Cartridge 5.45 bullet Dum-Dum
Dear friends, in the wake of discussions weapons of mass destruction, we have completely forgotten about the old man rounds of 5, 45
But few know that it was Kalashnikov AK-74 owes its birth to this patron.
So: "Legend of the bullet with a displaced center of gravity (Dum-Dum) and the story of rounds of 5, 45.»
10 cartons with comments
Automata maloimpulsnogo chuck 5.45 mm caliber bullet with a steel core 7N6 with tracer bullet 7T3 was developed under the direction of M. Sabelnikova, a group of designers and engineers as part of LI Bulavsky, BV Semin, ME Fedorov, PF Sazonov, VI Volkov, VA Nikolaev, EE Zimin, P. Queen, and others. bullet 5.45 mm cartridge was developed "on the verge of stability", ie. e. it is stable flies in the air and begins to "tumble" if it enters the denser medium - into living tissue, wood and so on. d. This is achieved by shifting the center of gravity to the bottom of the bullet. To ensure buckling bullets in dense core of the bullet the bullet is in a shell with a clearance in front of the bullet. Before the core and the jacket in the front part there is a vacuum, which provides the offset center of gravity of the bullet and the instability in the dense in comparison with air environment.
Few people know that maloimpulsnogo intermediate cartridge, developed in the early 1970s in contrast to the American patron 5.56h45 (.223 Remington), which in the 1960s, Americans are widely used in Vietnam.
Performance characteristics 5, 45h39 mm (7N10, with a bullet of enhanced penetration)
Caliber, mm - 5, 45
The diameter of the bullet, mm - 5, 60
The length of the bullet, mm - 25, 5
The length of the cartridge, mm - 56, 7
The length of the sleeve, mm - 39, 8
Bullet weight, g - 3, 61
Weight cartridge, g - 10, 2
Muzzle velocity, m / s - 870-890
Muzzle energy, J - 1360-1430
The volume of the chamber loading, cm - 31, 56
The maximum gas pressure, MPa - 294
By the early 1970s, Soviet designers realized the prospect of intermediate rounds of small-caliber: small-caliber bullet with a high muzzle velocity, provides a high flat trajectory, has good armor penetration and considerable destructive power, low recoil momentum when a shot is beneficial to the accuracy and accuracy of shooting, and a decrease in weight of the cartridge increases the ammunition carried by the shooter.
To ensure buckling bullets in dense core of the bullet the bullet is in a shell with a clearance in front of the bullet. Before the core and the jacket in the front part there is a vacuum, which provides the offset center of gravity of the bullet and the instability in the dense in comparison with air environment.
At the end of the 50s in the Union came the news of the trial in the US of a new small-caliber automatic rifle M16. As things like that then, along with the message itself appeared rifle. Legend has it that the verification has undergone a hybrid consisting of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, M16 barrel and re-designed store. The tests were the impetus to expand the program to create their own small-caliber gun. American .22 caliber barrel had 5 or 56 mm, corresponding to our small-caliber ammunition known as 5, 6 mm. Thus began - more like a fad, not a pressing need - the development of the domestic 5, 6-mm gun.
Again legend has it that in Podolsk was made for the criminal in such a practice is not prudent borrowing: The Americans, having our patron, but without a trunk, and experience it in full, concluded his superiority over his. Immediately we made somewhat similar to our bullets HM777, replacing a lead on a steel core. Small world! In the 80 years to replace the armament of NATO US M193 cartridge with a bullet with lead core was nevertheless adopted by the Belgian SS109 ammunition with a bullet with a steel core. To destroy hardened targets with the SS109 cartridge P112 was adopted with armor-piercing bullet.
At the same time, work began on the development of a new cartridge and weapons to use it. As a result, in 1974 the Soviet Army adopted a set of small arms consisting of 5.45h39 cartridge, the AK-74 (AKS-74) and the machine gun RPK-74. Later this family joined the shortened AKS-74U.
The sleeve bottle-shaped without rim. Small-caliber bullet with a high muzzle velocity (900 m / s) and a large lateral load, provide better flat trajectory, has good punching power and destructive force. From a distance of 350 m, it hit 5-mm steel sheet. Small impulse to recoil when firing small caliber (maloimpulsnogo) cartridge is beneficial to hit, especially in automatic firing and reduction in weight of the cartridge can increase the carried ammunition. Go to maloimpulsnogo cartridge increased efficiency of firing the AK-74 as compared to the ACM at 1, 2-1, 6 times.
Later, in addition to the main patron LI Bulavsky (Supervisor) and V. Nikolayev was designed cartridge for noiseless and flameless fire, and V. Volkov - bachelor (7H3) and Training 5.45-mm cartridges. In creating the blank cartridge actively involved as BA Johansen.
Options patrona:
• PS - with a bullet with steel core (code 7N6, 7N6VK) weighing 3, 30-3, 55 onwards C 1986 vypusayutsya with heat-treated (up to 60 HRC) steel (65G) core cylindrical shape. Bullet without coloring.
• T - tracer (7T3). Green tip of the bullet.
• cartridge to fire the weapon with instruments silencer (index 7U1) contains a bullet weighing 5, 15 g, which has an initial speed of 303 m / s. Painting - black vertex bullets with green rim.
• Xolostoy (7X3) with a plastic bullet weight of 0, 22-0, in '26 has a special, fast-charge of gunpowder weight 0, '24
• Training (no charge). Distinguished by the presence of four longitudinal vyshtampovok on the sleeve and dual ring crimp bullets Dultsev sleeve.
• In 1993 he released the PP cartridge (7N10) stamped with a core of special steel alloys of grades 70 or 75 (a bullet of enhanced penetration), the bullet weight is 3, 49-3, 74 g breaks the 100-meter 16-mm steel plate, elements of body armor made of titanium alloys in the 200 meters. Lac dock deep purple color, in contrast to the red in the 7N6. Used die-pointed core having briefly revived, and the nose of the core has a flat area with a diameter of about 0, 8 mm. In 1994 he was drafted and adopted in the production of the cartridge with modernized 7N10 bullet high power, which is the main difference lies in the fact that a cavity in the nose is filled with lead, eliminating delays in the shell into the hole punched in the target core. Upon contact with the barrier pressure of lead, compressed between the head portion of the core and shell pooling, the latter is destroyed. This arrangement eliminates the delay units in the shell hole than increased penetration bullets.
• In 1998, it developed and adopted by BP cartridge (7N22) with armor-piercing bullet weighing 3, 68 g which penetrates armor plating thickness of 5 mm at a distance of 250 meters. The pool 7N22 applied spiky core made of high carbon steel U12A, by cutting, followed by grinding ogive. Lac-encapsulation red bullet tip is black.
In the photo cartridges are more like 7, 62 but it is marking 5, 45
• Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Vympel" (Amursk) produces cartridge 7N24 with armor-piercing bullet weight from 3, 93 to 4, 27 g, speed of 840 m / s (data from the manufacturer's website).
• Model holder - designed for comparative testing of ballistic characteristics of stockpiled ammunition. Conforms to standard cartridges (7N6), but is made with high precision. Spout bullets painted white.
• Cartridge with power charge (KM) - all shot entirely in black.
• Cartridge high pressure (HP) - all shot entirely yellow.
• Cartridge 5.45h39 (5, 45h40) CH-P for complex SONAZ TP-82. The bullet core of lead initially had denuded the shell in the head part, then - a steel core and a hole in the head portion. Weight bullet 3, 6 grams, the initial velocity - 825-840
The tests bullets with cores of different forms, including needle-shaped appeared 7N10 cartridge with very good characteristics. The problem is that his birth coincided with the disintegration of the Union, and the production line for 7H10 remained in Ukraine. Resuscitation of the program on the basis of Russian ammunition factories in the current environment is not given real results ...
Maloimpulsnogo cartridge 5.45h39 increased effectiveness of individual small arms in the 1, 5 times. However, despite all the advantages of small-caliber ammunition, and Russian and American 5.56h45 5.45h39 have one serious drawback: small-caliber bullets ricocheting although prone to sometimes turns into a lack of dignity, such as the conduct of hostilities in a confined space.
In general, the cartridge 5.45h39 was so successful that she was born the legend of the pool with a displaced center of gravity ......
And unmatched small arms has no anologii the world a fundamentally different principle of action (the use of the energy of powder gases weapon AK-74 but that's another story.
I finished, but as always repeat the theme interesting and therefore infinite ...
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1246538736 [/ mergetime]
Excuse me for a long time Internet zaglyuchil Postil ...
But few know that it was Kalashnikov AK-74 owes its birth to this patron.
So: "Legend of the bullet with a displaced center of gravity (Dum-Dum) and the story of rounds of 5, 45.»
10 cartons with comments
Automata maloimpulsnogo chuck 5.45 mm caliber bullet with a steel core 7N6 with tracer bullet 7T3 was developed under the direction of M. Sabelnikova, a group of designers and engineers as part of LI Bulavsky, BV Semin, ME Fedorov, PF Sazonov, VI Volkov, VA Nikolaev, EE Zimin, P. Queen, and others. bullet 5.45 mm cartridge was developed "on the verge of stability", ie. e. it is stable flies in the air and begins to "tumble" if it enters the denser medium - into living tissue, wood and so on. d. This is achieved by shifting the center of gravity to the bottom of the bullet. To ensure buckling bullets in dense core of the bullet the bullet is in a shell with a clearance in front of the bullet. Before the core and the jacket in the front part there is a vacuum, which provides the offset center of gravity of the bullet and the instability in the dense in comparison with air environment.

