Marble Cave
In 1987 Simferopol was opened speleosektsiey unique beauty of a huge cave with a complex system of halls and galleries.
Created in 1988, the center speleoturizma, after detailed research, equipped excursion routes - were laid concrete walkway, installed handrails, held lighting. Marble Cave was opened to the public in 1989.
According cavers, it is among the five most beautiful caves in the world. This is one of the most visited caves in Europe, and in 1992 it was adopted by the International Association equipped caves.
1. The road to the top of the mountain, where the entrance to the cave has been very difficult for our Element. Lifts were very steep, and the problems with automatic transmission only makes the process even more fun! But we are still stopped, took warm coats and went to look for the entrance.
2. Here we are inside! The length of the route is equipped with one and a half kilometers, the length of the explored rooms - more than 2 kilometers.
3. We meet the huge halls with bizarre forms of wandering formations, rare types of crystals.
4. The first thing we get to the Gallery Tales, whose length is approximately 200 meters.
5. The majority of stalactites and stalagmites have their names. This is a "Minaret" - the card Marble Cave.
6. Year-round temperature inside - about 8 degrees. Pretty cool, and there's great jacket handy.
7. And this - "Cactus". The most common, only the stone. Of natural origin, grew millions of years.
8. Interested in what is hanging on the ceiling. It turns out - the roots of some special trees, which have the strength to get through the rock to a depth of the cave!
9. Meet this - "Master"! :)
10. Go ahead. There extraordinarily beautiful, and seen numerous rock formations for hours!
11. Everyone can see "Hare" to the right of the column? Next to him - spot, something like a "wolf" of "Well, wait!" :)
12. The tunnels lead us farther and farther away.
13. Stone corals growing on one of the walls.
14. Soon we get to the Hall of perestroika - one of the largest halls in Europe and equipped with the largest room in the caves of the Crimea, its length is more than 100 meters long and 28 meters. This nine-house fit!
15. The massive walls covered korralitovymi "flowers", the giant boulders at the bottom of the hall, fine sinter column, a variety of stalactites and stalagmites amaze!
16. Somewhere in the depths of the cave playing classical music. I live it all looked just extraordinary!
17. another masterpiece created by nature and time.
18. "Pearl Lake" are hundreds of small baths that spring water fills.
19. Nevertheless, they formed a real pearl, but it has no aesthetic beauty and can not be used as decorations.
20. Hall completes the dam crest of calcite. Martian landscape, is not it?
21. Rose of the dam. Before us lies the Palace Hall, closed for visits. It is very large, and the distance can be seen sinter column "King" and "Queen". It established the dynamics of which slow music flows. The feeling is so majestic that it is impossible to convey in words!
22. Go back. This "candle" is actually a stone, too, but that's the nature of reason, made it clear! :)
23. And the two of them will soon come to "kiss." However, no sooner than 200-300 years, so they still have work to do! :)
24. In the photograph the bad feelings out, but inside the cave feel like a grain of sand!
25. Go ahead. Another small underground "lake" surrounded by stalagmites. It is full of coins, we also left to return again!
26. Our path lies in Tiger stroke. Gallery got its name from the remains of a large predator found here, presumably saber-toothed tiger. After careful study, the researchers concluded that this cave lion, but the original name of the gallery has got into catalogs and was upheld.
27. Picturesque sinter columns and curtains divide the gallery into separate rooms.
28. It is delightful: steep walls covered with sinter curtain blocks of limestone with incrustations of calcite, mysterious "skeleton animals" under the stones.
29. Before us is a stone waterfall.
30. Walk has to carefully ceilings in some places are quite low, and you can attach the head. And if you go through the narrowest part of the course without touching the walls, you can make a wish and it will be granted! :)
31. The slopes are somewhat similar to the trees of the rainforest.
32. And this is a small depression with miniature columns called "rests Princess," if I'm not mistaken.
33. Plants? No, this is a unique geliktitovye flowers - elongated stone "sticks", growing up in a completely random directions, intricately curving and branching. Another creation of nature.
34. Wherever you look - every corner of the cave is unique!
35. Tiger stroke has a length of about 200 meters, and is much more humid climate than in the rest of the cave. As a result - all done here looks different.
36. Original entrance. Once upon a time explorers descended into this little crevice, and in front of them opened an amazing underground world of Marble Cave!
37. Well, we went through all the routes open to the public. It is time to get out the top!
Source: frantsouzov.livejournal.com
Created in 1988, the center speleoturizma, after detailed research, equipped excursion routes - were laid concrete walkway, installed handrails, held lighting. Marble Cave was opened to the public in 1989.
According cavers, it is among the five most beautiful caves in the world. This is one of the most visited caves in Europe, and in 1992 it was adopted by the International Association equipped caves.

