The most humane prison in San Pedro in Bolivia
In Bolivia, as well as in there the prison, humanism was born with the advent of the Indian Communist.
Now prisoners can live with their wives and children in prisons, the protection of which is performed only outside its walls.
However, the Indian version of socialism was even smart-ass: you have to pay for freedom. For example, President Evo Morales legalized coca production and its consumption, but drug producers and traffickers are forced to give the treasury 80% of their income. White people can leave from Bolivia to other countries, but for the "time to cut" will have to pay up to 25 thousand. Dollars per person.
Bolivian prison San Pedro is also translated into economic accountability. Start with the fact that the cost of its protection were reduced by 8 times, and now the jailers guarding this place only outside - in the very prison they are not.
There are several types of cameras, for getting into the state they must pay: for the cheapest, multi-seat, with bunks and a lack of facilities - one-time fee of $ 250 for a single room with shower and TV - $ 2,500.
Free immediately put only 400 grams of bread or corn porridge a day (water - unlimited), the rest - for their own money. Not surprisingly, 80% of prisoners (by the way, they are here in 1550 people) are forced to work in order to provide themselves with food, clothing and other essential commodities. In the prison of San Pedro has several cabinet departments, enterprises producing toys, garment, large chicken coop, etc. Most hard-working here can earn up to $ 250 a month (for Bolivia, where the average salary is $ 140, a lot of money).
There are prison tavern, where the street can come to anyone. On a visit to the prison here in general it is very simple - it can come to any citizen indefinitely; protection only puts indelible stamp on his hand, and then to distinguish, at the output of the prisoners. This led to the fact that 40% of inmates in the cells constantly live their wives and children - in prison they dwell cheaper than on the outside (it is not necessary to pay for housing, communal). Children of prisoners from the prison in the morning go to school, and in the evening returned to his home at the camera.
Another way of earning inmates of San Pedro - guided tours of the prison. 5-10 dollars (for a maximum take with Americans), you can walk through it, look into the camera and even sit in them to play football with the inmates. However, the protection takes tourists to the receipt that they had been warned of the possible consequences of his outing. But overall sideltsy sympathetic to the tourists, regarding them as cash cows. The latest incident with the tourists here was in early 2011 when some German prisoner awl gouged out eyes.
60% of tourist revenue (total they offer up to 80 thousand. Dollars a year) goes to conservation, 40% - cons in the common fund. By the way, 10% of their income each prisoner also donates to the common fund.
The entire prison is divided into eight sectors, depending on the gravity of the crime. From cons of each sector 5 members elected to the local council and one elder who is authorized to deal with security. Thus, the Parliament of 40 people in prison, the Council of Elders - 5 of Parliament by voting establishes the basic rules of the hostel.
This humanization of the prison in San Pedro has meant that there are 4 times reduced overall crime in the 3 times - the number of murders: in 2011 it had killed only 18 people (1, 2% of the total number of inmates, compared in Colombian prisons this figure 4, 5% in the Mexican 3%).
Since 2010, the experience of prison in San Pedro began to adopt Ecuador, Peru and Guatemala. It would be good to conduct such an experiment, and to some Russian zone: interesting, prisoners could organize themselves in grassroots democratic cell.
Source: ttolk.ru
Now prisoners can live with their wives and children in prisons, the protection of which is performed only outside its walls.

However, the Indian version of socialism was even smart-ass: you have to pay for freedom. For example, President Evo Morales legalized coca production and its consumption, but drug producers and traffickers are forced to give the treasury 80% of their income. White people can leave from Bolivia to other countries, but for the "time to cut" will have to pay up to 25 thousand. Dollars per person.

Bolivian prison San Pedro is also translated into economic accountability. Start with the fact that the cost of its protection were reduced by 8 times, and now the jailers guarding this place only outside - in the very prison they are not.
There are several types of cameras, for getting into the state they must pay: for the cheapest, multi-seat, with bunks and a lack of facilities - one-time fee of $ 250 for a single room with shower and TV - $ 2,500.

Free immediately put only 400 grams of bread or corn porridge a day (water - unlimited), the rest - for their own money. Not surprisingly, 80% of prisoners (by the way, they are here in 1550 people) are forced to work in order to provide themselves with food, clothing and other essential commodities. In the prison of San Pedro has several cabinet departments, enterprises producing toys, garment, large chicken coop, etc. Most hard-working here can earn up to $ 250 a month (for Bolivia, where the average salary is $ 140, a lot of money).
There are prison tavern, where the street can come to anyone. On a visit to the prison here in general it is very simple - it can come to any citizen indefinitely; protection only puts indelible stamp on his hand, and then to distinguish, at the output of the prisoners. This led to the fact that 40% of inmates in the cells constantly live their wives and children - in prison they dwell cheaper than on the outside (it is not necessary to pay for housing, communal). Children of prisoners from the prison in the morning go to school, and in the evening returned to his home at the camera.

Another way of earning inmates of San Pedro - guided tours of the prison. 5-10 dollars (for a maximum take with Americans), you can walk through it, look into the camera and even sit in them to play football with the inmates. However, the protection takes tourists to the receipt that they had been warned of the possible consequences of his outing. But overall sideltsy sympathetic to the tourists, regarding them as cash cows. The latest incident with the tourists here was in early 2011 when some German prisoner awl gouged out eyes.
60% of tourist revenue (total they offer up to 80 thousand. Dollars a year) goes to conservation, 40% - cons in the common fund. By the way, 10% of their income each prisoner also donates to the common fund.

The entire prison is divided into eight sectors, depending on the gravity of the crime. From cons of each sector 5 members elected to the local council and one elder who is authorized to deal with security. Thus, the Parliament of 40 people in prison, the Council of Elders - 5 of Parliament by voting establishes the basic rules of the hostel.
This humanization of the prison in San Pedro has meant that there are 4 times reduced overall crime in the 3 times - the number of murders: in 2011 it had killed only 18 people (1, 2% of the total number of inmates, compared in Colombian prisons this figure 4, 5% in the Mexican 3%).

Since 2010, the experience of prison in San Pedro began to adopt Ecuador, Peru and Guatemala. It would be good to conduct such an experiment, and to some Russian zone: interesting, prisoners could organize themselves in grassroots democratic cell.

Source: ttolk.ru