Waiting for the end of the world
Abroad already operating agencies on climate change, but Russia is not ready for disasters.
In the case of the tragedy arises chaos, which can take advantage of our closest neighbors ...
Contrary to custom, the avalanche of expectations of the apocalypse did not stop after the round date in 2000. Was slowed down due to loss of reference points, it again fell on our heads, come to an understanding on the year 2012 - the alleged end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. But it is, so to speak, the mainstream. Delta predictions is growing, but in a mystical other sleeve trying to find scientific coast.
Someone grabs fatal Nibiru or some cosmic rays, and someone breaks into a plausible explanation for a magnetic field, a change which threatens to very serious challenges. But the fact is that even scientists, to build a serious hypothesis, ultimately forced to guess, because simply did not possess all the necessary information.
What are some science yet only guess, but what else does not even know. So willy-nilly, the field is coming Armageddon for visionaries, did not have time to lose its credibility. Before them respectfully fall silent, waiting to see when you can catch them in quackery. And for this it is necessary to at least go through their predictions.
Meanwhile, nuclear earthquake in Japan, which, incidentally, did not stop, the world has made a deeper impression than the usual long-Shooting Stars fried prophecies. "According to the" Companion ", the table leaders of the country had already gone to a confidential report on priority measures for responding to global environmental changes. At the summit he was treated over carefully ».
In particular, a lot of attention in the report is given to climate change, the main sign of which becomes established the disappearance of the Gulf Stream. Russia - and not only it - will have to get used to the heat waves that would be normal in the next decade.
- This is aggravated by a sharp reduction in drinking water supplies. The area of Arctic sea ice is now 43% less than in 1979. Melting glaciers and mountains, - he says one of the report's authors, Oleg Osobenkov, Colonel-General, in the recent past, the deputy director of the FSB. - In the next 15-20 years, the water will become one of the most popular strategic products on the planet, for which international conflicts may start ...
At the beginning of last year was made public a report of an international group of scientists. According to calculations of the geophysicists, the core of the planet is not as stable as previously thought, in recent years it has begun to actively change its shape. All of this has an impact on climate and the biosphere (the birds here are dying mysteriously). Seismic activity is increasing, even in a stable tectonic point of view of regions, wake up volcanoes, dormant for thousands of years.
But the greatest threat is underground supervolcanoes. The recently discovered two new - not far from Naples, and near the Greek island of Kos. The most dangerous supervolcano under Yellowstone Park in the United States - where the land rises markedly and is heated. According to science, supervolcano eruptions happen about once in 50,000 years. The latter was in Indonesia 75,000 years ago. So consider ...
In 1993, marine geophysicists aboard the research vessel Melville found 1 133 previously unsupported on the map undersea volcano off the coast of Easter Island. Some of them increased by one and a half miles above the ocean floor, but most were still half a mile below the water surface. All this is a relatively small area of 55 thousand sq. Miles, which corresponds to the size of New York State.
- The US and the UK have already been created and operate agencies on climate change, but Russia is not ready for disasters - worrying report co-author Vladimir Schegortsov, head of the Agency for Strategic Analysis. - In the case of the tragedy arises chaos, which can take advantage of our closest neighbors, to establish control over a part of our territory ... Sensitive study such scenarios are available. We must realize this.
Excuse me, but if climate change will become catastrophic, perhaps insidious neighbors, even better prepared, will not head busy with their own problems? And here, it seems, and the fun begins. It seems that this time the ruling circles of many countries are alarmed in earnest - and quietly, but thoroughly prepared to survive the impending end of the world.
For example, in China built a huge shelter that strangeness is scheduled to be completed in 2012. And on the website of the government of Shanghai, it was reported that by the end of 2012 will be built 3-seekers an area more than 20 thousand sq. M. m. They will be able to completely autonomously for more than 30 days to live about 20 thousand people. The only thing that is kept secret, it is their location. Naturally, this information could not be indifferent to the local population, so the authorities were quick to call these objects "ordinary civil defense project," not worth the trouble.
Like it or not, but prudent to build an ark, which does not need, than to wait serenely Flood. Noah proved. However, this only confirms that this time the government is not inclined to dismiss prophecies that in the light of what is happening on the planet do not seem empty. But why territorial threat to Russia? But with it.
Our readers have probably already heard of the name Edgar Cayce. This American prophet attracts more and more attention to the extent that as a growing disillusionment with the possibility to see anything in the vague allegories of Nostradamus. In practice, it is proved that a clever medieval astrologer is nothing certain in the future, not seen, but believed in the history of recurrence, which, actually, and extrapolated into the future, as far as he knew the subject.
Naturally, something has coincided - the story really cyclical. In everyday consciousness it remains in force Baba Vanga. I suspect that we were really ingenuous visionary insight. But on a serious level, they do not take into account. But the authority of Cayce, who died in 1945, growing at least because some of the modern mathematical models suggest that his vision of the future is quite realistic. Let us briefly recall what appears quite close to the visions of the future of the American clairvoyant and healer.
England will semiflooded. Continental Europe will lie in ruins. Most of Japan will go under water. Nevada and California will disappear from the face of the Earth, except for Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and much of southern Canada, all seriously affected States. But Russia because of its successful geographical location of the accident practically does not suffer and will become waterlogged and the world a kind of dilapidated New Ark. Much of the territory of the Russian Federation is a powerful tectonic plates.
That's why you need to make sure to stay a full captain of the New Ark, not allowing it to break apart. Casey prophecies are true or not (personally, I'm inclined to think that the future of multivariate and therefore is not necessarily an option Casey materialize or materialize in full), but in a changing planet need to be ready for anything. One of our Baikal which will cost when the world will cover the global thirst!
But today Russia is threatening not only the carelessness and underestimation of some fantastic threats, but also those who can be persuaded to take action. Unfortunately, the door to the speakers have opened often peculiar. Immediately alarming sentences that begin with the words "create relevant departments and intersystem Research Center." Can you guess what it is a clone under conditions of extreme disrespect to the budgetary resources?
And not necessarily the authors of the report - behind them can already impatient crowd whale redirect cash flows. And these profess the principle of "after us the deluge!", Which in a real threat of the flood becomes particularly sinister form, is not it? In order to provide the necessary measures are already serious organization, that even under the personal responsibility will be engaged!
It seems, after all, it's time to ...
Author - Andrei Davydov, "Our Time", Rostov-on-Don, via
In the case of the tragedy arises chaos, which can take advantage of our closest neighbors ...

