China. Sparrows pests, sexually illiterate and another panda
1. During the Sino-Soviet armed conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929 the Soviet shell was accidentally killed by a prostitute in a Japanese brothel. Consulate of Japan, the Soviet team filed a lawsuit Blucher 22 500 yen. This amount was calculated on the basis of how many years could live this prostitute how to serve customers in that time, and how much revenue the budget to bring Japan.
2. In 1958, at the initiative of Mao Zedong in China, launched a campaign to combat the pest. The main enemies were declared sparrows. As sparrows can not be in the air without a break for more than 15 minutes, the Chinese were given instruction in every way to frighten the birds, so they do not sit down and toppled to the ground dead. According to statistics, the year they were destroyed nearly 2 billion. Although a year has become a better harvest, it strongly ate caterpillars and grasshoppers, the number of previously regulated sparrows. The ecological imbalance caused by the policy exacerbated the Great Leap Forward famine and natural disasters, which killed more than 20 million people. Vorobiev had again brought in from abroad.
3. In the Chinese Horoscope 2011 is referred to as the year of the rabbit. The second name - the year of the cat - it's from the Vietnamese horoscope. The Chinese character for rabbit designation pronounced the same as the word "cat" in Vietnamese, which is why the cat replaces the rabbit here.
4. Chinese scientists from the panda research center in Chengdu came to the conclusion that due to poor fertility, including the fact that nature is bad "designed" animals. Females are ready to breed giant pandas only once a year for 72 hours, with only 12 to 24 hours during this period, they can be successfully fertilized. Males also have a disproportionately small penis, because of what sexual intercourse is possible only in strictly defined position, and this position of the males know is bad.
5. The French diplomat Bernard Bursiko at age 20 was in Beijing, he met an opera singer and Chinese special services officer Shi Pei Pu. Bursiko had not had sex with women, so Shi managed to pass himself off as a woman, and even engage in a sexual relationship Bursiko (hidden genitals, quickly and in the dark). After another 4 years Shi presented Bursiko supposedly born him a son. All this has led the Chinese authorities to blackmail diplomat and receive from him the secret documents. Later Bursiko Shi managed to take with her son to France, where they were arrested, and the truth was revealed, after which the diplomat tried to commit suicide, but failed.
6. Only in 2004 was able to put out a fire in Chinese coal mine Lyuhuangou, which lasted continuously for 130 years. Flames burned nearly 2 million tons of coal a year.
7. The name of the Chinese currency "yuan" simply means "round coin" and traditionally recorded hieroglyphic 圓. This character is moved to the Japanese and Korean writing, with time to simplify. The very name of money in Japan has changed to "Yen", and in Korea, "Won»
8. For a long time was common myth that the only manmade object visible from space, is the Great Wall of China. However, just this wall is difficult to see, especially if you do not know exactly where to look for her. This was confirmed even first Chinese taikonaut Yang Liwei. With regard to other objects, are clearly visible from space of the Egyptian pyramids. A close look cosmonaut can also discern many of the big cities and highways, airports and dams.
9. China has a policy of "one family - one child", which means that a legislative ban have more than one child (although the resolution you can get for the money). This policy has significantly reduced fertility, but also led to the imbalance in the ratio of newborn boys and girls. In Asia, traditionally the boys are more valuable because they contain the parents in old age, so in a limited number of children, many tend to get it boy. Now in China, 119 boys are born for every 100 girls in the normal ratio of 105: 100, which promises future trouble finding wives for millions of Chinese men.
10. In feudal China, often practiced by revenge suicide, which is driven to despair a man committed in the courtyard of the offender. The Chinese believed that the soul of the suicide are not ascend to heaven, and remains in this case, the offender's home and brings him and his family misfortune.
11. China's territory stretches from east to west by 60 ° longitude, corresponding to four time zones. However, the decision of the government throughout the country has the same time as the capital of Beijing.
