In order to think of this, it was necessary, perhaps repeatedly revel in the board and in the morning to suffer because you stomps and sausage. And the body of the protein required for the restoration, but even to cut sausage was not on anything - around one bottle.
And they are round, they are cut inconvenient. And how many of them ... Now, flatten them - and you can place the compact, and if anything, the farm used - as a cutting board or plate ...
What are you saying? Attributed to the trash? Well, some alcoholics sorry to part with the material evidence of his prowess (after all, these poor perceive each drunk a liter as a victory in the battle against evil).
And they love it when everything around about vodka. Songs about vodka, poems about vodka. If the board will also be about vodka - alcoholic just a joy.
We do not know whether the inventor flattened bottles-one boards Mitchell alcoholic. But it provided us the history of the invention fits just fine: in the board drunken Mitchell ivy, like sausages, prevented the bottle, and then - eureka! - And she was gently warms bottles and flattens them, as if in revenge for the fact that their content just stomps her.
Blackboard, which you see on the first picture, made from bottles of Absolut vodka and called, respectively, Absolut Vodka Bottle. For convenience, the bottom rubber feet fastened.
But the board of the bottles from other beverages:
6 ph via hrenovina net
And they are round, they are cut inconvenient. And how many of them ... Now, flatten them - and you can place the compact, and if anything, the farm used - as a cutting board or plate ...
What are you saying? Attributed to the trash? Well, some alcoholics sorry to part with the material evidence of his prowess (after all, these poor perceive each drunk a liter as a victory in the battle against evil).
And they love it when everything around about vodka. Songs about vodka, poems about vodka. If the board will also be about vodka - alcoholic just a joy.
We do not know whether the inventor flattened bottles-one boards Mitchell alcoholic. But it provided us the history of the invention fits just fine: in the board drunken Mitchell ivy, like sausages, prevented the bottle, and then - eureka! - And she was gently warms bottles and flattens them, as if in revenge for the fact that their content just stomps her.
Blackboard, which you see on the first picture, made from bottles of Absolut vodka and called, respectively, Absolut Vodka Bottle. For convenience, the bottom rubber feet fastened.
But the board of the bottles from other beverages:
6 ph via hrenovina net





