Humane bullet
«Humane bullet" - a book writer Zakhar Oskotskogo about science and its objectives, the relationship between science and politics, the role of science in the historical events of the twentieth century and in the future events of the XXI century. The name "Humane bullet" - is not an invention of the author, and the scientific term that in the early twentieth century appeared in military medicine, and from there flew to journalism, symbolizing the beneficial effects of scientific progress in the fate of mankind. Cited in the book numerous historical facts, mostly unknown to the general reader, bringing a new look at past crises (world wars, the October Revolution, the fate of socialism in the USSR) .
The book also predicted major events and crises of the XXI century. All the predictions of the book are based on a thorough analysis of current trends and are the result of logical constructions, to which the author and the reader does.
The first edition came out in 2001. In 2012, it came reprint, supplemented by historical essays, essays and articles that offer a non-standard, runs counter to many traditional myths, look at the key moments of history and modernity. Some of the ideas expressed in the book "The Humane Bullet" - a demographic transition as the root cause of global instability, the immortality, as the goal of scientific and technological progress, and others - are only now beginning to enter the public consciousness. Therefore, according to the scientist-astrophysicist YN Ephraim, the author of the foreword, the relevance of the book "Humane bullet" is not only not declined over time since the first edition, but, on the contrary, has increased even more. Already, we can see that the forecasts of the book "Humane bullet", written in 1998-99, true, for example:
- Russia's political system has evolved in a direction predicted in the chapter "Science and the Future of Russia»;
- Intensified the conflict between the West and the world global South;
- Within the countries of the West broke sharp conflict between migrants and indigenous people;
- In the open press began to get information about the development of "contraceptive" weapons (such as articles on the site "Demografiya.ru" and "Independent Military Review"), 76,994,880
- There were new developments in the field of biological science prolonging human life;
- Studies that confirm the assumption that the acquisition of man "immortality" could jeopardize the very existence of our civilization.
Source: mirfactov.com/