12. It has long been in China and Japan to catch fish using trained cormorants. Birds put the ring on the neck and then tied a rope and released into the water. Cormorants were fishing, but could not swallow it, and brought the owner. Now, this method has no practical significance, and is used only for the entertainment of tourists
2. In 1958, at the initiative of Mao Zedong in China, launched a campaign to combat the pest. The main enemies were declared sparrows. As sparrows can not be in the air without a break for more than 15 minutes, the Chinese were given instruction in every way to frighten the birds, so they do not sit down and toppled to the ground dead. According to statistics, the year they were destroyed nearly 2 billion. Although a year has become a better harvest, it strongly ate caterpillars and grasshoppers, the number of previously regulated sparrows. The ecological imbalance caused by the policy exacerbated the Great Leap Forward famine and natural disasters, which killed more than 20 million people. Vorobiev had again brought in from abroad.
3. In the Chinese Horoscope 2011 is referred to as the year of the rabbit. The second name - the year of the cat - it's from the Vietnamese horoscope. The Chinese character for rabbit designation pronounced the same as the word "cat" in Vietnamese, which is why the cat replaces the rabbit here.
4. Chinese scientists from the panda research center in Chengdu came to the conclusion that due to poor fertility, including the fact that nature is bad "designed" animals. Females are ready to breed giant pandas only once a year for 72 hours, with only 12 to 24 hours during this period, they can be successfully fertilized. Males also have a disproportionately small penis, because of what sexual intercourse is possible only in strictly defined position, and this position of the males know is bad.
5. The French diplomat Bernard Bursiko at age 20 was in Beijing, he met an opera singer and Chinese special services officer Shi Pei Pu. Bursiko had not had sex with women, so Shi managed to pass himself off as a woman, and even engage in a sexual relationship Bursiko (hidden genitals, quickly and in the dark). After another 4 years Shi presented Bursiko supposedly born him a son. All this has led the Chinese authorities to blackmail diplomat and receive from him the secret documents. Later Bursiko Shi managed to take with her son to France, where they were arrested, and the truth was revealed, after which the diplomat tried to commit suicide, but failed.
6. Only in 2004 was able to put out a fire in Chinese coal mine Lyuhuangou, which lasted continuously for 130 years. Flames burned nearly 2 million tons of coal a year.
7. The name of the Chinese currency "yuan" simply means "round coin" and traditionally recorded hieroglyphic 圓. This character is moved to the Japanese and Korean writing, with time to simplify. The very name of money in Japan has changed to "Yen", and in Korea, "Won»
8. For a long time was common myth that the only manmade object visible from space, is the Great Wall of China. However, just this wall is difficult to see, especially if you do not know exactly where to look for her. This was confirmed even first Chinese taikonaut Yang Liwei. With regard to other objects, are clearly visible from space of the Egyptian pyramids. A close look cosmonaut can also discern many of the big cities and highways, airports and dams.
9. China has a policy of "one family - one child", which means that a legislative ban have more than one child (although the resolution you can get for the money). This policy has significantly reduced fertility, but also led to the imbalance in the ratio of newborn boys and girls. In Asia, traditionally the boys are more valuable because they contain the parents in old age, so in a limited number of children, many tend to get it boy. Now in China, 119 boys are born for every 100 girls in the normal ratio of 105: 100, which promises future trouble finding wives for millions of Chinese men.
10. In feudal China, often practiced by revenge suicide, which is driven to despair a man committed in the courtyard of the offender. The Chinese believed that the soul of the suicide are not ascend to heaven, and remains in this case, the offender's home and brings him and his family misfortune.
11. China's territory stretches from east to west by 60 ° longitude, corresponding to four time zones. However, the decision of the government throughout the country has the same time as the capital of Beijing.
12. It has long been in China and Japan to catch fish using trained cormorants. Birds put the ring on the neck and then tied a rope and released into the water. Cormorants were fishing, but could not swallow it, and brought the owner. Now, this method has no practical significance, and is used only for the entertainment of tourists