Kiev ekoposelentsy
Olga and Peter Rajewski began 8 years ago ekoposelentsami. From Kiev they moved to the village of Daisies Myronivsky district, Kyiv region. Barefoot, bare bathe in the lake, sleeping in the street and do not weed the weeds in the garden.
9 photo and text by Svetlana Korzhenko
02. "After marrying Peter lived in Kiev, he worked as a surgeon, and I was a lawyer. I was disappointed in this profession. I understood that in order to become a good lawyer, one must often tell lies, to cheat, to become cynical and brutal. Peter did not want to work on a specialty. He said to me: "Here I am cured man. It does not change anything in their lives and come back with the same problem. "
03. At first thought to move abroad.
04. "But one man, who previously worked in chamomile assistant beekeeper, told us about the village. We lit up. After some time, packed up and moved, "- said Olga Raevskaya.
05. "settled in an empty house, when I saw him the first time, was shocked. In it three years no one lived in was full of rats. I imagined a fairy tale - a wooden house, tidy streets. In fact, it was not so ... Almost a year doing repair ", - she added.
06. Rajewski not go to work. The shops do not buy anything.
07. "In the vegetable garden to grow vegetables. In winter, dry the apples, mulberries, plums and apricots. Harvested mushrooms. Teeth clean white clay, which take in the river. My head decoction of herbs or egg yolk and yogurt. The clothes do not buy. With us in times past, and it has accumulated so much. "
08. Olga and Peter a daughter Uliana. This year, the girl has been first class.
09. "Recently went with her to the country to our parents. Ulyana did not like it ... On the second day, she wants to go home. "
9 photo and text by Svetlana Korzhenko

02. "After marrying Peter lived in Kiev, he worked as a surgeon, and I was a lawyer. I was disappointed in this profession. I understood that in order to become a good lawyer, one must often tell lies, to cheat, to become cynical and brutal. Peter did not want to work on a specialty. He said to me: "Here I am cured man. It does not change anything in their lives and come back with the same problem. "

03. At first thought to move abroad.

04. "But one man, who previously worked in chamomile assistant beekeeper, told us about the village. We lit up. After some time, packed up and moved, "- said Olga Raevskaya.

05. "settled in an empty house, when I saw him the first time, was shocked. In it three years no one lived in was full of rats. I imagined a fairy tale - a wooden house, tidy streets. In fact, it was not so ... Almost a year doing repair ", - she added.

06. Rajewski not go to work. The shops do not buy anything.

07. "In the vegetable garden to grow vegetables. In winter, dry the apples, mulberries, plums and apricots. Harvested mushrooms. Teeth clean white clay, which take in the river. My head decoction of herbs or egg yolk and yogurt. The clothes do not buy. With us in times past, and it has accumulated so much. "

08. Olga and Peter a daughter Uliana. This year, the girl has been first class.

09. "Recently went with her to the country to our parents. Ulyana did not like it ... On the second day, she wants to go home. "
