"The strong race" in Latvia
In Kegums, on the basis of sport and recreation Zelta Zirgs hosted Stipro skrējiens ("the strong Race") is an annual public event for those who want to test themselves in overcoming obstacles. Every year competitions are gaining increasing popularity, and this time they first carried out over two days.
Twenty eight million two hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred seventy nine
Stipro skrējiens was held for the ninth time. "The strong race" is the first and only in Latvia and the Baltic States extreme endurance race massive, which includes a classic cross and elements of the various disciplines of strength and dexterity (overcoming mud, water areas, a variety of barriers and obstacles, etc.). Part of the distance laid on the track in motocross.
From 2010 to 2015 is in Cinevilla backlot (Tukums region, Slampe parish), last year moved to Kegums at the base Zelta Zirgs. The number of participants each time more and more: in 2013, there were about 4,000, and in 2014 — a record 6000.
Forty five million two hundred eighty thousand five hundred sixty three
In previous years, the race for thrill-seekers were held in early may (was timed to the celebration of the anniversary of restoration of independence of Latvia), but now he was held on 27-28 may. This is due to the fact that in the beginning of may in Latvia is quite cold (usually air temperature does not exceed +4...+8 degrees) and many potential comers then frightened weather. This time it was Sunny and warm (about 20 degrees).
Stipro skrējiens — obstacle course on time. If in the first years was the General start for everyone, right now the trails are divided by level of difficulty and length, there are personal and team, male and female, professional and Amateur tests, trails for adults and children. In addition, this is the first year the competition was held one day and two.
Each day was scheduled to start at 5, 7, 9 and 12 km. the Choice of this format stems from the fact that the organizers could better serve the route to increase the pause between participants and to reduce turns around obstacles. To beginners offers a distance of 5 km, is considered to be the traditional distance of 9 km and 12 km for the elite and pros. Also for the third consecutive year organized the extreme races for children aged one year to 12 years.
According to the organizers, the first day of "Run strong" the number of participants was about 2500 people. Of these, approximately 600 participants started at the easiest version of the race — "Izlūku skrējienā" ("Race spies"), and the most widespread was the group the race with part 403 of the teams they needed to cover the 9 miles and 33 obstacles.
Winners of a race "Izlūku skrējiena" are: women — Laura Ricsta, men — Sandis Cielo. Among the teams fastest was "VP Latgale".
Twenty eight million four hundred nineteen thousand four hundred thirteen
Ninety nine million two hundred fifty nine thousand four hundred four
Eighty two million four hundred fifty one thousand three hundred eighty five
Ninety nine million three hundred forty thousand two hundred twenty two
Thirty three million nine hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred fifty three
Seventy six million three hundred twenty one thousand one hundred forty one
Fourteen million three hundred six thousand eight hundred eighty eight
Fifty four million seven hundred twenty four thousand five hundred ten
Sixty one million five hundred seventy four thousand two hundred ninety four
Thirty five million one hundred seventy seven thousand three hundred fifteen
Sixty five million three hundred eighty eight thousand three hundred thirty nine
Eighty nine million six hundred forty three thousand seven hundred five
Eleven million one hundred twenty five thousand nine hundred fifty one
Forty eight million seven hundred six thousand two hundred twenty four
One million three hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred forty eight
Ninety eight million eight thousand four hundred thirty two
Eighty three million seven hundred sixty four thousand four hundred fifty one
Seventy seven million eight hundred sixty eight thousand two hundred fifty seven
Ninety three million five thousand five hundred thirty one
Twenty eight million two hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred seventy nine
Stipro skrējiens was held for the ninth time. "The strong race" is the first and only in Latvia and the Baltic States extreme endurance race massive, which includes a classic cross and elements of the various disciplines of strength and dexterity (overcoming mud, water areas, a variety of barriers and obstacles, etc.). Part of the distance laid on the track in motocross.
From 2010 to 2015 is in Cinevilla backlot (Tukums region, Slampe parish), last year moved to Kegums at the base Zelta Zirgs. The number of participants each time more and more: in 2013, there were about 4,000, and in 2014 — a record 6000.
Forty five million two hundred eighty thousand five hundred sixty three
In previous years, the race for thrill-seekers were held in early may (was timed to the celebration of the anniversary of restoration of independence of Latvia), but now he was held on 27-28 may. This is due to the fact that in the beginning of may in Latvia is quite cold (usually air temperature does not exceed +4...+8 degrees) and many potential comers then frightened weather. This time it was Sunny and warm (about 20 degrees).
Stipro skrējiens — obstacle course on time. If in the first years was the General start for everyone, right now the trails are divided by level of difficulty and length, there are personal and team, male and female, professional and Amateur tests, trails for adults and children. In addition, this is the first year the competition was held one day and two.
Each day was scheduled to start at 5, 7, 9 and 12 km. the Choice of this format stems from the fact that the organizers could better serve the route to increase the pause between participants and to reduce turns around obstacles. To beginners offers a distance of 5 km, is considered to be the traditional distance of 9 km and 12 km for the elite and pros. Also for the third consecutive year organized the extreme races for children aged one year to 12 years.
According to the organizers, the first day of "Run strong" the number of participants was about 2500 people. Of these, approximately 600 participants started at the easiest version of the race — "Izlūku skrējienā" ("Race spies"), and the most widespread was the group the race with part 403 of the teams they needed to cover the 9 miles and 33 obstacles.
Winners of a race "Izlūku skrējiena" are: women — Laura Ricsta, men — Sandis Cielo. Among the teams fastest was "VP Latgale".
Twenty eight million four hundred nineteen thousand four hundred thirteen
Ninety nine million two hundred fifty nine thousand four hundred four
Eighty two million four hundred fifty one thousand three hundred eighty five
Ninety nine million three hundred forty thousand two hundred twenty two
Thirty three million nine hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred fifty three
Seventy six million three hundred twenty one thousand one hundred forty one
Fourteen million three hundred six thousand eight hundred eighty eight
Fifty four million seven hundred twenty four thousand five hundred ten
Sixty one million five hundred seventy four thousand two hundred ninety four
Thirty five million one hundred seventy seven thousand three hundred fifteen
Sixty five million three hundred eighty eight thousand three hundred thirty nine
Eighty nine million six hundred forty three thousand seven hundred five
Eleven million one hundred twenty five thousand nine hundred fifty one
Forty eight million seven hundred six thousand two hundred twenty four
One million three hundred thirty five thousand eight hundred forty eight
Ninety eight million eight thousand four hundred thirty two
Eighty three million seven hundred sixty four thousand four hundred fifty one
Seventy seven million eight hundred sixty eight thousand two hundred fifty seven
Ninety three million five thousand five hundred thirty one