Few people know that maloimpulsnogo intermediate cartridge, developed in the early 1970s in contrast to the American patron 5.56h45 (.223 Remington), which in the 1960s, Americans are widely used in Vietnam.
Performance characteristics 5, 45h39 mm (7N10, with a bullet of enhanced penetration)
Caliber, mm - 5, 45
The diameter of the bullet, mm - 5, 60
The length of the bullet, mm - 25, 5
The length of the cartridge, mm - 56, 7
The length of the sleeve, mm - 39, 8
Bullet weight, g - 3, 61
Weight cartridge, g - 10, 2
Muzzle velocity, m / s - 870-890
Muzzle energy, J - 1360-1430
The volume of the chamber loading, cm - 31, 56
The maximum gas pressure, MPa - 294
By the early 1970s, Soviet designers realized the prospect of intermediate rounds of small-caliber: small-caliber bullet with a high muzzle velocity, provides a high flat trajectory, has good armor penetration and considerable destructive power, low recoil momentum when a shot is beneficial to the accuracy and accuracy of shooting, and a decrease in weight of the cartridge increases the ammunition carried by the shooter.
To ensure buckling bullets in dense core of the bullet the bullet is in a shell with a clearance in front of the bullet. Before the core and the jacket in the front part there is a vacuum, which provides the offset center of gravity of the bullet and the instability in the dense in comparison with air environment.

