Museum of long-range aircraft
Diaghilev - air base in Ryazan region, located 11 km west of the city of Ryazan. At the airbase houses the Museum of strategic aviation
Author shots Ilya Varlamov and aviator-ru
36 ph
1. We begin our tour with the TU-95, a Soviet turboprop strategic bomber, bomber, one of the fastest screw aircraft, which became one of the symbols of the Cold War. A russian bear. Only put into service and serially produces turboprop bomber. It is designed to engage cruise missiles important objects in the rear of the enemy at any time and under any weather conditions. In operation since 1956.
2. TU-95 went into the series with engines NK-12. Engine NK-12 is still the most powerful turboprop engine in the world. NK-12 has a 14-stage compressor and highly efficient five-speed turbine. The efficiency of the turbine engine NK-12 is 94%, which is a record.
3. High engine power and screw design determines its unparalleled noise, Tu-95 is one of the noisiest aircraft in the world and even pinpoint detection systems on submarines, but this is not critical when applied to massive missile and nuclear attacks.
4. The coaxial screws with variable pitch (AB-60K) installed on Tu-95 had a diameter of more than 6 meters. The plane has an automatic engine start. Fuel is located in the wing and the fuselage 11 soft fuel tanks.
5. Defensive armament Tu-95 consists of a 23-mm aircraft cannons. In different versions of the aircraft number varies from six paired guns AM-23 in three defensive units (upper, lower and stern lights) to two guns GS-23 aft.
6. Bomb load Tu-95 can reach 12,000 kg. The fuselage bomb bay Allowed Freefall (including nuclear) bombs caliber up to 9000 kg.
8. Paired gun in the stern lantern.
9. Nearby are TU-95MS. These modifications of the Tu-95 aircraft form the basis of the strategic forces of Russia, it is a carrier of cruise missiles X-55. In a modification of the Tu-96MS6 in the bomb bay on the rocker launcher drum placed six of these missiles. In a modification of the Tu-95MS16 in addition to vnutrifyuzelyazhnyh launcher, provides suspension even ten X-55 missiles on four underwing holders. Strictly speaking, the Tu-95MS is a variant of the Tu-142, and not the source of the Tu-95.
11. M-4, according to NATO classification "Bison" - the world's first jet bomber, received by the troops. It was created at the same time the Tu-95, differing from it more speed, but less range. In order to reduce the weight of used Large assembly, which greatly complicates the production of the aircraft. The same feature was aerodynamically pure wing (absence of gondolas for the chassis and engines on the wing) and as a consequence - the "bicycle" chassis that's just made it extremely difficult to land the plane and practically impossible modernization of the bomb bay and the use of external suspension.
12. One of the most beautiful aircraft. Maximum take-off weight of the airship made 181, 5 m, the speed at an altitude of 6700 m reached 947 km / h, service ceiling at takeoff weight of 138 tons - 12,500 m. The designers were able to place on the airplane great for those times the amount of fuel - 132 390 liters, but real maximum refueling is limited to 123600 liters.
13. The museum is a modification of the M-4 Fuel tanker. The bomb bay is located an additional tank, fuel transfer equipment and winches for the release of the "cone".
14. Of particular interest is the adopted version of the chassis bomber "M". Bicycle scheme has been selected from the front "vzdyblivayuscheysya" trolley and side pillars at the wing tips. Turn carried out by controlling the head front pair of wheels four-wheel carts. Turn to change direction a pair of trolleys, and behind it - and the whole aircraft. In the mode "vzdyblivaniya" control pair is automatically turned off. At the end of a running nose of the car lifted and the angle of attack has increased. The rise is almost without the intervention of the pilot.
16. Tu-22M, for the codification of NATO: Backfire - long-range supersonic bomber bomber / reconnaissance variable geometry wing. The maximum speed of 2300 km / h, the maximum speed of the earth in 1050 km / h cruising speed of 930 km / h, the takeoff speed of 370 km / h, the landing speed of 285 km / h; ceiling of 13 300 m; combat range with combat load of 12 000 kg at supersonic speed 1500-1850 km at subsonic speeds and extremely low altitude - 1500-1650 km at subsonic Mixed profile - 2410 km, the length of the runway of 2000-2100 meters; path length of 1200-1300 m, maximum operating overload 2, 5.
17. Air intakes with a vertical wedge (Tu-22M3 - horizontal) are located on the sides of the fuselage. Fuel capacity located in the integral tanks in the front (1, 2 tanks), medium (3, 4, 5) and the tail (6, 7, 8, cans) of the fuselage, a tail fin (9, tank) and the wing tanks, including the rotating part of the wing (console).
18. The aircraft Tu-22M series made by the normal aerodynamic scheme cantilever mid with variable sweep wing. The wing consists of a fixed part and a swivel arm. Sweep wing changes continuously from 20 ° to 60 ° with fixation in any intermediate position.
19. In the course of the war in South Ossetia in August 2008, one Tu-22M3 was shot down by Georgian air defense unit. The use of such aircraft within range of enemy air defenses were not entirely justified, declared that the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn.
20. And this is the Tu-22M2. The first was built at the Kazan aviation plant Tu-22M2 flight made May 7, 1973 (testing and refinement continued until 1975). In August 1976 the Tu-22M2 long-range weapons is taken on aviation and naval aviation. Serial production of Tu-22M2 continued up until 1983. During this time it was built 211 Tu-22M2.
22. Tu-16 NATO reporting "Badger" - the Soviet long-range bomber twin-engine jet bomber. Produced in various versions, including the missile-carrying version, the aircraft - refueling, electronic warfare aircraft, and others. Mass production from 1953 to 1963, three aviation factories. The design of the aircraft included a number of features that give TU-16 is very distinctive appearance and make it one of the most beautiful and world-known aircraft - "drowned" in the fuselage of the engine nacelles, a large sweep tail, light and robust design high aspect ratio wing.
23. For decades, the Tu-16 remained the main component of the aircraft in the aviation strategic deterrence forces of the USSR. Tu-16 naval aviation performed the tasks of tracking and maintenance of the US carrier strike groups in the Northern Hemisphere. During the 1967 war the Israeli Air Force, through the use of the element of surprise, and destroyed on the ground Tu-16 30 Egyptian Air Force. During the Afghan war, the Tu-16 was repeatedly applied to the bombing of Afghanistan. The aircraft has undergone dozens of improvements and re-equipped with new types of weapons and avionics. In Russia, it was finally withdrawn from service in the early '90s, becoming one of the most long-lived of combat aircraft in history, and certainly a masterpiece of aircraft design ideas. Chinese version of the Tu-16 still is in service.
28. TU-22M
30. In the distant visible planes airbase Dyagilevo here Orlovsky Regiment deployed air tankers Range Aviation (IL-78), 58-th separate military transport aviation squadron of airborne troops.
32. Tu-22M3 renovated in the local ARP, then it will give the Air Force.
33. TU-95MS
34. M-4
35. Tu-22M3 serviced. Combat aircraft used for flight training sotsava.
36. IL-76, "sincerity" - Soviet medium military transport aircraft developed by the Ilyushin Design Bureau. IL-76 of various modifications is the main plane of the military transport aviation in Russia and Ukraine. It consists also in the Air Force of the CIS countries, Algeria, India, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, China, Libya, North Korea and Syria.
Author shots Ilya Varlamov and aviator-ru
36 ph
1. We begin our tour with the TU-95, a Soviet turboprop strategic bomber, bomber, one of the fastest screw aircraft, which became one of the symbols of the Cold War. A russian bear. Only put into service and serially produces turboprop bomber. It is designed to engage cruise missiles important objects in the rear of the enemy at any time and under any weather conditions. In operation since 1956.