Contrary to custom, the avalanche of expectations of the apocalypse did not stop after the round date in 2000. Was slowed down due to loss of reference points, it again fell on our heads, come to an understanding on the year 2012 - the alleged end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. But it is, so to speak, the mainstream. Delta predictions is growing, but in a mystical other sleeve trying to find scientific coast.
Someone grabs fatal Nibiru or some cosmic rays, and someone breaks into a plausible explanation for a magnetic field, a change which threatens to very serious challenges. But the fact is that even scientists, to build a serious hypothesis, ultimately forced to guess, because simply did not possess all the necessary information.
What are some science yet only guess, but what else does not even know. So willy-nilly, the field is coming Armageddon for visionaries, did not have time to lose its credibility. Before them respectfully fall silent, waiting to see when you can catch them in quackery. And for this it is necessary to at least go through their predictions.

Meanwhile, nuclear earthquake in Japan, which, incidentally, did not stop, the world has made a deeper impression than the usual long-Shooting Stars fried prophecies. "According to the" Companion ", the table leaders of the country had already gone to a confidential report on priority measures for responding to global environmental changes. At the summit he was treated over carefully ».
In particular, a lot of attention in the report is given to climate change, the main sign of which becomes established the disappearance of the Gulf Stream. Russia - and not only it - will have to get used to the heat waves that would be normal in the next decade.
- This is aggravated by a sharp reduction in drinking water supplies. The area of Arctic sea ice is now 43% less than in 1979. Melting glaciers and mountains, - he says one of the report's authors, Oleg Osobenkov, Colonel-General, in the recent past, the deputy director of the FSB. - In the next 15-20 years, the water will become one of the most popular strategic products on the planet, for which international conflicts may start ...

At the beginning of last year was made public a report of an international group of scientists. According to calculations of the geophysicists, the core of the planet is not as stable as previously thought, in recent years it has begun to actively change its shape. All of this has an impact on climate and the biosphere (the birds here are dying mysteriously). Seismic activity is increasing, even in a stable tectonic point of view of regions, wake up volcanoes, dormant for thousands of years.

