Meteor "rally" in Latvia
The fall of a meteorite near the town of Mazsalaca in Latvia appeared staged, which sponsored the local mobile operator «Tele2». According Sproģis, the aim of the campaign was "to inspire the Latvian society».
"We just wanted to inspire people," - said Sproģis, pointing out that the incident was staged.
He added that in this way the company would like to draw the world's attention to Latvia, which, according to him, may be of interest not only from the point of view of the news about the crisis, but also from the standpoint of something unusual.
Sprogis promised to reimburse the state for all losses.
As previously reported, on Sunday at the edge of the ground Mazsalatskom alleged meteorite fell, creating a crater with a diameter of about 20 meters and a depth of about 3 meters. However, scientists almost immediately declared that the state of emergency is staged.
11 ph via CNews
The mobile operator "Tele-2", by drawing with the fall of "meteorite" in Mazsalaca will have to reimburse the government for damages in the amount of 13 thousand. LVL, the TV channel "Vesti 24" referring to the Minister of Interior of Latvia Linda Murnietse. In an interview with local television station official said that similar attempts by other PR people are inexcusable.
The minister promised that those responsible for the staging of a meteorite in Latvia will be punished. According Murnietse, against the people who had organized the "fall of the meteorite," will be prosecuted.
"I think they will have to pay for the work of the special services, who were involved in the case. Sum get more. For such jokes have to answer, "- said the head of the Interior Ministry.
After learning about the perpetrators of the incident, Interior Minister called the case of the alleged meteorite falling in the mockery of the people and the security services.
"We are already counting the money expended. Unfortunately, money can not compensate for the fact that Tele2 has committed a mockery of the people and our services ", - the minister said the agency BNS.
Murnietse added that the question of criminal proceedings on the incident within the competence of the police.
Dmitry Medvedev wrote a programmatic article
Promo video for a new game for the iPhone has caused controversy
According to the newspaper VIEW, messages about the fall of a large meteorite on Sunday near the town of Mazsalaca in the Valmiera district has become one of the most important news not only in Latvia, but also abroad.
Head of the earth Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Uldis Null said Monday the agency BNS, that is, in his opinion, was a meteorite.
The owner of the land on which the meteorite fell, took advantage of the hype and became willing to sell tickets to see the funnel.
But go to the place of incidence "meteorite" astronomers have expressed doubt about this, because after the fall of meteorites on the ground usually stopped burning. At the same witnesses filmed the video you can see a hole in the bottom of which continue to burn an unknown substance.
In the afternoon on Monday, as the Latvian geologists and their colleagues from the Estonian University of Tartu concluded that around Mazsalaca meteorite did not fall, and discovered crater, in all likelihood, people dug.
Head of Valmiera area of state police Andris Shteymaks declined to answer the question of BNS, whether under investigation. He noted that in the beginning you need to wait for the conclusion of all the experts and only then make a decision.
Because the incident involved in services so far only the State Fire and Rescue Service (GPSS) indicates its potential losses.
"We just wanted to inspire people," - said Sproģis, pointing out that the incident was staged.
He added that in this way the company would like to draw the world's attention to Latvia, which, according to him, may be of interest not only from the point of view of the news about the crisis, but also from the standpoint of something unusual.
Sprogis promised to reimburse the state for all losses.
As previously reported, on Sunday at the edge of the ground Mazsalatskom alleged meteorite fell, creating a crater with a diameter of about 20 meters and a depth of about 3 meters. However, scientists almost immediately declared that the state of emergency is staged.
11 ph via CNews

The mobile operator "Tele-2", by drawing with the fall of "meteorite" in Mazsalaca will have to reimburse the government for damages in the amount of 13 thousand. LVL, the TV channel "Vesti 24" referring to the Minister of Interior of Latvia Linda Murnietse. In an interview with local television station official said that similar attempts by other PR people are inexcusable.

The minister promised that those responsible for the staging of a meteorite in Latvia will be punished. According Murnietse, against the people who had organized the "fall of the meteorite," will be prosecuted.
"I think they will have to pay for the work of the special services, who were involved in the case. Sum get more. For such jokes have to answer, "- said the head of the Interior Ministry.
After learning about the perpetrators of the incident, Interior Minister called the case of the alleged meteorite falling in the mockery of the people and the security services.

"We are already counting the money expended. Unfortunately, money can not compensate for the fact that Tele2 has committed a mockery of the people and our services ", - the minister said the agency BNS.
Murnietse added that the question of criminal proceedings on the incident within the competence of the police.
Dmitry Medvedev wrote a programmatic article
Promo video for a new game for the iPhone has caused controversy
According to the newspaper VIEW, messages about the fall of a large meteorite on Sunday near the town of Mazsalaca in the Valmiera district has become one of the most important news not only in Latvia, but also abroad.

Head of the earth Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Uldis Null said Monday the agency BNS, that is, in his opinion, was a meteorite.
The owner of the land on which the meteorite fell, took advantage of the hype and became willing to sell tickets to see the funnel.

But go to the place of incidence "meteorite" astronomers have expressed doubt about this, because after the fall of meteorites on the ground usually stopped burning. At the same witnesses filmed the video you can see a hole in the bottom of which continue to burn an unknown substance.

In the afternoon on Monday, as the Latvian geologists and their colleagues from the Estonian University of Tartu concluded that around Mazsalaca meteorite did not fall, and discovered crater, in all likelihood, people dug.

Head of Valmiera area of state police Andris Shteymaks declined to answer the question of BNS, whether under investigation. He noted that in the beginning you need to wait for the conclusion of all the experts and only then make a decision.

Because the incident involved in services so far only the State Fire and Rescue Service (GPSS) indicates its potential losses.