2. TU-95 went into the series with engines NK-12. Engine NK-12 is still the most powerful turboprop engine in the world. NK-12 has a 14-stage compressor and highly efficient five-speed turbine. The efficiency of the turbine engine NK-12 is 94%, which is a record.

3. High engine power and screw design determines its unparalleled noise, Tu-95 is one of the noisiest aircraft in the world and even pinpoint detection systems on submarines, but this is not critical when applied to massive missile and nuclear attacks.

4. The coaxial screws with variable pitch (AB-60K) installed on Tu-95 had a diameter of more than 6 meters. The plane has an automatic engine start. Fuel is located in the wing and the fuselage 11 soft fuel tanks.

5. Defensive armament Tu-95 consists of a 23-mm aircraft cannons. In different versions of the aircraft number varies from six paired guns AM-23 in three defensive units (upper, lower and stern lights) to two guns GS-23 aft.

6. Bomb load Tu-95 can reach 12,000 kg. The fuselage bomb bay Allowed Freefall (including nuclear) bombs caliber up to 9000 kg.


8. Paired gun in the stern lantern.

9. Nearby are TU-95MS. These modifications of the Tu-95 aircraft form the basis of the strategic forces of Russia, it is a carrier of cruise missiles X-55. In a modification of the Tu-96MS6 in the bomb bay on the rocker launcher drum placed six of these missiles. In a modification of the Tu-95MS16 in addition to vnutrifyuzelyazhnyh launcher, provides suspension even ten X-55 missiles on four underwing holders. Strictly speaking, the Tu-95MS is a variant of the Tu-142, and not the source of the Tu-95.


11. M-4, according to NATO classification "Bison" - the world's first jet bomber, received by the troops. It was created at the same time the Tu-95, differing from it more speed, but less range. In order to reduce the weight of used Large assembly, which greatly complicates the production of the aircraft. The same feature was aerodynamically pure wing (absence of gondolas for the chassis and engines on the wing) and as a consequence - the "bicycle" chassis that's just made it extremely difficult to land the plane and practically impossible modernization of the bomb bay and the use of external suspension.

