Volkswagen against Porsche
More than 40 thousand employees of car manufacturer Volkswagen AG took part in a mass rally in his hometown of VW Wolfsburg in support of the law on the protection predpriyatiya.Profsoyuz IG Metall (IGM) has called the company's employees take to the streets to protest against the possible cancellation of "Volkswagen law" giving guarantees on the absorption of the German Volkswagen and foreign investors.
The protest was held under the motto «Volkswagen must remain Volkswagen». After Porsche became the main shareholder of the company volfburgskogo, the concern of the struggle for power. Porsche AG is seeking the abolition of "Volkswagen Law" and raising the threshold for a blocking stake to 25 percent. Currently, Porsche has a 31 percent stake in Volkswagen and plans before the end of this year to increase its stake to more than 50 percent.
State Government of South Saxony, in the territory of which the city of Wolfsburg, is ready to increase its stake in the Volkswagen Group from 20% to 25%, in case the "law of the VW» will be canceled by the court of the European Union, and, Porsche will have the opportunity to take control of Volkswagen, With its 75% stake in the concern.
Thus the area of the German authorities are going to retain a blocking stake in VW.

The protest was held under the motto «Volkswagen must remain Volkswagen». After Porsche became the main shareholder of the company volfburgskogo, the concern of the struggle for power. Porsche AG is seeking the abolition of "Volkswagen Law" and raising the threshold for a blocking stake to 25 percent. Currently, Porsche has a 31 percent stake in Volkswagen and plans before the end of this year to increase its stake to more than 50 percent.

State Government of South Saxony, in the territory of which the city of Wolfsburg, is ready to increase its stake in the Volkswagen Group from 20% to 25%, in case the "law of the VW» will be canceled by the court of the European Union, and, Porsche will have the opportunity to take control of Volkswagen, With its 75% stake in the concern.
Thus the area of the German authorities are going to retain a blocking stake in VW.







