Strange sounds.
© Do not maё
You know the road that passes by the mayoral hotel (prison)? The very famous with the rise of the People's Avenue in the Nerchinsk mnogazhdy sorts teleavtopatrulyami sung after every snowfall.
A couple of days ago a friend achuchilsya in those regions. Suddenly, he heard a strange and loud sound - buzz, shkryabane, rattle and clang of time. In short, play it in alphanumeric mode, you can not. The sound came from Kariba, which began to rise from the People's Avenue to Nerchinsk. Behind the wheel - a sweet girl that did not particularly bother on such trifles as a strange sound, and cheerfully continued rise.
And when she heard the cries of the catechumens several passers-men "STOOOOOY !!! STOOOOOOOOY, blah !!! YES YOU AVAST fool !!!!! ", then only podbavit gazku - Washing Cho to pay attention to any idiёtov with bulging eyes, frantically waving his arms and almost rushes to the car. A desperate Tooting and Morgan car headlights szadiiduschaya only added to her soot.
At the end of the young lady we got these assholes, and she stopped and got out of the car firmly to ask this Kazlų what devil he did obpipikal up and down (this time embodied in the first photo), and at the same time obmaterit hysterical bystanders.
So foty! On fotah - prison tract, Carib, his mistress, a fragment of the car Kazlų that pipikal, and sopstna himself Istochneg strange sound ))
You know the road that passes by the mayoral hotel (prison)? The very famous with the rise of the People's Avenue in the Nerchinsk mnogazhdy sorts teleavtopatrulyami sung after every snowfall.
A couple of days ago a friend achuchilsya in those regions. Suddenly, he heard a strange and loud sound - buzz, shkryabane, rattle and clang of time. In short, play it in alphanumeric mode, you can not. The sound came from Kariba, which began to rise from the People's Avenue to Nerchinsk. Behind the wheel - a sweet girl that did not particularly bother on such trifles as a strange sound, and cheerfully continued rise.
And when she heard the cries of the catechumens several passers-men "STOOOOOY !!! STOOOOOOOOY, blah !!! YES YOU AVAST fool !!!!! ", then only podbavit gazku - Washing Cho to pay attention to any idiёtov with bulging eyes, frantically waving his arms and almost rushes to the car. A desperate Tooting and Morgan car headlights szadiiduschaya only added to her soot.
At the end of the young lady we got these assholes, and she stopped and got out of the car firmly to ask this Kazlų what devil he did obpipikal up and down (this time embodied in the first photo), and at the same time obmaterit hysterical bystanders.
So foty! On fotah - prison tract, Carib, his mistress, a fragment of the car Kazlų that pipikal, and sopstna himself Istochneg strange sound ))
