We are waiting for the third day. As it is tiring. There is nothing worse than to wait so to catch up. Nerves nikchertu. Kagda same this time "X"? Would quickly ush. Pat once would think. And now there is still time.
Why all this? I know that almost all of us will die. Die quietly. Practically all of our life is lived only for this throw. Kama is it necessary? Death for Life? But is it worth it?
Tired of waiting. Why is it so dark? Peredvigatstsa have to touch. It's great unnerving. How can I see the goal? Hiking is unnerving fact all of our. Oh, right now, people would smoke ... savsem ahrinel. Soon the songs will be sung and haravod vadit. Hurry ush. Shit ... how tired of waiting. Let me, too, will die. But let it be faster.
Oh, I went dvizhnyak. Our tensed and ready. Is that it? That is the time "X"? Come on, dude. In all tibya paluchitstsa. No? End alarm ...
Fourth day. After vchirashneva reinforcements arrived. Where you so much? Here and so closely. Zosada, blia ... all tortures only one question: well, when? Oh, here again the movement. Not again Athboy? No, come on, we all believe in you. Still, a little more. It's time. Next. Attack. Stay yatsykletka !!!
PySy All. grass ended
Why all this? I know that almost all of us will die. Die quietly. Practically all of our life is lived only for this throw. Kama is it necessary? Death for Life? But is it worth it?
Tired of waiting. Why is it so dark? Peredvigatstsa have to touch. It's great unnerving. How can I see the goal? Hiking is unnerving fact all of our. Oh, right now, people would smoke ... savsem ahrinel. Soon the songs will be sung and haravod vadit. Hurry ush. Shit ... how tired of waiting. Let me, too, will die. But let it be faster.
Oh, I went dvizhnyak. Our tensed and ready. Is that it? That is the time "X"? Come on, dude. In all tibya paluchitstsa. No? End alarm ...
Fourth day. After vchirashneva reinforcements arrived. Where you so much? Here and so closely. Zosada, blia ... all tortures only one question: well, when? Oh, here again the movement. Not again Athboy? No, come on, we all believe in you. Still, a little more. It's time. Next. Attack. Stay yatsykletka !!!
PySy All. grass ended