Features of living of the working Pantelei Grymzina
Victor Maliszewski
"Working Pantelei Grymzin received from his vile, vile host bloodsuckers daily wage for 9 hours - just two and a half !!!" - Do you recognize one of the "Dozen knife in the back of the revolution," Arkady Averchenko.
This Pantelei Grymzin needed me to assess the level of income of the factory worker of the last century and today. Here are the data on annual income fabichno factory workers of the Russian Empire early last century (RUR. Russian Empire):
Provinces ------ 1901 1908 1913
Wilensky ----- 189 96 - 288 21 - 219 52
Minsk - 133 - 200 ------ 201 58
Moscow ---- 202 68 - 237 76 --- 252
Petersburg 302 45 - 373 - 384
Salary Petrograd worker a third higher earnings in the Vilna province, and the working of the Minsk province gets less than half "of St. Petersburg." The sharp rise of salaries in 1908 did not explain the implementation of decisions of the All-Russian People's Assembly of the Imperial, but the 1905 revolution. In the next five years in Vilna province (and only there) wages fell, yes. But now is not about that. Watch out for your hands ...
Averchenkovsky Grymzin vain because of their income - two silver and a half - to kill. Our Vilna Pantelei of 92 copper pennies a day go. He was a half of the ruble on the soles - problem. His ruble factory worker Grymzin disposed so "went and bought half a pound of ham the ruble, a box of sprats, French loaf, half a bottle of vodka, a bottle of beer and a dozen cigarettes - sold so that all capitals only four pennies, and left." And when the poor man Panteley sat for his poor dinner - so it became hard, so sad that I almost cried.
- For what, for what? ..- Whispered his trembling lips. - Why do the rich exploiters and drink champagne, liqueurs, eat grouse and pineapple, as I am, except a simple refined, but canned ham Yes - do not see the light of God ... Oh, if only we, the working class and won their freedom! - That's what we lived in a human!
photo Russian working
Exactly one month ago in the spring of 2010, the Working Peter Pantelyeitch Grymzin for friends Pantelyeitch received his daily wage for Tuesday March 30: all 490 Russian rubles (12,390 rubles a month minus taxes).
I bought half a pound of ham (56 rubles.), A box of sprats Latvia (54 rubles.), A loaf of French (35 rubles.), Half a bottle of vodka (48 rubles.), A bottle of beer (32 rubles.) And a pack of cigarettes Prima (6.5 rubles). . 230 rubles of income is gone. And it left him 260 rubles. Ask the price of pineapple, even on the scales weighed (the pulled 130 rubles), spat and walked away - on the soles would have might not be enough (from 80 to 150 rubles, according to the price lists of the shoe company №1 in Kirov Street). And so it heavily at home watching television became so sad that I almost cried ...
Oh, Pantelyeitch, Pantelyeitch not realize that your life is over 100 years has been for 230 rubles best great-grandfathers.
ZY- 41% of Belarusians have a per capita income to 5,000 rubles a month. It is 16.6 rubles per day, fewer opportunities Panteleimon Grymzina the last century
At 6, 1% of Belarusians out of 8.3 rubles per day of income.
More Panteleimon Grymzina can afford about 28% of Belarusians.
"Working Pantelei Grymzin received from his vile, vile host bloodsuckers daily wage for 9 hours - just two and a half !!!" - Do you recognize one of the "Dozen knife in the back of the revolution," Arkady Averchenko.
This Pantelei Grymzin needed me to assess the level of income of the factory worker of the last century and today. Here are the data on annual income fabichno factory workers of the Russian Empire early last century (RUR. Russian Empire):
Provinces ------ 1901 1908 1913
Wilensky ----- 189 96 - 288 21 - 219 52
Minsk - 133 - 200 ------ 201 58
Moscow ---- 202 68 - 237 76 --- 252
Petersburg 302 45 - 373 - 384
Salary Petrograd worker a third higher earnings in the Vilna province, and the working of the Minsk province gets less than half "of St. Petersburg." The sharp rise of salaries in 1908 did not explain the implementation of decisions of the All-Russian People's Assembly of the Imperial, but the 1905 revolution. In the next five years in Vilna province (and only there) wages fell, yes. But now is not about that. Watch out for your hands ...
Averchenkovsky Grymzin vain because of their income - two silver and a half - to kill. Our Vilna Pantelei of 92 copper pennies a day go. He was a half of the ruble on the soles - problem. His ruble factory worker Grymzin disposed so "went and bought half a pound of ham the ruble, a box of sprats, French loaf, half a bottle of vodka, a bottle of beer and a dozen cigarettes - sold so that all capitals only four pennies, and left." And when the poor man Panteley sat for his poor dinner - so it became hard, so sad that I almost cried.
- For what, for what? ..- Whispered his trembling lips. - Why do the rich exploiters and drink champagne, liqueurs, eat grouse and pineapple, as I am, except a simple refined, but canned ham Yes - do not see the light of God ... Oh, if only we, the working class and won their freedom! - That's what we lived in a human!
photo Russian working

Exactly one month ago in the spring of 2010, the Working Peter Pantelyeitch Grymzin for friends Pantelyeitch received his daily wage for Tuesday March 30: all 490 Russian rubles (12,390 rubles a month minus taxes).
I bought half a pound of ham (56 rubles.), A box of sprats Latvia (54 rubles.), A loaf of French (35 rubles.), Half a bottle of vodka (48 rubles.), A bottle of beer (32 rubles.) And a pack of cigarettes Prima (6.5 rubles). . 230 rubles of income is gone. And it left him 260 rubles. Ask the price of pineapple, even on the scales weighed (the pulled 130 rubles), spat and walked away - on the soles would have might not be enough (from 80 to 150 rubles, according to the price lists of the shoe company №1 in Kirov Street). And so it heavily at home watching television became so sad that I almost cried ...
Oh, Pantelyeitch, Pantelyeitch not realize that your life is over 100 years has been for 230 rubles best great-grandfathers.
ZY- 41% of Belarusians have a per capita income to 5,000 rubles a month. It is 16.6 rubles per day, fewer opportunities Panteleimon Grymzina the last century
At 6, 1% of Belarusians out of 8.3 rubles per day of income.
More Panteleimon Grymzina can afford about 28% of Belarusians.