Lisapet for Vityuhi
"Three days in Kozulskoy area looking 12-year-old boy
He went into the forest for wild garlic - wanted to earn money to repair the bike.
To find Victor Ptashinskogo hooked rescuers, military and even unmanned aerial vehicle. We found the missing forty kilometers from home.
Now, looking at his son, Olga sighs of relief, despite the fact that he - burns on the hands, feet calloused and cold on the lips. But this is nonsense, says the woman, in comparison with what has gone through a few days ago. On Saturday, barely dawn, Victor went into the taiga. He promised to come back for dinner, but even in the evening does not appear.
ELENA Ivanitskaya, Reporter: "In the forest Victor went for the sake of an old bicycle. He broke the rear wheel. The boy thought that pick wild garlic, sell, and used the money to buy the necessary parts ».
According to estimates, it needed to repair the wheel 350 rubles. Or 30 bunches of wild garlic. After earning the right amount, turned home. However, I realized he was lost. [next]
VICTOR PTASHINSKY "Leaving began the road, and not come out. I understand that it is not that way. Because there were many mountains. Then he went on the road, the mountains almost all bypassed. Ramson left. By the evening hut made. Two trees stood, I put a zherdinu them, overlaid on the sides, then fir branches obkidal. And at the bottom put a fir branch, to be well ».
Wild garlic ate and drank water from a key. Relatives at the time did not find the place itself. In taiga Victor often ran alone. But I always come back. What could happen this time, the mother was afraid even to imagine.
Olga Knyazev, Victor's mother: "I think coming back, waiting. Then I had to call the police on the same day, on Saturday. Then the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived and searched for all these days ».
The search continued for almost three days. Combed every corner. Even the military called for help - only to their all-terrain vehicles could go deep into the taiga. Rises into the sky search drones.
CYRIL Nozdrachyov, chief of staff of ATS Kozulsky District: "Scour the array size at 15 kilometers in depth. On the second day has been extended search. Our group went to the area, there is also carried out a search. And I discovered he was here - it is 40 kilometers from the village of Old Kozulka ».
Vitya found in the forester's lodge - it he came on the second night. From the walk in the woods boy Meester feet, hands burned when a fire to keep warm. Now, in the hospital, but he regrets only one thing - that have not earned money for the wheel.
TV channel "Yenisei-Region" from 18.05. 2011 »
That this news to residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory told last week the edge TV channel "Yenisei region." The news is not sensational - you never know, we lost in the taiga people / Most of them, fortunately, are our valiant rescuers, regardless of time and costs. But attentive viewers and readers may have noticed Yap motivation hike into the forest of a boy with subsequent misadventures: he desperately needed 350 rubles to replace the broken wheel on his old "lisapete" and open it finally katatelny season.
But the money the boy was nowhere to take: many live in the village of Krasnoyarsk total poverty, because conscientious kid Victor Ptashinsky hesitate to ask for money from their parents, which they have already anything is not enough. He did not go to steal or rob, and decided to make an honest living these most unfortunate of 350 rubles, which in other families (well, what there to hide, as we have, and such) and for the money is not considered. Yes, that's a little bit unlucky guy, he lost his way in the forest, almost died and eventually thundered to the hospital. And most of all Vitya this story upset that his first business experience ended in failure, and he was left with nothing, that is, with a broken bike.
Agree, it would be terribly unfair if this guy's dream remained unfulfilled. So happy ending to our story is still there. Featured on television story about Vitya Ptashinskogo touched many of Krasnoyarsk. And he now has as many as two good bicycle. One brought from the village Emelyanovo cute fourteen girl Tanya Shamin, another completely new, handed Krasnoyarka named Svetlana.
One of the cars Vityuha decided to give her younger sister, and left for a run-in could not resist and in the courtyard of the district hospital, where now heal their physical wounds. Spiritual, hopefully, he did not have, and it will grow a great guy, which we have lacked.
© umorat
He went into the forest for wild garlic - wanted to earn money to repair the bike.
To find Victor Ptashinskogo hooked rescuers, military and even unmanned aerial vehicle. We found the missing forty kilometers from home.
Now, looking at his son, Olga sighs of relief, despite the fact that he - burns on the hands, feet calloused and cold on the lips. But this is nonsense, says the woman, in comparison with what has gone through a few days ago. On Saturday, barely dawn, Victor went into the taiga. He promised to come back for dinner, but even in the evening does not appear.
ELENA Ivanitskaya, Reporter: "In the forest Victor went for the sake of an old bicycle. He broke the rear wheel. The boy thought that pick wild garlic, sell, and used the money to buy the necessary parts ».
According to estimates, it needed to repair the wheel 350 rubles. Or 30 bunches of wild garlic. After earning the right amount, turned home. However, I realized he was lost. [next]
VICTOR PTASHINSKY "Leaving began the road, and not come out. I understand that it is not that way. Because there were many mountains. Then he went on the road, the mountains almost all bypassed. Ramson left. By the evening hut made. Two trees stood, I put a zherdinu them, overlaid on the sides, then fir branches obkidal. And at the bottom put a fir branch, to be well ».
Wild garlic ate and drank water from a key. Relatives at the time did not find the place itself. In taiga Victor often ran alone. But I always come back. What could happen this time, the mother was afraid even to imagine.
Olga Knyazev, Victor's mother: "I think coming back, waiting. Then I had to call the police on the same day, on Saturday. Then the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived and searched for all these days ».
The search continued for almost three days. Combed every corner. Even the military called for help - only to their all-terrain vehicles could go deep into the taiga. Rises into the sky search drones.
CYRIL Nozdrachyov, chief of staff of ATS Kozulsky District: "Scour the array size at 15 kilometers in depth. On the second day has been extended search. Our group went to the area, there is also carried out a search. And I discovered he was here - it is 40 kilometers from the village of Old Kozulka ».
Vitya found in the forester's lodge - it he came on the second night. From the walk in the woods boy Meester feet, hands burned when a fire to keep warm. Now, in the hospital, but he regrets only one thing - that have not earned money for the wheel.
TV channel "Yenisei-Region" from 18.05. 2011 »
That this news to residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory told last week the edge TV channel "Yenisei region." The news is not sensational - you never know, we lost in the taiga people / Most of them, fortunately, are our valiant rescuers, regardless of time and costs. But attentive viewers and readers may have noticed Yap motivation hike into the forest of a boy with subsequent misadventures: he desperately needed 350 rubles to replace the broken wheel on his old "lisapete" and open it finally katatelny season.
But the money the boy was nowhere to take: many live in the village of Krasnoyarsk total poverty, because conscientious kid Victor Ptashinsky hesitate to ask for money from their parents, which they have already anything is not enough. He did not go to steal or rob, and decided to make an honest living these most unfortunate of 350 rubles, which in other families (well, what there to hide, as we have, and such) and for the money is not considered. Yes, that's a little bit unlucky guy, he lost his way in the forest, almost died and eventually thundered to the hospital. And most of all Vitya this story upset that his first business experience ended in failure, and he was left with nothing, that is, with a broken bike.
Agree, it would be terribly unfair if this guy's dream remained unfulfilled. So happy ending to our story is still there. Featured on television story about Vitya Ptashinskogo touched many of Krasnoyarsk. And he now has as many as two good bicycle. One brought from the village Emelyanovo cute fourteen girl Tanya Shamin, another completely new, handed Krasnoyarka named Svetlana.
One of the cars Vityuha decided to give her younger sister, and left for a run-in could not resist and in the courtyard of the district hospital, where now heal their physical wounds. Spiritual, hopefully, he did not have, and it will grow a great guy, which we have lacked.
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