At the end of the 50s in the Union came the news of the trial in the US of a new small-caliber automatic rifle M16. As things like that then, along with the message itself appeared rifle. Legend has it that the verification has undergone a hybrid consisting of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, M16 barrel and re-designed store. The tests were the impetus to expand the program to create their own small-caliber gun. American .22 caliber barrel had 5 or 56 mm, corresponding to our small-caliber ammunition known as 5, 6 mm. Thus began - more like a fad, not a pressing need - the development of the domestic 5, 6-mm gun.

Again legend has it that in Podolsk was made for the criminal in such a practice is not prudent borrowing: The Americans, having our patron, but without a trunk, and experience it in full, concluded his superiority over his. Immediately we made somewhat similar to our bullets HM777, replacing a lead on a steel core. Small world! In the 80 years to replace the armament of NATO US M193 cartridge with a bullet with lead core was nevertheless adopted by the Belgian SS109 ammunition with a bullet with a steel core. To destroy hardened targets with the SS109 cartridge P112 was adopted with armor-piercing bullet.

At the same time, work began on the development of a new cartridge and weapons to use it. As a result, in 1974 the Soviet Army adopted a set of small arms consisting of 5.45h39 cartridge, the AK-74 (AKS-74) and the machine gun RPK-74. Later this family joined the shortened AKS-74U.

The sleeve bottle-shaped without rim. Small-caliber bullet with a high muzzle velocity (900 m / s) and a large lateral load, provide better flat trajectory, has good punching power and destructive force. From a distance of 350 m, it hit 5-mm steel sheet. Small impulse to recoil when firing small caliber (maloimpulsnogo) cartridge is beneficial to hit, especially in automatic firing and reduction in weight of the cartridge can increase the carried ammunition. Go to maloimpulsnogo cartridge increased efficiency of firing the AK-74 as compared to the ACM at 1, 2-1, 6 times.
Later, in addition to the main patron LI Bulavsky (Supervisor) and V. Nikolayev was designed cartridge for noiseless and flameless fire, and V. Volkov - bachelor (7H3) and Training 5.45-mm cartridges. In creating the blank cartridge actively involved as BA Johansen.

