On the bike around the world!
On Wednesday, the blogger Ilya Varlamov went to St. Peterburg, to communicate with a unique person - Vladislav Kets. He has developed and is implementing a project of the world's travel is really around the earth (land) along the coastline of the continents on a bicycle. For 20 years the first time a man, entirely autonomously, without any escort, toured by bike Europe, Africa, South and Southeast Asia, the Americas (except the Arctic coast), breaking the 144,000 kilometers.
10 ph
"May 14, 1991, I went from Leningrad to make the first ever journey literally around the earth, that is, around the land. The main means of transportation until 2006 was a bicycle as the most affordable form of environmentally friendly transport. »
To complete the journey Vladislav be overcome about 30 thousand kilometers on the northern coast of Russia and North America. Since at Sevele no roads along the coast, the stage of "Russia" will be performed at the nearest mainland to the north coast road.
Unique Travel is also the fact that Vladislav goes without money. On necessary during travel expenses he earns painting portraits. According to Vladislav almost all countries it is very warmly welcomed, provided necessary assistance.
Over 20 years of travel bike stolen once. Guess which country? That's right - in Russia.
Unlike many other travelers, Vladislav no accompaniment, including all distance combat zones, mountains, swamps, etc. he overcame alone. The main problem according to the traveler - this is money and documents. On the issue of visas in 93 countries it took 5 years, Vladislav 10 passports.
In 1991, Vladislav 9 years left in Peter's wife and two sons.
In 2003, tourist and sports union of Russian State Committee of the Russian Federation Vladislav awarded the title of "Outstanding Russian traveler" (Certificate №1) «for a totally unique, the first in the history of mankind travel around the earth along the coastline of the continent."
10 ph
"May 14, 1991, I went from Leningrad to make the first ever journey literally around the earth, that is, around the land. The main means of transportation until 2006 was a bicycle as the most affordable form of environmentally friendly transport. »
To complete the journey Vladislav be overcome about 30 thousand kilometers on the northern coast of Russia and North America. Since at Sevele no roads along the coast, the stage of "Russia" will be performed at the nearest mainland to the north coast road.

Unique Travel is also the fact that Vladislav goes without money. On necessary during travel expenses he earns painting portraits. According to Vladislav almost all countries it is very warmly welcomed, provided necessary assistance.

Over 20 years of travel bike stolen once. Guess which country? That's right - in Russia.

Unlike many other travelers, Vladislav no accompaniment, including all distance combat zones, mountains, swamps, etc. he overcame alone. The main problem according to the traveler - this is money and documents. On the issue of visas in 93 countries it took 5 years, Vladislav 10 passports.

In 1991, Vladislav 9 years left in Peter's wife and two sons.

In 2003, tourist and sports union of Russian State Committee of the Russian Federation Vladislav awarded the title of "Outstanding Russian traveler" (Certificate №1) «for a totally unique, the first in the history of mankind travel around the earth along the coastline of the continent."




