Who will hear a groan when it published mandrake digging out of the ground to die
According to legends, one who hears a groan when it published mandrake digging out of the ground to die; to avoid the death of the person, and at the same time satisfy the thirst for blood, supposedly inherent Mandrake. When digging Mandrake seated on a leash the dog, which was believed to die in agony.
I myself eat this root ... the enemy does not even wish ...
Pliny believed that the white mandrake - a male and a black - female. Pull up the mandrake out of the ground was dangerous (Shakespeare in "Romeo and Juliet" he writes: "mandrake moans when her dig the roots - the sound of death plunges into madness"), and for this purpose should be used specially trained dogs.
It was assumed that this plant has a different magical properties. It was considered conducive to sexual activity and childbearing. For example, in the Bible, the childless Rachel doted mandrake collected Reuben, son of Leah; mandrake in ancient Greece was associated with Aphrodite and Circe (as a love potion). In the Middle Ages it was associated with the devil, the evil force. Mandrake also symbolized the excitement, the male principle; in the language of flowers, she performed as a way of rare and unusual.
The ancient Arabs and the Germans believe in mandrake demonic spirits that looked like beardless young men who lived in these plants. In the Middle Ages believed that the mandrake is compressed at the approach of man. Touching it can be fatal.
Pull a mandrake root screams and oozing blood, and whoever grabs it, dying in agony.
The fruits of the plant itself, and it is safe to collect if dig around the earth around it, leaving a small portion of the root. Then follows tied to the root of the dog and leave. Dog trying to pull the root to follow the master, hanged himself. The death of the dog will give mandrake root force necessary to protect against demons. It is also believed that the root can predict the future, he shakes his head in response to questions.
In ancient Greece the mandrake plant called Circe, a goddess of witches, which is made from the juice of the root and used it to turn Odysseus into pigs. In Greece and Rome plant is also used as anesthesia before surgery and cauterization.
It is said that the medieval witches at night roots harvested under the gallows on which died unrepentant criminals, evil from birth. The implication was that the root grows out of the place where the leaks are to perish with the body of the criminal. According to Christian doctrine, witches wash the roots in wine and wrapped them in silk and velvet. Then feed the sacred prosfirami stolen from the church during communion.
Mandrake has a reputation as a plant that can enhance the attraction of love and fertility, known as love apples. In Genesis, the barren Rachel, wife of Jacob ate mandrake roots and conceived Joseph. Mandrake allow women to give birth to as many children of Arab men wear mandrake roots as amulets to enhance their masculinity.
Until now, and you can not tell until the end to what the mandrake root to the magical or living being, or is it all connected together. But then suddenly a post about this mythical plant ... The film I watched this last film with Anna Samokhina in the title role - "The color of the flame."
I myself eat this root ... the enemy does not even wish ...

Pliny believed that the white mandrake - a male and a black - female. Pull up the mandrake out of the ground was dangerous (Shakespeare in "Romeo and Juliet" he writes: "mandrake moans when her dig the roots - the sound of death plunges into madness"), and for this purpose should be used specially trained dogs.

It was assumed that this plant has a different magical properties. It was considered conducive to sexual activity and childbearing. For example, in the Bible, the childless Rachel doted mandrake collected Reuben, son of Leah; mandrake in ancient Greece was associated with Aphrodite and Circe (as a love potion). In the Middle Ages it was associated with the devil, the evil force. Mandrake also symbolized the excitement, the male principle; in the language of flowers, she performed as a way of rare and unusual.
The ancient Arabs and the Germans believe in mandrake demonic spirits that looked like beardless young men who lived in these plants. In the Middle Ages believed that the mandrake is compressed at the approach of man. Touching it can be fatal.

Pull a mandrake root screams and oozing blood, and whoever grabs it, dying in agony.

The fruits of the plant itself, and it is safe to collect if dig around the earth around it, leaving a small portion of the root. Then follows tied to the root of the dog and leave. Dog trying to pull the root to follow the master, hanged himself. The death of the dog will give mandrake root force necessary to protect against demons. It is also believed that the root can predict the future, he shakes his head in response to questions.

In ancient Greece the mandrake plant called Circe, a goddess of witches, which is made from the juice of the root and used it to turn Odysseus into pigs. In Greece and Rome plant is also used as anesthesia before surgery and cauterization.

It is said that the medieval witches at night roots harvested under the gallows on which died unrepentant criminals, evil from birth. The implication was that the root grows out of the place where the leaks are to perish with the body of the criminal. According to Christian doctrine, witches wash the roots in wine and wrapped them in silk and velvet. Then feed the sacred prosfirami stolen from the church during communion.

Mandrake has a reputation as a plant that can enhance the attraction of love and fertility, known as love apples. In Genesis, the barren Rachel, wife of Jacob ate mandrake roots and conceived Joseph. Mandrake allow women to give birth to as many children of Arab men wear mandrake roots as amulets to enhance their masculinity.
Until now, and you can not tell until the end to what the mandrake root to the magical or living being, or is it all connected together. But then suddenly a post about this mythical plant ... The film I watched this last film with Anna Samokhina in the title role - "The color of the flame."
