Circle skillful hands: an ultra-light plane
All boast the ability to fry who the most famous steak and theme of oilcloth forum2/topic303262.html?hl= forced to share the same than helpful.
13 pics + 1 video
rozhat theme will be a long time, because in the course of events will collect his thoughts in a pile.
So. Take a piece of carbon fiber, file, hammer, and start to work. 2. Carbon, also known as carbon fiber, the main component of which is woven the threads of carbon. To give greater strength fabric of yarns of carbon layers are placed, each time changing the angle of the direction of weaving. The layers were bonded using epoxy resin, giving the desired shape.
3. Carbon fairly expensive material. The characteristics are often stronger than steel, but it is much easier. Used in the manufacture of fairings in Formula 1, shipbuilding, sports equipment, aircraft.
Since our roads are not designed to move them to the formula, you have to be limited to aircraft.
4. Take the project of the world's fastest two-seater aircraft - Millenium Master, and get to work ... which in consequence zaimёt almost a year of hard work and considerable investments.
5. The ultra-light airplane is a flying unit, the total mass is not privyshaet 450kg (with full fuel tanks and passengers). The net weight of this model is 285kg.
5. At this point, it is the third plane Millenium Master who has already climbed into the sky, despite the fact that the Italian project in 2006, and bought 14 aviostroiteley.
6. Length - 7, 2 meters. Wingspan 7 95m. Vsota 2.4 m.
Cruising speed of aircraft (with engine load 70%) 300km.ch.
Maximum speed at the moment (info from the internet) 390 km.ch.
The rate of planting 62 km.h
7. Only the expense of the fact that the entire body is made of carbon fiber, which gives the lightness of the structure of the aircraft, at the moment it has no competitors in speed in its class. As he well oochen cool, without the leather interior is not oboitis.
9. Unfortunately I do not have many photos of interesting processes (such as the installation of the engine or chassis), due to superstition or tradition aviostroiteley - not to take pictures of the first flight. Have spy
11. Well, good luck 28,457,460
Posted in [mergetime] 1298581974 [/ mergetime]
currently fine-tuning the aircraft passes, podlizku and so on. and is preparing to take part in the spring air show in Germany.
Well, actually a bonus video of the first flight, and he also has a promotional video for participation in nadiranii asses much more experienced aviostroitelyam
I finished.
13 pics + 1 video
rozhat theme will be a long time, because in the course of events will collect his thoughts in a pile.
So. Take a piece of carbon fiber, file, hammer, and start to work. 2. Carbon, also known as carbon fiber, the main component of which is woven the threads of carbon. To give greater strength fabric of yarns of carbon layers are placed, each time changing the angle of the direction of weaving. The layers were bonded using epoxy resin, giving the desired shape.
3. Carbon fairly expensive material. The characteristics are often stronger than steel, but it is much easier. Used in the manufacture of fairings in Formula 1, shipbuilding, sports equipment, aircraft.
Since our roads are not designed to move them to the formula, you have to be limited to aircraft.
4. Take the project of the world's fastest two-seater aircraft - Millenium Master, and get to work ... which in consequence zaimёt almost a year of hard work and considerable investments.
5. The ultra-light airplane is a flying unit, the total mass is not privyshaet 450kg (with full fuel tanks and passengers). The net weight of this model is 285kg.
5. At this point, it is the third plane Millenium Master who has already climbed into the sky, despite the fact that the Italian project in 2006, and bought 14 aviostroiteley.
6. Length - 7, 2 meters. Wingspan 7 95m. Vsota 2.4 m.
Cruising speed of aircraft (with engine load 70%) 300km.ch.
Maximum speed at the moment (info from the internet) 390 km.ch.
The rate of planting 62 km.h
7. Only the expense of the fact that the entire body is made of carbon fiber, which gives the lightness of the structure of the aircraft, at the moment it has no competitors in speed in its class. As he well oochen cool, without the leather interior is not oboitis.
9. Unfortunately I do not have many photos of interesting processes (such as the installation of the engine or chassis), due to superstition or tradition aviostroiteley - not to take pictures of the first flight. Have spy
11. Well, good luck 28,457,460
Posted in [mergetime] 1298581974 [/ mergetime]
currently fine-tuning the aircraft passes, podlizku and so on. and is preparing to take part in the spring air show in Germany.
Well, actually a bonus video of the first flight, and he also has a promotional video for participation in nadiranii asses much more experienced aviostroitelyam
I finished.