10 randomly invented products
1. The first popsicle.
In 1905, 11 year-old Frank Epperson had forgotten his device for the production of soda in the street. The next day, he found the frozen sweet mixture, which was the first ice cream popsicle.
2. The remedy for baldness.
This tool was accidentally discovered, after using an experimental drug to reduce the pressure. "Side effects" or, so to speak, an added bonus was the improvement of the patient's hair.
3. Cookies with chocolate chips.
The owner of the restaurant Toll House Inn, in Veykfielde, Massachusetts, was going to cook a chocolate dessert for the guests, but in the process of preparation, not melted chocolate chips. Guests came to the delight of cookies with chocolate flakes.
4. Microwave.
In 1945, an engineer working for the company Raytheon, noticed that sweet, located in his pocket had melted during his work with the magnetron device, which was used in military radar systems. Realizing that the radar "preparing" him candy, Percy Spencer developed the first microwave oven, the height of 5 feet.
5. Fireworks.
Fireworks originated in China 2000 years ago. According to legend, they were invented by accident some chef who mixed charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter.
6. Air soap.
In 1879, the man responsible for the production of soap in the company Procter and Gamble, has reached an impasse on the issue of innovation. Once he went to dinner, forgetting to turn off the mixer for soap, and more air got into the party of pure soap, which the company sold under the name The White Soap. Fearing to admit error, the developer left everything in secret, and sent a party of customers from all over the world. Soon, customers began to ask, but rather require air soap. When the company learned all, the product has become the most popular in their range. He would have called - Ivory Soap.
7. Viagra.
Viagra was invented by scientists develop medicines for patients with heart disease. But as a result of blood began to flow not to the top, and suddenly down. The tool has been salutary for men with erectile dysfunction.
8. Plasticine.
Originally developed as a means for cleaning wallpaper.
9. Potato Chips.
In 1853, chef George Crum was so angry client who constantly sent the chips to the kitchen, saying, "it is not enough crisp" that cut it into very thin slices and fry. Crispy potato chips instantly became a popular snack in New England and received the name "Saratoga Chips", in honor of the city, which were invented. 10. Coffee.
According to legend, Calden, abbisiansky shepherd noticed his sheep are currently very excited after the feast by some red berries. Shepherd he decided to try this unusual, and found a pleasant change of mood and the flow forces. After the incident, the berries were brought to the village, where they were first brewed in water.
In 1905, 11 year-old Frank Epperson had forgotten his device for the production of soda in the street. The next day, he found the frozen sweet mixture, which was the first ice cream popsicle.

2. The remedy for baldness.
This tool was accidentally discovered, after using an experimental drug to reduce the pressure. "Side effects" or, so to speak, an added bonus was the improvement of the patient's hair.

3. Cookies with chocolate chips.
The owner of the restaurant Toll House Inn, in Veykfielde, Massachusetts, was going to cook a chocolate dessert for the guests, but in the process of preparation, not melted chocolate chips. Guests came to the delight of cookies with chocolate flakes.

4. Microwave.
In 1945, an engineer working for the company Raytheon, noticed that sweet, located in his pocket had melted during his work with the magnetron device, which was used in military radar systems. Realizing that the radar "preparing" him candy, Percy Spencer developed the first microwave oven, the height of 5 feet.

5. Fireworks.
Fireworks originated in China 2000 years ago. According to legend, they were invented by accident some chef who mixed charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter.

6. Air soap.
In 1879, the man responsible for the production of soap in the company Procter and Gamble, has reached an impasse on the issue of innovation. Once he went to dinner, forgetting to turn off the mixer for soap, and more air got into the party of pure soap, which the company sold under the name The White Soap. Fearing to admit error, the developer left everything in secret, and sent a party of customers from all over the world. Soon, customers began to ask, but rather require air soap. When the company learned all, the product has become the most popular in their range. He would have called - Ivory Soap.

7. Viagra.
Viagra was invented by scientists develop medicines for patients with heart disease. But as a result of blood began to flow not to the top, and suddenly down. The tool has been salutary for men with erectile dysfunction.

8. Plasticine.
Originally developed as a means for cleaning wallpaper.

9. Potato Chips.
In 1853, chef George Crum was so angry client who constantly sent the chips to the kitchen, saying, "it is not enough crisp" that cut it into very thin slices and fry. Crispy potato chips instantly became a popular snack in New England and received the name "Saratoga Chips", in honor of the city, which were invented. 10. Coffee.
According to legend, Calden, abbisiansky shepherd noticed his sheep are currently very excited after the feast by some red berries. Shepherd he decided to try this unusual, and found a pleasant change of mood and the flow forces. After the incident, the berries were brought to the village, where they were first brewed in water.