1. The road to the top of the mountain, where the entrance to the cave has been very difficult for our Element. Lifts were very steep, and the problems with automatic transmission only makes the process even more fun! But we are still stopped, took warm coats and went to look for the entrance.

2. Here we are inside! The length of the route is equipped with one and a half kilometers, the length of the explored rooms - more than 2 kilometers.

3. We meet the huge halls with bizarre forms of wandering formations, rare types of crystals.

4. The first thing we get to the Gallery Tales, whose length is approximately 200 meters.

5. The majority of stalactites and stalagmites have their names. This is a "Minaret" - the card Marble Cave.

6. Year-round temperature inside - about 8 degrees. Pretty cool, and there's great jacket handy.

7. And this - "Cactus". The most common, only the stone. Of natural origin, grew millions of years.

8. Interested in what is hanging on the ceiling. It turns out - the roots of some special trees, which have the strength to get through the rock to a depth of the cave!

9. Meet this - "Master"! :)

10. Go ahead. There extraordinarily beautiful, and seen numerous rock formations for hours!

11. Everyone can see "Hare" to the right of the column? Next to him - spot, something like a "wolf" of "Well, wait!" :)

12. The tunnels lead us farther and farther away.

13. Stone corals growing on one of the walls.

14. Soon we get to the Hall of perestroika - one of the largest halls in Europe and equipped with the largest room in the caves of the Crimea, its length is more than 100 meters long and 28 meters. This nine-house fit!

15. The massive walls covered korralitovymi "flowers", the giant boulders at the bottom of the hall, fine sinter column, a variety of stalactites and stalagmites amaze!

16. Somewhere in the depths of the cave playing classical music. I live it all looked just extraordinary!

17. another masterpiece created by nature and time.

18. "Pearl Lake" are hundreds of small baths that spring water fills.

19. Nevertheless, they formed a real pearl, but it has no aesthetic beauty and can not be used as decorations.

20. Hall completes the dam crest of calcite. Martian landscape, is not it?

21. Rose of the dam. Before us lies the Palace Hall, closed for visits. It is very large, and the distance can be seen sinter column "King" and "Queen". It established the dynamics of which slow music flows. The feeling is so majestic that it is impossible to convey in words!

22. Go back. This "candle" is actually a stone, too, but that's the nature of reason, made it clear! :)

23. And the two of them will soon come to "kiss." However, no sooner than 200-300 years, so they still have work to do! :)

24. In the photograph the bad feelings out, but inside the cave feel like a grain of sand!

25. Go ahead. Another small underground "lake" surrounded by stalagmites. It is full of coins, we also left to return again!

26. Our path lies in Tiger stroke. Gallery got its name from the remains of a large predator found here, presumably saber-toothed tiger. After careful study, the researchers concluded that this cave lion, but the original name of the gallery has got into catalogs and was upheld.

27. Picturesque sinter columns and curtains divide the gallery into separate rooms.

28. It is delightful: steep walls covered with sinter curtain blocks of limestone with incrustations of calcite, mysterious "skeleton animals" under the stones.

29. Before us is a stone waterfall.

30. Walk has to carefully ceilings in some places are quite low, and you can attach the head. And if you go through the narrowest part of the course without touching the walls, you can make a wish and it will be granted! :)

31. The slopes are somewhat similar to the trees of the rainforest.

32. And this is a small depression with miniature columns called "rests Princess," if I'm not mistaken.

33. Plants? No, this is a unique geliktitovye flowers - elongated stone "sticks", growing up in a completely random directions, intricately curving and branching. Another creation of nature.

34. Wherever you look - every corner of the cave is unique!

35. Tiger stroke has a length of about 200 meters, and is much more humid climate than in the rest of the cave. As a result - all done here looks different.

36. Original entrance. Once upon a time explorers descended into this little crevice, and in front of them opened an amazing underground world of Marble Cave!

37. Well, we went through all the routes open to the public. It is time to get out the top!

Source: frantsouzov.livejournal.com