But the greatest threat is underground supervolcanoes. The recently discovered two new - not far from Naples, and near the Greek island of Kos. The most dangerous supervolcano under Yellowstone Park in the United States - where the land rises markedly and is heated. According to science, supervolcano eruptions happen about once in 50,000 years. The latter was in Indonesia 75,000 years ago. So consider ...
In 1993, marine geophysicists aboard the research vessel Melville found 1 133 previously unsupported on the map undersea volcano off the coast of Easter Island. Some of them increased by one and a half miles above the ocean floor, but most were still half a mile below the water surface. All this is a relatively small area of 55 thousand sq. Miles, which corresponds to the size of New York State.

- The US and the UK have already been created and operate agencies on climate change, but Russia is not ready for disasters - worrying report co-author Vladimir Schegortsov, head of the Agency for Strategic Analysis. - In the case of the tragedy arises chaos, which can take advantage of our closest neighbors, to establish control over a part of our territory ... Sensitive study such scenarios are available. We must realize this.
Excuse me, but if climate change will become catastrophic, perhaps insidious neighbors, even better prepared, will not head busy with their own problems? And here, it seems, and the fun begins. It seems that this time the ruling circles of many countries are alarmed in earnest - and quietly, but thoroughly prepared to survive the impending end of the world.

For example, in China built a huge shelter that strangeness is scheduled to be completed in 2012. And on the website of the government of Shanghai, it was reported that by the end of 2012 will be built 3-seekers an area more than 20 thousand sq. M. m. They will be able to completely autonomously for more than 30 days to live about 20 thousand people. The only thing that is kept secret, it is their location. Naturally, this information could not be indifferent to the local population, so the authorities were quick to call these objects "ordinary civil defense project," not worth the trouble.

Like it or not, but prudent to build an ark, which does not need, than to wait serenely Flood. Noah proved. However, this only confirms that this time the government is not inclined to dismiss prophecies that in the light of what is happening on the planet do not seem empty. But why territorial threat to Russia? But with it.
Our readers have probably already heard of the name Edgar Cayce. This American prophet attracts more and more attention to the extent that as a growing disillusionment with the possibility to see anything in the vague allegories of Nostradamus. In practice, it is proved that a clever medieval astrologer is nothing certain in the future, not seen, but believed in the history of recurrence, which, actually, and extrapolated into the future, as far as he knew the subject.

Naturally, something has coincided - the story really cyclical. In everyday consciousness it remains in force Baba Vanga. I suspect that we were really ingenuous visionary insight. But on a serious level, they do not take into account. But the authority of Cayce, who died in 1945, growing at least because some of the modern mathematical models suggest that his vision of the future is quite realistic. Let us briefly recall what appears quite close to the visions of the future of the American clairvoyant and healer.
England will semiflooded. Continental Europe will lie in ruins. Most of Japan will go under water. Nevada and California will disappear from the face of the Earth, except for Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and much of southern Canada, all seriously affected States. But Russia because of its successful geographical location of the accident practically does not suffer and will become waterlogged and the world a kind of dilapidated New Ark. Much of the territory of the Russian Federation is a powerful tectonic plates.

That's why you need to make sure to stay a full captain of the New Ark, not allowing it to break apart. Casey prophecies are true or not (personally, I'm inclined to think that the future of multivariate and therefore is not necessarily an option Casey materialize or materialize in full), but in a changing planet need to be ready for anything. One of our Baikal which will cost when the world will cover the global thirst!

But today Russia is threatening not only the carelessness and underestimation of some fantastic threats, but also those who can be persuaded to take action. Unfortunately, the door to the speakers have opened often peculiar. Immediately alarming sentences that begin with the words "create relevant departments and intersystem Research Center." Can you guess what it is a clone under conditions of extreme disrespect to the budgetary resources?
And not necessarily the authors of the report - behind them can already impatient crowd whale redirect cash flows. And these profess the principle of "after us the deluge!", Which in a real threat of the flood becomes particularly sinister form, is not it? In order to provide the necessary measures are already serious organization, that even under the personal responsibility will be engaged!
It seems, after all, it's time to ...
Author - Andrei Davydov, "Our Time", Rostov-on-Don, via