Options patrona:
• PS - with a bullet with steel core (code 7N6, 7N6VK) weighing 3, 30-3, 55 onwards C 1986 vypusayutsya with heat-treated (up to 60 HRC) steel (65G) core cylindrical shape. Bullet without coloring.
• T - tracer (7T3). Green tip of the bullet.
• cartridge to fire the weapon with instruments silencer (index 7U1) contains a bullet weighing 5, 15 g, which has an initial speed of 303 m / s. Painting - black vertex bullets with green rim.
• Xolostoy (7X3) with a plastic bullet weight of 0, 22-0, in '26 has a special, fast-charge of gunpowder weight 0, '24
• Training (no charge). Distinguished by the presence of four longitudinal vyshtampovok on the sleeve and dual ring crimp bullets Dultsev sleeve.

• In 1993 he released the PP cartridge (7N10) stamped with a core of special steel alloys of grades 70 or 75 (a bullet of enhanced penetration), the bullet weight is 3, 49-3, 74 g breaks the 100-meter 16-mm steel plate, elements of body armor made of titanium alloys in the 200 meters. Lac dock deep purple color, in contrast to the red in the 7N6. Used die-pointed core having briefly revived, and the nose of the core has a flat area with a diameter of about 0, 8 mm. In 1994 he was drafted and adopted in the production of the cartridge with modernized 7N10 bullet high power, which is the main difference lies in the fact that a cavity in the nose is filled with lead, eliminating delays in the shell into the hole punched in the target core. Upon contact with the barrier pressure of lead, compressed between the head portion of the core and shell pooling, the latter is destroyed. This arrangement eliminates the delay units in the shell hole than increased penetration bullets.
• In 1998, it developed and adopted by BP cartridge (7N22) with armor-piercing bullet weighing 3, 68 g which penetrates armor plating thickness of 5 mm at a distance of 250 meters. The pool 7N22 applied spiky core made of high carbon steel U12A, by cutting, followed by grinding ogive. Lac-encapsulation red bullet tip is black.
In the photo cartridges are more like 7, 62 but it is marking 5, 45

• Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Vympel" (Amursk) produces cartridge 7N24 with armor-piercing bullet weight from 3, 93 to 4, 27 g, speed of 840 m / s (data from the manufacturer's website).
• Model holder - designed for comparative testing of ballistic characteristics of stockpiled ammunition. Conforms to standard cartridges (7N6), but is made with high precision. Spout bullets painted white.
• Cartridge with power charge (KM) - all shot entirely in black.
• Cartridge high pressure (HP) - all shot entirely yellow.
• Cartridge 5.45h39 (5, 45h40) CH-P for complex SONAZ TP-82. The bullet core of lead initially had denuded the shell in the head part, then - a steel core and a hole in the head portion. Weight bullet 3, 6 grams, the initial velocity - 825-840

The tests bullets with cores of different forms, including needle-shaped appeared 7N10 cartridge with very good characteristics. The problem is that his birth coincided with the disintegration of the Union, and the production line for 7H10 remained in Ukraine. Resuscitation of the program on the basis of Russian ammunition factories in the current environment is not given real results ...
Maloimpulsnogo cartridge 5.45h39 increased effectiveness of individual small arms in the 1, 5 times. However, despite all the advantages of small-caliber ammunition, and Russian and American 5.56h45 5.45h39 have one serious drawback: small-caliber bullets ricocheting although prone to sometimes turns into a lack of dignity, such as the conduct of hostilities in a confined space.
In general, the cartridge 5.45h39 was so successful that she was born the legend of the pool with a displaced center of gravity ......
And unmatched small arms has no anologii the world a fundamentally different principle of action (the use of the energy of powder gases weapon AK-74 but that's another story.
I finished, but as always repeat the theme interesting and therefore infinite ...
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1246538736 [/ mergetime]
Excuse me for a long time Internet zaglyuchil Postil ...