Voronezh salute
I mean I sit at home, suddenly a deafening explosion. Particular attention for some reason did not pay ... And in the evening, reaching zomboyaschika, I realized that there was something more serious than I thought.
So that's it (26 Picchu)
Further text + video
via kp.ru / gzt.ru / vrn1.ru
As one of the main versions of what happened, the warehouse from the store pulled so no sour.
Actually, the warehouse.
... Or rather its remains.
A few words from official sources. [newizv.ru]
In Voronezh, in the street of the Red exploded fireworks warehouse company "Omega". After the explosion, the warehouse caught fire and collapsed. The explosion occurred at 12.40 Moscow time in the two-storey detached building a warehouse the size of 5 x 3 meters. The building, where the warehouse is almost completely destroyed. In addition, the explosion had shattered windows in the adjacent 5-storey apartment building. As a result of the incident injured, according to latest figures, 55 people have already received. Basically it has suffered cuts from broken glass. Four of the victims were taken to the intensive care unit, one person suffered burns to 80% of the skin. Another person was killed, reports STRC Voronezh.
On-site work online services. Go evacuation of residents of neighboring houses.
On the causes of the explosion are still unknown.
As reported by local media, is not the first emergency stock of fireworks. In 2003, the explosion occurred in the basement of a warehouse. Then, two people were killed. The cause of the explosion was careless use of fireworks.
Already there were the first eyewitness. According to them, the explosion was a monstrous force.
-I At least one corpse had seen: a man of about 50, first ran around him, then covered sheet. An hour and is not taken. At first I thought it was the military exploded shells. In the barracks of the military unit with shattered glass frames (user Nikoly)
-Next To the site of the explosion is 10 etazhka, yellow, in 50-70 meters away from the explosion. There vomited front doors, doors lying in the doorway. Stones flew over our house and fell on my balcony. I stood in the explosion in the hall, I was 90 kg man was thrown 2 meter by 2 meters, taking into account the fact that I was very far away from windows. (Nikoly)
-Buhnul Store (or warehouse) with crackers, which was located next to the apartment house. In the neighboring houses flew glass. There are victims, eyewitnesses said that carried several plastic bags. It seems like the mayor has arrived. (JOHN_PROFF)
-Just Returned from there, with John photographed. The spectacle disastrous as after the bombing of Belgrade. Residents say that the doors of metal flew into apartments. In addition to stores oruzhayuschih knocked out windows, even in some places the metal is bent.
Residents evacuate fire escapes, porches seen in a terrible state. (Mr. Rome)
-Girlfriend's sister is working in a military hospital, which is across the street. He says to them come the victims ... n ... n! The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. People in all the blood, in burns, stunned, in shock !!! (Alexnst)
-Was The scene in the area of 13-00 so many police, fire, glass everywhere. A friend lives in the house where the Omega - the glory of God was at work. No windows anywhere. The affected lot, 30 meters from the house is a piece of the wall the size of two meters. Condolences to the victims (DJ Jonny)
-On Site VIRE suffered a few people from the stones that flew there. Glass povybivalo, my brother at that moment was sitting there in the audience. Behind him, the glass shattered, happiness is not hooked. (Sergst)
- There was an explosion. I immediately looked out the window, there are some cars stopped, the drivers jumped out and began to hide the machines, people knocked out shopping. My house is a little more than a hundred meters from the explosion. Fortunately the path is 9 etazhka, and then I, too, at least to glass flew, but specifically ears laid, minutes 20. (JOHN_PROFF)
-Znakomy Passing by ... says a piece of brick to catch up on the roof ... exploded rigidly (mehanik)
-Only That out - pulled warehouse pyrotechnics "Omega", which stood in the yard of the building, opposite the arch. The five-storey and nine-issued all the windows and through the shops located on the ground floor, the shock wave passed through and made the windows facing the street. Everything in the glass. Close not come, all cordoned off. 15 pieces of fire engines, pull the sleeve from the private houses. One can see a column of smoke, say from the warehouse was only a funnel. (VasDim)
An eyewitness wrote in one of the Voronezh forums:
"My brother and I are the only witnesses who saw everything from beginning to end. Even a kid can be a witness on another gazelle if he remained alive, I do not know but it filled up konkretno.My gazelle waiting to unload all the store Tsentrtorg. In the courtyard of the house stood a few gazelles with the goods. I was in a cab on the street and his brother. He saw in the store went omega their work with patch. After some piece time in front of a warehouse door of our car began to shy away firecrackers. First one, and then more and more in 10 seconds. Then just issued a double gate nafig and all hell broke loose. All our car engulfed in flames. We were just over 2 meters of the target. Gates flew past us in front of the trash. All around was on fire and smoke hundreds of firecrackers exploding. Brother quickly jumped into the cab and we jerked backwards through the arch. We stopped for 20 meters to the warehouse. After 20 seconds, there was a huge explosion with a fungus. All the windows in the house were taken away, around fallen stones, bricks and blocks. We drove further has a safe distance. And when it was just beginning to see all the interesting ran to the fire, and after the explosion had fled back with injuries. Then brother ran to help firefighters to pull people from the apartments. But explosions continued all but small ... »
So that's it (26 Picchu)
Further text + video
via kp.ru / gzt.ru / vrn1.ru





















As one of the main versions of what happened, the warehouse from the store pulled so no sour.

