-schedule. And all from scratch. For a few weeks, is eliminated from the system, muscles and forget all that re-learned. I have a month left to itself. Do not talk to the doctors answered all questions «I do not understand», he turned away. No soap head, wanted nothing, staring blankly series, even in the social network did not come.
And then came to the aid of psychologists. I used as many probably believed that a psychologist - a psychiatrist and I do not need it. And now I know that it is impossible to share all the pain with family or friends. A psychologist helps to talk. It is neutral, it does not matter who ty.Zhurnalisty quickly hung a label on me, "She's strong." But I'm not strong, it's just a mask - wearing and went. I keep saying: "Smile, it is all annoying." I know that I have discussed behind their backs, saying that she gave the apartment, the car is, on TV name, the money for the treatment received, and all her little, all somewhere climbs. And I do not climb. No one interview I did not ask and did not work pleaded vzyat.I help, I do not ask. If the plug - go on crutches on the subway. When you do not have a car, I moved tram shuttles. In transport, I will never ask to give way, because then even harder to get than to sit down. Usually, I stand at the door and watched me crawl. In Germany, even if you will pass without the head, do not stare. And we have, if any flaw immediately treated. Very unpleasant.
But sometimes in another way: the food in the subway, the mood at zero and goes suddenly a guy or a girl, "you Irina? You can take a picture with you? "And - I have a smile from ear to ear all day charge radosti.V wheelchair I do would not sit down.
My next task - to do without crutches. Last year I got a driver's license. At first I did not take a long time in any driving school, then the instructor did not know how to teach me. Foot right foot, I do not feel like managed single-handedly. But nothing, adapt himself.
Exams give up without cronyism, to be honest. Get the right, the next day went out of town for mashine.Seychas me 25 years, and more than anything I want to get married and have a baby. The more that doctors say birth by caesarean section, I smogu.Bez sport I - anywhere.
Now I study at the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture (PIFK) in the magistracy, chosen specialty "sports psychologist." I'm interested. And I know from experience how important psychology in stressful situations. Recently, she opened the Olympic Games in Sochi with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

All remained intact, except for Irene, who was injured, "incompatible with life". Irina urgently taken to a local hospital and then to a clinic in Munich. To the girl did not die of shock or blood loss (in total then it poured 24 liters of blood), doctors and a half month it introduced a state of artificial coma. Four months later, Irina was transferred to a rehabilitation center. During the ten months spent in Germany, she suffered more than 50 operations.

A year ago, Irina got rid of the wheelchair. She now walks on crutches, she drives a car to work on telejournalist VGTRK, and became the invited guests at the Olympics Sochi 2014.
Below - its story about the past four years.
I do not remember the accident. I remember only as laid down in a bean in November 2009, and woke up on January 13 next year. What went as encountered brain struck out.
All my old life - like a dream. Sometimes even doubt: is it really used to be walked, ran and danced? Although clearly I remember this feeling. When I came out of the coma, the most frightening thought is not that I'm lying in the tubes in intensive care, and I slept through the New Year! As it is, I had so many plans, and I overslept! The doctors did not immediately told me that with me. I gradually metered received information. Until April - not yet started rehabilitation - seriously thought I'd be back in a bobsled. I lived it, so probably not killed herself. I have had an incentive: left four years before the Olympics - is sacred for athletes. I plan everything: two years for the restoration of two - to prepare. The doctors asked: "And I can raise the bar, the former weight?" They looked at me in surprise and went on otveta.Posle crash intact I turned only a head (excluding the shock), arms and chest. Here - all mangled. And even today, if I happen to see myself in the mirror, roar. The apartment, by the way, I got rid of all the mirrors. After a coma all we had to start from scratch. I learned to breathe again. With the ventilator operating at full light.

And then - again! - Disabled. And we need the most, and not the strength. Eyes yell: "Reconnect, choke!" About the pain I do not want to talk. Painkillers initially given every hour, then - less so as not to cause addiction. Anesthesia acted in just 20 minutes, the other 40 I writhed in pain - constant and dull, and acute neprohodyaschey.Lezha in intensive care, I was angry at God for a long time: "Why? Why me? Yes, it would be better not have survived in this accident, why do I need this life! "I still can not answer these questions. Although it is said that God sends only what people can endure ... In time, the anger has passed, with only humility. The only thing that kept me from suicide, is the fact that the spine was intact and that the leg was saved. But otherwise not have survived, I would find a way to commit suicide right there in reanimatsii.V April 2010 I moved to a rehabilitation center. I continue to learn to walk. Before you take a step, he worked through his mind: "Now put my foot here, and move the arm like this." A very long time to get used to.

And once I fell to the gravel - leg gone, and do what I could not do. That's when we realized that the sport is over - and it was katastrofa.Vse my dreams, all of what I wanted to twenty-one years of my life, torn and thrown away. Run - do not skating - can not jump - you can not. Heels and skirts, which I loved so much - also never be. A live-then what? I was sitting in a wheelchair, cried, and nothing more was not planning global.
Immediate objectives were now a maximum of six months. The first - to get out of the stroller. Yes, the leg does not feel the foot does not move, but the bone is, the focus is. Well, then I will train. I went myself to move, to wash. He falls, but still repeating. A minimum of half an hour it was necessary to promozgovat scheme and get into the bath, for example. And another forty minutes trying to figure out how to get out of a wet bath.
And like something already out, when suddenly - bam! - Operation, then again, off-schedule. And all from scratch. For a few weeks, is eliminated from the system, muscles and forget all that re-learned. I have a month left to itself. Do not talk to the doctors answered all questions «I do not understand», he turned away. No soap head, wanted nothing, staring blankly series, even in the social network did not come.

And then came to the aid of psychologists. I used as many probably believed that a psychologist - a psychiatrist and I do not need it. And now I know that it is impossible to share all the pain with family or friends. A psychologist helps to talk. It is neutral, it does not matter who ty.Zhurnalisty quickly hung a label on me, "She's strong." But I'm not strong, it's just a mask - wearing and went. I keep saying: "Smile, it is all annoying." I know that I have discussed behind their backs, saying that she gave the apartment, the car is, on TV name, the money for the treatment received, and all her little, all somewhere climbs. And I do not climb. No one interview I did not ask and did not work pleaded vzyat.I help, I do not ask. If the plug - go on crutches on the subway. When you do not have a car, I moved tram shuttles. In transport, I will never ask to give way, because then even harder to get than to sit down. Usually, I stand at the door and watched me crawl. In Germany, even if you will pass without the head, do not stare. And we have, if any flaw immediately treated. Very unpleasant.

But sometimes in another way: the food in the subway, the mood at zero and goes suddenly a guy or a girl, "you Irina? You can take a picture with you? "And - I have a smile from ear to ear all day charge radosti.V wheelchair I do would not sit down.
My next task - to do without crutches. Last year I got a driver's license. At first I did not take a long time in any driving school, then the instructor did not know how to teach me. Foot right foot, I do not feel like managed single-handedly. But nothing, adapt himself.

Exams give up without cronyism, to be honest. Get the right, the next day went out of town for mashine.Seychas me 25 years, and more than anything I want to get married and have a baby. The more that doctors say birth by caesarean section, I smogu.Bez sport I - anywhere.
Now I study at the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture (PIFK) in the magistracy, chosen specialty "sports psychologist." I'm interested. And I know from experience how important psychology in stressful situations. Recently, she opened the Olympic Games in Sochi with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
