Installation of air conditioning in pictures
Due to the heat of show and tell in pictures how to properly put the air conditioning))) Been waiting for a similar theme, but no one has deigned so myself)))) This topic is not an instruction for self-installation of air conditioning.
Let's begin, sir.
1. First, there is a mounting plate on the wall. The connection is performed on the level, that hung horizontally. If there is horizontal, the condensate formed in the block will not be poured out through the drainage channel, and you will fill an entire wall.
2. The marking is done under the hole in the wall. just below the fixed bag from the air conditioner, to avoid soiling the wall when drilling.
3. The planned opening for the drilling and crop the wallpaper, so that when drilling them nafig not gutted.
4. The drill hole big punchers. In this case, a small air conditioner, so drill drill 34mm diameter. A less labor-intensive and more accurate. In other cases, drill drill 55mm diameter.
5. As you can see, after the drilling is not particularly a lot of dirt and dust, and the walls are clean.
6. The mark and set the brackets under the outdoor unit.
7. The track is prepared with two copper pipes of appropriate diameter are dressed in a special heat and moisture insulation called Termafleks. The beam is conjoined interconnect cable for transmitting power and signals to the indoor unit on the outside and vice versa. The track is wrapped in Teflon tape for easy passage through the hole in the wall, and of further damage to the smaller of the weather conditions.
8. The finished track.
9. The outdoor unit is installed on the bracket, 4 bolts 13 with nuts and washers.
10. While one securing the unit, the second pushes shook the track into the hole and podgotvalivaet for connection to the outdoor unit.
11. All must be connected to the outdoor unit.
12. Getting to the indoor unit: We connect the copper tubing to the unit, connect the drain tube in the block with our tube (metal and plastic to 16mm) stick to the wall for the drain from the indoor unit. We connect interconnect cable from outdoor advertising to ext. block.
13. When the units are connected copper pipes, proceed to the evacuation path. It is done to check for leaks and moisture removal from the circuit, as moisture is detrimental effect on the internal part of the unit, first and foremost, the compressor and the oil inside the unit. Manifold connected at one end to a vacuum pump, and the other end to the service port on the outdoor unit air conditioner. Evacuate must be 10-20 minutes in dry weather.
14. The vacuum pump itself. Of course, a two-step))
15. Fully connected and ready to work outdoor unit air conditioner.
16. On request, the outdoor unit is placed on a special vandal grille.
17. The indoor unit is installed and fully operational.
Let's begin, sir.
1. First, there is a mounting plate on the wall. The connection is performed on the level, that hung horizontally. If there is horizontal, the condensate formed in the block will not be poured out through the drainage channel, and you will fill an entire wall.

2. The marking is done under the hole in the wall. just below the fixed bag from the air conditioner, to avoid soiling the wall when drilling.

3. The planned opening for the drilling and crop the wallpaper, so that when drilling them nafig not gutted.

4. The drill hole big punchers. In this case, a small air conditioner, so drill drill 34mm diameter. A less labor-intensive and more accurate. In other cases, drill drill 55mm diameter.

5. As you can see, after the drilling is not particularly a lot of dirt and dust, and the walls are clean.

6. The mark and set the brackets under the outdoor unit.

7. The track is prepared with two copper pipes of appropriate diameter are dressed in a special heat and moisture insulation called Termafleks. The beam is conjoined interconnect cable for transmitting power and signals to the indoor unit on the outside and vice versa. The track is wrapped in Teflon tape for easy passage through the hole in the wall, and of further damage to the smaller of the weather conditions.

8. The finished track.

9. The outdoor unit is installed on the bracket, 4 bolts 13 with nuts and washers.

10. While one securing the unit, the second pushes shook the track into the hole and podgotvalivaet for connection to the outdoor unit.

11. All must be connected to the outdoor unit.

12. Getting to the indoor unit: We connect the copper tubing to the unit, connect the drain tube in the block with our tube (metal and plastic to 16mm) stick to the wall for the drain from the indoor unit. We connect interconnect cable from outdoor advertising to ext. block.

13. When the units are connected copper pipes, proceed to the evacuation path. It is done to check for leaks and moisture removal from the circuit, as moisture is detrimental effect on the internal part of the unit, first and foremost, the compressor and the oil inside the unit. Manifold connected at one end to a vacuum pump, and the other end to the service port on the outdoor unit air conditioner. Evacuate must be 10-20 minutes in dry weather.

14. The vacuum pump itself. Of course, a two-step))

15. Fully connected and ready to work outdoor unit air conditioner.

16. On request, the outdoor unit is placed on a special vandal grille.

17. The indoor unit is installed and fully operational.
