Predator Antarctica
Of all the seals and leopard seals are considered to be a real hunter. It is this kind of seal is at the top of the food chain in the oceans. Usually they lie in wait penguins or other prey, cruising along the edge of the pack ice. Main place of accumulation of these animals - the Antarctic Circumpolar. Here they are, in spite of relatively modest size, play the role of "top predator" like lions in Africa.
4 Photo © Amos Nachoun / Barcroft USA
When in the southern hemisphere summer comes, leopard seals are moving closer to a large penguin colony - predators waiting in the shallows recent fledglings departing on the first sea voyage. The structure of the seal teeth can tell a lot about how they hunt. Their canines and incisors are adapted to catch prey and to tear to pieces. The rear molars with sharp edges - to hold and grind food, and run off krill. Menu leopard seals are surprisingly diverse: krill, penguins and other seals, fish, squid - everything that comes his way.
Photographers know how difficult it is sometimes to achieve a sincere smile on his model. But Amos Nahouma known amateur underwater photography, this problem does not arise. He did not have to shout "syyyyyr!" - Huge leopard seal he politely opened its mouth with two rows of razor-sharp teeth as soon as the photographer put his camera to his face.
In the second picture, too, it should be noted, nerves of steel. He had to withdraw from everything. Thank God that the whole film crew was luckier than penguins.
4 Photo © Amos Nachoun / Barcroft USA

When in the southern hemisphere summer comes, leopard seals are moving closer to a large penguin colony - predators waiting in the shallows recent fledglings departing on the first sea voyage. The structure of the seal teeth can tell a lot about how they hunt. Their canines and incisors are adapted to catch prey and to tear to pieces. The rear molars with sharp edges - to hold and grind food, and run off krill. Menu leopard seals are surprisingly diverse: krill, penguins and other seals, fish, squid - everything that comes his way.

Photographers know how difficult it is sometimes to achieve a sincere smile on his model. But Amos Nahouma known amateur underwater photography, this problem does not arise. He did not have to shout "syyyyyr!" - Huge leopard seal he politely opened its mouth with two rows of razor-sharp teeth as soon as the photographer put his camera to his face.

In the second picture, too, it should be noted, nerves of steel. He had to withdraw from everything. Thank God that the whole film crew was luckier than penguins.