Actually, the warehouse.
... Or rather its remains.




A few words from official sources. [newizv.ru]
In Voronezh, in the street of the Red exploded fireworks warehouse company "Omega". After the explosion, the warehouse caught fire and collapsed. The explosion occurred at 12.40 Moscow time in the two-storey detached building a warehouse the size of 5 x 3 meters. The building, where the warehouse is almost completely destroyed. In addition, the explosion had shattered windows in the adjacent 5-storey apartment building. As a result of the incident injured, according to latest figures, 55 people have already received. Basically it has suffered cuts from broken glass. Four of the victims were taken to the intensive care unit, one person suffered burns to 80% of the skin. Another person was killed, reports STRC Voronezh.
On-site work online services. Go evacuation of residents of neighboring houses.
On the causes of the explosion are still unknown.
As reported by local media, is not the first emergency stock of fireworks. In 2003, the explosion occurred in the basement of a warehouse. Then, two people were killed. The cause of the explosion was careless use of fireworks.
Already there were the first eyewitness. According to them, the explosion was a monstrous force.
-I At least one corpse had seen: a man of about 50, first ran around him, then covered sheet. An hour and is not taken. At first I thought it was the military exploded shells. In the barracks of the military unit with shattered glass frames (user Nikoly)
-Next To the site of the explosion is 10 etazhka, yellow, in 50-70 meters away from the explosion. There vomited front doors, doors lying in the doorway. Stones flew over our house and fell on my balcony. I stood in the explosion in the hall, I was 90 kg man was thrown 2 meter by 2 meters, taking into account the fact that I was very far away from windows. (Nikoly)
-Buhnul Store (or warehouse) with crackers, which was located next to the apartment house. In the neighboring houses flew glass. There are victims, eyewitnesses said that carried several plastic bags. It seems like the mayor has arrived. (JOHN_PROFF)
-Just Returned from there, with John photographed. The spectacle disastrous as after the bombing of Belgrade. Residents say that the doors of metal flew into apartments. In addition to stores oruzhayuschih knocked out windows, even in some places the metal is bent.
Residents evacuate fire escapes, porches seen in a terrible state. (Mr. Rome)
-Girlfriend's sister is working in a military hospital, which is across the street. He says to them come the victims ... n ... n! The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. People in all the blood, in burns, stunned, in shock !!! (Alexnst)
-Was The scene in the area of 13-00 so many police, fire, glass everywhere. A friend lives in the house where the Omega - the glory of God was at work. No windows anywhere. The affected lot, 30 meters from the house is a piece of the wall the size of two meters. Condolences to the victims (DJ Jonny)
-On Site VIRE suffered a few people from the stones that flew there. Glass povybivalo, my brother at that moment was sitting there in the audience. Behind him, the glass shattered, happiness is not hooked. (Sergst)
- There was an explosion. I immediately looked out the window, there are some cars stopped, the drivers jumped out and began to hide the machines, people knocked out shopping. My house is a little more than a hundred meters from the explosion. Fortunately the path is 9 etazhka, and then I, too, at least to glass flew, but specifically ears laid, minutes 20. (JOHN_PROFF)
-Znakomy Passing by ... says a piece of brick to catch up on the roof ... exploded rigidly (mehanik)
-Only That out - pulled warehouse pyrotechnics "Omega", which stood in the yard of the building, opposite the arch. The five-storey and nine-issued all the windows and through the shops located on the ground floor, the shock wave passed through and made the windows facing the street. Everything in the glass. Close not come, all cordoned off. 15 pieces of fire engines, pull the sleeve from the private houses. One can see a column of smoke, say from the warehouse was only a funnel. (VasDim)
An eyewitness wrote in one of the Voronezh forums:
"My brother and I are the only witnesses who saw everything from beginning to end. Even a kid can be a witness on another gazelle if he remained alive, I do not know but it filled up konkretno.My gazelle waiting to unload all the store Tsentrtorg. In the courtyard of the house stood a few gazelles with the goods. I was in a cab on the street and his brother. He saw in the store went omega their work with patch. After some piece time in front of a warehouse door of our car began to shy away firecrackers. First one, and then more and more in 10 seconds. Then just issued a double gate nafig and all hell broke loose. All our car engulfed in flames. We were just over 2 meters of the target. Gates flew past us in front of the trash. All around was on fire and smoke hundreds of firecrackers exploding. Brother quickly jumped into the cab and we jerked backwards through the arch. We stopped for 20 meters to the warehouse. After 20 seconds, there was a huge explosion with a fungus. All the windows in the house were taken away, around fallen stones, bricks and blocks. We drove further has a safe distance. And when it was just beginning to see all the interesting ran to the fire, and after the explosion had fled back with injuries. Then brother ran to help firefighters to pull people from the apartments. But explosions continued all but small ... »