12. One of the most beautiful aircraft. Maximum take-off weight of the airship made 181, 5 m, the speed at an altitude of 6700 m reached 947 km / h, service ceiling at takeoff weight of 138 tons - 12,500 m. The designers were able to place on the airplane great for those times the amount of fuel - 132 390 liters, but real maximum refueling is limited to 123600 liters.

13. The museum is a modification of the M-4 Fuel tanker. The bomb bay is located an additional tank, fuel transfer equipment and winches for the release of the "cone".

14. Of particular interest is the adopted version of the chassis bomber "M". Bicycle scheme has been selected from the front "vzdyblivayuscheysya" trolley and side pillars at the wing tips. Turn carried out by controlling the head front pair of wheels four-wheel carts. Turn to change direction a pair of trolleys, and behind it - and the whole aircraft. In the mode "vzdyblivaniya" control pair is automatically turned off. At the end of a running nose of the car lifted and the angle of attack has increased. The rise is almost without the intervention of the pilot.


16. Tu-22M, for the codification of NATO: Backfire - long-range supersonic bomber bomber / reconnaissance variable geometry wing. The maximum speed of 2300 km / h, the maximum speed of the earth in 1050 km / h cruising speed of 930 km / h, the takeoff speed of 370 km / h, the landing speed of 285 km / h; ceiling of 13 300 m; combat range with combat load of 12 000 kg at supersonic speed 1500-1850 km at subsonic speeds and extremely low altitude - 1500-1650 km at subsonic Mixed profile - 2410 km, the length of the runway of 2000-2100 meters; path length of 1200-1300 m, maximum operating overload 2, 5.

17. Air intakes with a vertical wedge (Tu-22M3 - horizontal) are located on the sides of the fuselage. Fuel capacity located in the integral tanks in the front (1, 2 tanks), medium (3, 4, 5) and the tail (6, 7, 8, cans) of the fuselage, a tail fin (9, tank) and the wing tanks, including the rotating part of the wing (console).

18. The aircraft Tu-22M series made by the normal aerodynamic scheme cantilever mid with variable sweep wing. The wing consists of a fixed part and a swivel arm. Sweep wing changes continuously from 20 ° to 60 ° with fixation in any intermediate position.

19. In the course of the war in South Ossetia in August 2008, one Tu-22M3 was shot down by Georgian air defense unit. The use of such aircraft within range of enemy air defenses were not entirely justified, declared that the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn.

20. And this is the Tu-22M2. The first was built at the Kazan aviation plant Tu-22M2 flight made May 7, 1973 (testing and refinement continued until 1975). In August 1976 the Tu-22M2 long-range weapons is taken on aviation and naval aviation. Serial production of Tu-22M2 continued up until 1983. During this time it was built 211 Tu-22M2.


22. Tu-16 NATO reporting "Badger" - the Soviet long-range bomber twin-engine jet bomber. Produced in various versions, including the missile-carrying version, the aircraft - refueling, electronic warfare aircraft, and others. Mass production from 1953 to 1963, three aviation factories. The design of the aircraft included a number of features that give TU-16 is very distinctive appearance and make it one of the most beautiful and world-known aircraft - "drowned" in the fuselage of the engine nacelles, a large sweep tail, light and robust design high aspect ratio wing.

23. For decades, the Tu-16 remained the main component of the aircraft in the aviation strategic deterrence forces of the USSR. Tu-16 naval aviation performed the tasks of tracking and maintenance of the US carrier strike groups in the Northern Hemisphere. During the 1967 war the Israeli Air Force, through the use of the element of surprise, and destroyed on the ground Tu-16 30 Egyptian Air Force. During the Afghan war, the Tu-16 was repeatedly applied to the bombing of Afghanistan. The aircraft has undergone dozens of improvements and re-equipped with new types of weapons and avionics. In Russia, it was finally withdrawn from service in the early '90s, becoming one of the most long-lived of combat aircraft in history, and certainly a masterpiece of aircraft design ideas. Chinese version of the Tu-16 still is in service.





28. TU-22M


30. In the distant visible planes airbase Dyagilevo here Orlovsky Regiment deployed air tankers Range Aviation (IL-78), 58-th separate military transport aviation squadron of airborne troops.


32. Tu-22M3 renovated in the local ARP, then it will give the Air Force.

33. TU-95MS

34. M-4

35. Tu-22M3 serviced. Combat aircraft used for flight training sotsava.

36. IL-76, "sincerity" - Soviet medium military transport aircraft developed by the Ilyushin Design Bureau. IL-76 of various modifications is the main plane of the military transport aviation in Russia and Ukraine. It consists also in the Air Force of the CIS countries, Algeria, India, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, China, Libya, North Korea and Syria.
